Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2647: 2648 invisible people 2

Ye Shaoyang no matter, continue to recite the curse, suddenly, as if there is a light passing through the gods, the whole world is bright, and as the light disappears, everything in front of it is gradually clear, Ye Shaoyang floats in the air, looking left and right There was nothing in the flood and quicksand, and the cave in front of it was still very good. It was still standing under the manhole cover, and everything has not changed.

Sure enough, it is an illusion.

Ye Shaoyang did not dare to delay, flew up, this time without being hit by the manhole cover, flew directly up and fled back to his body.

"Mom is an egg, almost hung up!" Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, and was coughed up by the strong smell of the body in the air, so he got up and took everyone to leave the stone room, breathing fresh air, slowing down. I will tell myself about the experience below.

Everyone was stunned.

"There are actually evil things that can perceive your gods, but can also cast spells on the gods?" The four treasures asked indisputably.

Ye Shaoyang nodded. "It’s almost gone."

Wu Jiawei said: "These are not said. Just say how he knows your name. Listening to that meaning is very familiar to you."

Ye Shaoyang was sulking and not talking. He could not answer this question.

Lao Guodao: "Shaoyang, is it possible that this guy is not in the tomb, but is coming with us..."

Ye Shaoyang glanced and frowned at him.

"It is also possible that we are not following us, but we have been here, but we know you." When it comes to this old Guo, he lowers his voice and says, "What is the shadow man, the protection of the Holy Spirit, or you forgot?"

Ye Shaoyang certainly did not forget, twice dealt with the deal, have not been able to take advantage of this shadow under the hands of men, from then on, Ye Shaoyang is also to improve prevention, but that shadow has never appeared, and one heart to go to Tian Aoshan rescue Cold jade, it is to leave the shadow of the things behind.

Four treasures said in the past: "To say that is the shadow, it is also consistent, he was invisible, goat, did you pay attention to see if there is any shadow under your feet?"

"This is forgotten." Ye Shaoyang carefully recalled the process of fighting underneath. If it was the shadow... This is not his battle routine. The first two shadows did not use illusion, and why he could imitate Your own voice, why should you do this?

Suddenly thought of what the other party said before, Ye Shaoyang judged: "There is one thing to be sure, he is definitely not a human being, or he will not say the kind of ridicule of human life. If it is really a shadow, it comes from Xuanyuan Mountain, but it also meets... ..."

Four treasures: "Yes, this also proves that the nest of the Holy Spirit will be in this ancient tomb."

The pony listened faintly and asked what the shadow was. He did not care about him. So he went around Wu Jiawei and Wu Jiawei had to say it briefly.

After listening to the pony, he shouted his sleeves and said: "Rely on, what kind of shadows, and so on, Laozi’s bricks gave him a stupid ratio."

Ye Shaoyang whited him and said: "It will brag, you are a ghost now, can you pick up the bricks?"

Sibao smirked and said: "When I am really playing, I will let you see and see."

Lao Guodao: "Let's go first, take the tools back, arrange them again, and then discuss how to get down the tomb."

Everyone got up and walked back together.

"Don't move!"

In the grass dozens of meters away from the opposite side, suddenly stood up a few people, all of them were police officers with big caps. One of them was still a woman. She took the lead and sneered on her face. She looked at Ye Shaoyang and said: "You are Who, what are you doing here?"

Ye Shaoyang and his party were a little unprepared. Where did these policemen emerge?

"After falling out of love, I can't do it, can I break the law?" Lao Guo raised his eyebrows and said with a slick tone.


The policewoman sneered, went forward to the door of your house, looked inside, and said: "Of course, you can do it, but don't destroy the public property?"


"And this is not just a public property. Here is an ancient tomb. It is a key cultural relics protection unit. Do you want to steal the tomb?"

"It's not what we did. We came here." Lao Guo squinted and said, "What evidence do you have for us?"

The policewoman shook his mobile phone in his hand and sneered: "We have been following you all the time. I have just photographed the whole process of your crimes. What is it, now I want to deny it?"

"Misunderstanding. All are misunderstandings." Laoqiu rushed out to play round the field. "I am Laoqiu, I am very familiar with your team leader, Lao Chen, you all know..."

The policewoman glanced at him and said: "You are talking about the Chen Datou of the branch. Sorry, I am the city criminal police detachment. I am the captain Liu Qi. I am directly responsible for this case. I want to take the relationship but it is useless. of."

Ye Shaoyang asked: "You track what we do, we are not criminals."

"From the hotel, we will follow you, I want to know why, go back to the police station." The policewoman turned her head and said to several colleagues: "Take away!"


Several people shook hands together.

Ye Shaoyang’s eyes were cold, and he was not afraid to be brought back. Since these policemen came along with them all the way, they must be for the tombs. They only had to have eight sons and give themselves a horse.

This is their usual means. Ye Shaoyang is not resentful, but it is still very resistant to wearing handcuffs. Now he said to the policewoman: "The people do not say whispers, you want to talk about things, I know, but the handcuffs are free. I am not used to wearing that."

The policewoman looked at him. "Now you are a criminal suspect. Do you want to talk about conditions?"

"Small leaves, do you want me to shoot..."

The pony posted in Ye Shaoyang’s ear.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. He didn't want to make things so big. He pressed his emotions and said to the policewoman: "We don't run. If we want to cooperate, we will give a face."

The policewoman took a step forward and her expression was slightly majestic. She said slowly: "If you don't give it, do you want to attack the police?"

Ye Shaoyang had his back in the back and made a hands-on gesture to the pony.

The pony was willing to fly, and immediately flew over, attached to the policewoman.

The policewoman was awkward, and Yang Shaoyang threw a wink.

On the side of the police, the captain did not move, and came forward to ask if they would forcibly torture them.

The policewoman turned to Ye Shaoyang and came to Ye Shaoyang. One hand was on the shoulder of Ye Shaoyang, and she whipped up her mouth. Chong Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "You are so handsome, go to my house at night."

Several police officers were forced on the spot, looking at each other and not believing in their ears.

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