Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2653: 2654 South Sea Princess 2

The wind took out the token and rushed across the street. A long-lasting luster, flowing down from the token, formed a golden flower on top.

After waiting for a long time, there was no response, and the wind couldn’t help but say:

"I know that you are all the soldiers who followed the four-party battle with Zhong Tianshi. You will not even know that he will not know the tigers?"

There was a sneer in the dense fog in the distance.

"I am waiting for the Tianhai Shenbing. Within the Three Realms, only one general is the general, but the Nanhai Spring Eye is of great importance. Zhong Tianshi allows us to keep it. Naturally, we must be worthy of the general. The Princess of the Pepper is a first-class criminal, imprisoned. Here, can you meet each other casually? Although you have a token, I am waiting to know how you are doing what you are going to do? To see the princess of the pepper, you must have the official text of the master of the clock before you can release it."

The man just finished, and a slightly squeaky voice sounded on the side:

"The sea is forbidden, if you go one step further, even if there are thousands of skills, you have to fall into the soul, and don't quit quickly!"

The road wind was silent for a moment, saying: "I was ordered to see the princess, not seeing her, naturally will not go back."

"Let's relax!! I am above the sea rock, the grass is not standing, see you are the special envoy of Zhong Tianshi, this is a good word to persuade, not to quickly retreat, really want me to open the law, kill you not?"

"I didn't see the princess, I won't go." Daofeng is still this sentence.


The voice just fell, and the light beams of the spears around him suddenly started together, and they pricked down the wind in all directions, covering all angles that he could escape.

Hey! Oh...

The road wind was really tied into a hedgehog.

After a few seconds, the body of the wind melted and turned into a mass of breath.

"This is a avatar!!"

In the thick fog, a general wearing a hyperthyroidism screamed. In the next second, he suddenly felt the wind on his head and looked up. A huge square of the big square was smashing from the top of his head.

So fast speed...

Under the horror of this general, he violently pulled out the saber and slashed it over the big print above the head.


The saber made by the mysterious iron has smothered the big seal, but the general's thick arm is shaking and almost unable to support it.

A few people on the side have come back to God and practice together. When more than ten kinds of weapons have been enraged against Dafa, the situation suddenly changes. Everyone is about to counterattack. This big seal suddenly flips up and down, releasing two red and white auras. Blending with each other, constantly resolving the spiritual power of their weapons.

However, in the blink of an eye, the pressure was again generated, and it was strengthened several times in a flash. Under the suffocating pressure, several soldiers were first shaken out, and finally there was only one general left, in a hurry. In the left hand food, the second finger was inserted into the right arm, and a blood came out on the time and sprinkled on his saber.

The sabers were so hot as a fire, and the flames of a stock sizzled at the bottom of the big seal, and the two forces consumed each other.

An old man with a military officer on the side, handcuffs and beards, staring at the big seal in the hands of the wind, the eyes are getting smaller and smaller, suddenly slamming open, and screaming: "This is Fan Tianyin! Who are you? ?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone who heard it was shocked, and Fan Tianyin, this is the rumor of the first sacred sacred sect of the sacred sacred sect!

Especially the general who was using a saber to fight against Fan Tianyin, knowing that he was in opposition to Fan Tianyin, the momentum was weakly instinctively weakened, the wind caught the change, and one raised, Fan Tianyin instantly saw the knife The bomb flew out and slammed down his head.

The generals were shocked, the body was short, and they rushed out toward the rear very quickly. They almost avoided the fate of being crushed into meatloaf. However, this confrontation was lost, and the loser was like this. Wolverine.

"Come, come on!" The general snorted.

The road wind only saw the dense fog around it flowing immediately. Suddenly, the same light beam as the previous spear shot from all directions, the wind and the shadows swayed into the crowd, and the 10,000 beams of light immediately shot.

After the wind enters the crowd, it is not played with people. It only travels around in the middle. Those beams can not grow their eyes. Under the burst, most of them fall on these innocent soldiers. This beam is powerful. The human body passes through, and immediately the soul flies and turns into a fine...

Seeing the companions around me die, these soldiers are even more afraid of the light beam, go around and avoid it. In this way, they will give more opportunities to the wind, mixed in the crowd, and use their body to avoid the light beam. As a result, he is fine. The soldiers were shot one by one. The flying fine did not fly to the gloomy, but flew into the bottom of the island and went into the spring.

"Quickly stop!" The old man in the military uniform shouted, and took a piece of sheepskin roll without a word from his sleeve, and quickly wrote something with his finger on it, then threw it out.

The sheepskin rolls flew over the head of the road, and all the beams were absorbed. The original word-free sheepskin rolls gradually appeared in the golden handwriting, as if the beams were the words on the sheepskin roll.

The wind station did not move.

The old man grabbed the sheepskin roll in his hand and looked up and down the wind. He said, "Who are you?"

"Maoshan disciple is a wind."

"Maoshan disciple?" The old man did not hear the name of the wind, only because they lived on this sea rock island for too long and too long, dust is here, basically nothing happened in the three realms in the past 100 years. know. But the name of Maoshan, they naturally heard it.

"Women's disciple, why is it a special envoy of Zhong Tianshi?"

"Being trusted by others." Daofeng looked at him and smiled. "You don't know me, but I know you. You are the rushing son of the Southern Song Dynasty. The founder of the gods, you have created an extremely powerful one." The spell is called "God Five Thunder". After you have emerged, you will get acquainted with Zhong Tianshi in the Yin Shi, and follow him to the north to fight as a military division. More than a hundred years ago, the princess was suppressed here, you are resident. Practice here, no matter what the outside world is. What I said, right?"

Chong and Zi looked at the wind and said: "When you know my name, you should know that this Haiyan Island is not worthy of being won. Even if you cultivate it to a very deep level, you will die."

The power of the beam is strong, and the wind has long known. Therefore, after being trapped at the beginning, he always pays attention to recognizing that the rushing and the sons are talking in the dense fog, speculating on their position, and taking the opportunity to sneak up with the magical technique, which avoids the 360-degree attack. Otherwise, it is really stabbed, even if he has to lie.

"I don't accept it, come and fight again!"

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