Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2661: The 2662 leaf family descendants 1

"I heard that Longjing can continue the blood in the palace. After human swallowing, it can continuously improve the blood in the body and transform the blood of ordinary living into a congenital spirit, but really?"

The pepper figure nodded: "Yes, it has this effect, but you have no chance. This dragon crystal is only effective for ordinary people who have not passed through the meridians. Once they have opened the meridians and practiced spells, even if they only practice for one day, they are also No use."

The wind laughed and said: "I know, so I came to you to ask for a piece."

The pepper figure stunned and said: "Who do you want to use, do you find any excellent seedlings, do you want to accept the apprentice?"

"If you talk long, you don't care. Don't give it?"

The pepper figure pouted and said: "What do you want to change?"

"what would you like?"

The pepper figure swept him up and down, and said, "I haven't been rare in your body." Suddenly the eyes turned and smirked. "Tsing Yi, you let me kiss, I will give you a kiss." How are you?"

The road winds down. This requires... no one else.

“Why do you want to kiss me?” There has always been a glimpse of the cold face.

"Because, you are like me, never do things that others have forced, I want to force you to come back, just have a question, but don't misunderstand, I don't mean that to you."

After saying one step, I jumped to the front of the road and pouted. "I am wrong, I want you to kiss me."

The Dragons, who have not experienced human education, are really open.

The inner wind of the road is struggling. If you change to someone else, face such a beautiful and beautiful dragon princess, don't say kiss, it is too much demand, and there is no need to hesitate (Qing Zi: let me come!).

The style of the road is also a contemporary person. There is no concept of chastity. Besides, he is a man. Everyone has taken the initiative. He is also a chaotic ghost. He will not die when he kisses it. It’s just that the pepper figure is correct. The wind is just not I like this feeling of being forced.

The pepper figure looked at his expression, grinning and giggling, deliberately holding the neck of the road, and the mouth went up.

The road winds down and hides backwards.

The pepper figure has put his mouth in front of him.

A pleasant aroma, floating from her lips, the wind is not moving, head down, hesitating whether to push her away.

"I am like this, are you not willing to kiss me?" The pepper figure suddenly changed like a person, his eyes were a little sad, and he looked at him with some expectation, and his voice became soft and several levels.

She was just a savage girl, and suddenly she became a girl with a fascinating and slightly shy voice. Her pupil turned from blue to black. Her black pupil represents gentleness.

The wind blew a bit and squeezed out three words: "You go away."

The pepper figure trembled a little, and the smile on his face was a little stiff. "You would rather not have a dragon crystal than to kiss me?"

The wind raised his head and stared at her, still spit out the three words: "You go away!"

No one can force him to do anything.

The pepper figure shook the whole person, a touch of blood red, spread out on her dark pupil. Red eyes, representing madness.

The road did not move, and slowly said: "I came to you, I really want to ask you. If you don't give it, it is also a matter of words. Only if you don't have this brother, why is it hard to be strong?"

The pepper figure shook his head hard, the red on the eyes faded, the blue floated up, and spit out the tongue at the wind. "Small ghost! I just tempted you to see if you would do this, not bad. I told you in Tsing Yi, if you really kissed me just now, I would not give you Longjing because you can't match it."

“Really?” Daofeng asked without expression.

"... Of course." The pepper figure shook his head slightly, jumped to the wall, touched his hand on the jade wall, and reached in. When he retracted, he grabbed two pieces of gold-shaped things in his hand. Like chocolate, throw one of them to the wind. "Can you open the road now?"

"Are you gone, the spring is all right?"

"Of course it's okay, it's said to be a guardian of the spring. In fact, there is no need to guard, no one is going to destroy, and there is no old monk on the island. But I have to change clothes first."

The voice did not fall, and the pepper figure took off the clothes in the face of the wind. She wore a layer of yarn. After she took off, she lost nothing. She was not shy at all, jumped into the water, and when she came out, she wore a black leather coat, clinging to every gap in the body, inside... still nothing, the contours and bulges of the upper and lower sides. Don't be too obvious.

"This is made of suede. There are many benefits to wearing on the body. It can be changed into any clothes." The evil things in the ghost field, if you have the conditions, love to wear real-quality clothes, and never use illusion to change clothes to wear. Because many wizards and evil things can see through illusions, in their eyes, the clothes that are transformed with illusion are equal to not wearing them.

The evil spirits have the ingenuity, and they will be ashamed as human beings, and they don’t want to look at them with bare bottoms.

However, the pepper figure is a dragon. I have been here for hundreds of years. I have never touched anyone. I don’t feel this. She changed this dress just for the sake of defense and change.

The wind swept up and down, especially the parts that were more noticeable by the leather garments. They shook their heads and said, "You will be very attractive when you go to the world. You will be bothered and you will change."

“What is it like to change?”

Daofeng wanted to change her into a dress for a contemporary girl, but she didn't get a good sample. In the end, she changed her costume with the impression of human costume hundreds of years ago.

Then, the two simply discussed the way to deal with the old monk, and then the pepper figure opened the enchantment, the two came to the island, the pepper figure immediately gave the strength to eat milk (in fact, did not eat milk), flying far away go with.

The wind followed.

This is the simplest plan they have worked out: Daofeng believes that King Kong Sanzang is definitely going to chase the pepper map, and he is really a dispensable person for him. Before they stopped themselves, they just wanted to Let yourself go to see the pepper map, now the pepper figure is gone, what is the use of staying with him? He can't replace the pepper figure to guard the spring eye.

"When you come back, the poor will not stop you, just ask you a few words."

Behind him, the sound of King Kong Sanzang sounded. The road hesitated. He stopped and stood and looked at King Kong Sanzang. Seeing that he did not catch up, behind him, Chong and his son led them to look at them.

"Would you like to leave the princess?" asked the road hesitantly.

"Amitabha, the poor is here, one is the practice, the other is to guard the sea rock island, but not to guard the princess, if she wants to go, when can she, and what is the poor?"

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