Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2692: 2693 strange world 2

Where are they?

Ye Shaoyang sat on the edge of the bed in a silly manner. He calmly calmed down and decided to adjust his interest rate to recover the occluded meridians. Then he sat on the bed and began to vomit, trying to let the suffocating through the meridians, and then found that the meridians were blocked and did not have their own. It’s so serious, and it’s impossible to do it artificially. If the other person has the ability to hurt his own meridians without knowing it, then it’s better to kill himself.

Perhaps, is the result of similar side effects produced by the body in the process of crossing, because of changes in time and space?

Feeling that someone was walking outside, Ye Shaoyang ended the spit in advance, and then waited quietly for a while, the door was pushed open, and a head came in and smiled at himself. It was the seedling.

After Miao entered the house, he immediately closed the door with his backhand, then placed the oil lamp on the bedside table and walked to Ye Shaoyang, whispering: "Let Miao wait for the young master to go to bed."

"Amount, I don't want to sleep now." Ye Shaoyang quickly waved his hand.

Miao gave him a look: "I will know."

After talking about the bow, I was a little shy to untie the clothes.

This is... dry?

When Ye Shaoyang returned to God, Miao had already untied her coat. Inside was a red-bellied little apron. She was reaching out to solve the apron belt. Ye Shaoyang held her hand and said: "What are you doing!"

"Young Master, are you not wanting it?"

Want to...

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly shook his head. "No, you understand it wrong. I said that I don't sleep. It doesn't mean I think about it... you quickly put on your clothes!" She said that the clothes she took off were put back on her.

Miao Er looked pitifully at Ye Shaoyang, biting her lip and muttering: "Does Shaoyang not like Miao?"


"You used to be impatient."

Ye Shaoyang vomited blood, his eyes turned, and he held the shoulders of Miao's children. He said, "Don't worry about doing this. I am not just waking up. I don't remember anything. You have to answer some questions first, then talk about it. Anything else."

"So, the young master still likes Miao?" Miao looked at him with anticipation.

Ye Shaoyang's mouth twitched, barely perfunctory, and then asked her: "You tell me first, what is the dynasty now?"

It’s the most interesting issue for him.

"The dynasty?" Miao squinted. "What does it mean?"

Amount, there seems to be no dynasty in ancient times?

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and said: "The dynasty, it is the age, what year is this year?"

Miao still can't understand.

These words and concepts are all modern society. It is normal for her to understand.

Ye Shaoyang is quite speechless and is thinking hard about a concept that she can understand.

"What is our emperor called?"

Miao was shocked and stunned. She grabbed Ye Shaoyang's mouth and looked at the door and window very nervously. She stared at Ye Shaoyang with wide eyes and said, "Son, how can you ask such a bold question, don't kill it!" Besides, the emperor is called the emperor, what is the name."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless and thought: "There is always a year number, then what do you call him, I mean except the emperor."

"It seems that there is a name..." Miao Ertou thought for a moment, said: "But I can't remember." I thought for a long time, I couldn't think of it, suddenly I shot my thigh, let Ye Shaoyang wait, I put on my clothes and went. Going outside, after a while, holding something like a calendar back, handed it to Ye Shaoyang.

Huang Li!

Ye Shaoyang’s eyes are bright, and this girl is indeed smart. In ancient times, like the current annual calendar, the yellow calendar is also published every year, mainly for farming, with the support of the solar terms, and some good and bad. Forecasting is a must-have for home.

The most important thing is that there is a year on the yellow calendar. Ye Shaoyang got the yellow calendar and turned to the first page. At a glance, he saw a few large characters that the brush was written to indicate the year. All of a sudden, he felt that the whole person was not good.

Huang Li wrote: Da Ming Jiajing seventeen years.

Daming Dynasty, Jiajing...

Ye Shaoyang's mouth twitched. Ok, this time, but it is far enough... The last time it was the Republic of China, this time I hit the Da Ming Dynasty. Daming Dynasty! Is Jiajing the first emperor to come? Ye Shaoyang doesn't know much about history, but he also knows that it is probably hundreds of years away from his own time.

On the spot, there was a feeling of crying and tears, lying on his back.

"What happened to you, Master?" Miao asked with concern.

Ye Shaoyang ignored her and kept comforting herself in her heart. No matter how long the year of crossing, it was the same, and the brothers who passed this time had more than one room next door, and they were not injured like the last time. This is also good. At least, strength is not.

Suddenly, Ye Yangyang thought of something, reached out and touched his waist, empty, and his head blew, the belt was gone, and the backpack was gone! My own seven-star Longquan sword is gone!

These things are equivalent to their own lives!

Ye Shaoyang shuddered.

After a long while, I slowed down the gods, ignored the inquiry of Miao, forced them into the set, and then used the thoughts of God to call them up. These instruments were sacrificed by myself. They are their own real names. No matter how far, they can perceive their existence. .

Soon, I realized the location of the Qixing Longquan sword, as well as the Yinyang mirror and the Taiyi whisker. These instruments are all in the same position, far away from themselves...

Ye Shaoyang forcibly perceives and finds that his power of knowledge is not enough. It may be because of the distance, but the heart has been put down a little. At least, these instruments are in a time and space, and they have hope to find them. Moreover, these are the hexagrams that follow their own for many years. They have long been psychic, and even if they are obtained by others, they cannot sacrifice.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath. At present, the most important thing is to figure out his own situation and the reasons for his own cross. So let yourself calm down and ask Miao: "Where are we?"

"We are here in Tianfu, Master, how can you not even remember this?"

Ying Tian... Where is the day? Suzhou, Nanjing, or Hangzhou?

Ye Shaoyang racked his brains, and at this time he regretted that the history lesson was not good.

Leave this alone...

Ye Shaoyang gave up thinking and continued to ask questions about Miao, and then summed up in his mind: This is not Nanjing or Hangzhou (Miao at least knows that this is Jiangnan, and the Yangtze River passes outside the city), this era is not bad, The weather is good, especially in the big place like Tianfu, which is basically a safe and happy life.

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