Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2717: 2718魑魑1

"There is a red bar. If you drink too much, you won't get a hangover. I will buy a bottle." Xie Yuqing took the initiative and went to the supermarket to buy two bottles of red wine, poured two glasses, and chatted while drinking.

Talking about their first meeting, talking about the things they have experienced together, Xie Yuqing is more excited and more excited, pulling Ye Shaoyang to drink together, unconsciously, the two bottles of red wine are finished.

Xie Yuqing said that she had to go to the toilet. After she entered the bathroom, she didn't come out for a long time. Ye Shaoyang pushed the door in and saw that she was in the toilet, she didn't take off her clothes, and she fell asleep on the floor.

"Rain, sunny?"

Ye Shaoyang tried to wake her up. After she had been awake for a long time, she was probably swearing. In fact, Ye Shaoyang himself was a little confused. She took Xie Yuqing out and placed it on the bed. She took off her coat and covered her quilt.

In the process, Xie Yuqing never wakes up.

After waiting for her to lie down, Ye Shaoyang stood by the bed and looked at her face. She couldn’t help but want to kiss her, and when her mouth was about to stick together, Xie Yuqing suddenly spoke, whispering and saying: "Shaoyang, you I am so happy to be the first to come back to me..."

I don't know if it is a dream, or a slang with some consciousness.

Ye Shaoyang stopped her movements and stared at her face for a long time. She took a deep breath and muttered: "Unfortunately, I can only look at you like this..."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart was suddenly infinitely sentimental. In the end, she just stared at her for a moment and stood up and left. After walking to the door, reaching out to open the door, one foot has been lifted into the air, but failed to fall: after the door is opened, he sees not the living room, but the endless darkness, a pair of eyes, peeping in the darkness Be yourself,

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked at the bedroom. Everything was normal, but the door and the living room were like two worlds.

The bizarre picture in front of me gives the impression that this bedroom is floating in midair.

Sorcerer, chaotic void.

Ye Shaoyang rushed to the window one step at a time, and opened the curtains to see it. The outside was the same. It was endless darkness, and clearly defined the existence of this room.

Ye Shaoyang squeezed a charm on his left hand and shot it out in the void outside the window. The charm burned, and the dark red light was released. The void was illuminated for a moment, and he could see four shadows in the distance of chaos.

Four people, tall and thin, are different.

The person is not good!

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and retreated to Xie Yuqing. He raised his hand and played eight charms, arranged in the air into a gossip position and landed on the ground together.

"The eight gates are falling, the fire is clear! The old man is in a hurry as a law!"

Ye Shaoyang's finger flew out a handful of five emperors, and it fell accurately on the eight charms. The spirits burned together, but the flames were drawn from the square holes of the five emperors, and the red **** fire.

Illuminate the room all at once.

Ye Shaoyang looks at it.

Four people, the leftmost one, is three meters tall, white in the snow, thick in the waist, and the head and feet are getting lighter and thinner, almost invisible, with a large exaggerated sickle-like iron hook. There is still a faint blood in the above, as if there is blood to drip down.

The second one looks like a beast, bowed, a shiny yellow hair, a pointed monkey, arms crossed, knees in front of the body, fingers long like tentacles, sharp tip makes people shudder.

The mouth of this thing cracked, like laughing, revealing two rows of staggered canine teeth, biting and creaking.

The third is a zombie with green water in it. His face is awkward, his belly is very drum, and he has a huge belly button. One by one, there is mucus flowing inside, and the nausea is strange.

Seeing these three guys, Ye Shaoyang’s heart sinks and he has never seen these four guys, but... according to their respective forms, they can guess their identity, just... it’s incredible.

How can these four people come to the world?

“魑魑魍魉?” Ye Shaoyang asked with an uncertain tone.


A string of harsh laughter came from among the three.

The three did not speak, and the voice came from the belly button of the zombie.

A pair of red little hands, out from the belly button, then a pointed head, looks like a mouse, after drilling out of the zombie belly button, Ye Shaoyang only saw this thing with a pair of wings.


It’s just that the face is much more ugly than the average bat. It looks like a monster, and a pair of green eyes stare at Ye Shaoyang, making a strange smile.

"Ye Shaoyang, you are Ye Shaoyang! In the past two years, you have been exhausted."

Ye Shaoyang's face was unchanged, and his eyes swept over the faces of the four guys. He tried to say: "What about the charm?"

In the eyes of human beings, it is the general name of all evil things, but in the magical world, it is the four creatures. The four evil creatures that existed in ancient times, the evil things that can’t see the head and tail, Hey, sometimes it happens in the world. There are a lot of rumors about him. Some places are called "fog", which describes his body as a mist, and can't see his head and feet.

It does not kill or interfere with human life. Therefore, the people have always regarded him as a ghost-like creature. In fact, he is a guardian of hell. Every time he appears in the world, he is a creature who comes to escape from hell. The space of **** is not stable, and there are many creatures in custody. Whenever there is a shock in space, there are always one or two creatures who are just in the middle of the crack and have the opportunity to escape.)

At this time, he is responsible for catching them all over the world, but only catching them, just like Zhong Rong, directly eating the fugitives and supplementing them, this is also a reward for the hard work of Tian.

The guy who looks like a canine is a screaming singer. It is a mountain stalker. Like the scorpion, it is also one of the guardians of hell. The work is responsible for the patrol of the swamp, because the gods are sharp and the perception is extremely powerful. If there is any wind and grass in hell, you can immediately detect it and take precautions.

The zombie is a skeleton. The legend is that the **** king in the Styx is guarding the passage through the **** in the Styx, but there is no god, and the charm is the bat that grows in his body. Strictly speaking, A parasite on his body is a symbiotic relationship between the two. The charm is like a brain. The action of commanding the cockroach, the body of the cockroach constantly produces corpse water, which is poisonous to other creatures. It is an excellent nourishing.

The enchanting scorpion occupies four creatures: ghosts, demons, zombies and evil spirits.

This is actually a coincidence.

They are all ancient creatures, legends, they were still beasts at the time, standing on the side of Chiyou in the Battle of the Ancients, after the defeat of Jiuli, the camp was disintegrated.

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