Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2725: 2726 Third World Respect 1

She held the hand of the road with both hands and said: "I only let you promise me something, tell me, you will come back to me."

The road winded at her and nodded. "for sure."

"However, I have to take one person to go..." The wind is a bit awkward.

"Chen Lu?" Yang Gongyi pulled down his face at once.

"No, cold jade."

"She? Why take her?"

"There is naturally my reason, I can't tell you now, I just hope... you don't want to be jealous." The wind said this sentence hard.

Yang Gongyi was originally full of enthusiasm, and was amused by this sentence. He smiled and said: "I didn't expect the most ruthless and ruthless road in the legend. I can say such a thing... Haha, the real person is amazing. !"

The wind turned around and prevented her from seeing her embarrassment.

Yang Gong pouted and stopped laughing and said: "That is your brother-in-law, I have something to eat, but, um, you can say that, I am still very happy. No matter how long, I will wait for you. ......"

What the road wants to say, Yang Gongyi suddenly hugged him and kissed him on his lips.

Yin Shi, the Temple of Heaven.

In the small garden, Ye Shaoyang spent a lot of saliva, and finally made things clear. "Well, that's it. It's like this. It's a dry mouth. Give me a bottle of mineral water."

"What?" Xiao Yiyun frowned.

"Nothing is ok, you should digest it first, then have something to ask, I am waiting."

Ye Shaoyang sat on the gazebo and waited for him.

Xiao Yiyun frowned, and repeatedly thought about those who Ye Shaoyang said. After a while, he asked: "Understanding can understand, just... How do you make me believe that what you said is true?"

"I rely on, how come you go back, I said, I have no evidence, you love it or not."

Xiao Yiyun stared at him for a while, and the look eased and said, "What are you planning for now?"

"Let the brothers find it, and then find a way to go back."

"How come back?"

"I don't know." Ye Shaoyang spread his hand.

Teng Yongqing inserted a sentence: "Shaoyang, you have thought about it. This plane is the same timeline as ours. It is our history. That is to say, this world must also have the existence of Shanhaiyin. As long as you find the mountain seal, use it to cross the time, let us go back."

Xiao Yiyun’s eyes lit up and said: “This is a solution.”

Ye Shaoyang shook his head slowly. "But you thought about it, if we are not on a timeline?"


"We use the mountains and seas of this world, although it is possible to cross through 2018, but how can you guarantee that the world is the one before us?"

Teng Yongqing lived and muttered: "What is the relationship? Anyway, history is the same. Everything is still the same as ours. I mean, is it the same time and space, it doesn't matter?"

Ye Shaoyang sneered. "But you forgot a bit. You in the world may not have entered the tomb at all... That is, if we cross the past and find another one, there is another me, then what should we do?" Killing you and me in that world, replacing their identity?"

Teng Yongqing took a breath, and this kind of imagination beyond his brain made him feel a deep fear.

"and so……"

"How do we get back, how can we go back, only in this way can we return to our time and space."

Teng Yongqing thought about it seriously and looked at him with a reverent look. He said: "You are right."

Xiao Yiyun said: "How do you go back?"

"I don't mean to say that I don't know!" Ye Shaoyang is annoyed with this question now.

Xiao Yiyun also angered: "At least you have to have a direction, or you let me help you!"

"Direction, some, there is a Holy Spirit in this world. Like our world, I suspect that they have mastered the method of crossing. The whole headquarters has come here. I want to go back and only find them. Find out how they are going through and do what they do... this is the only way I can think of."

After that, Ye Shaoyang turned to look at Xiao Yiyun and found that he looked very weird and asked: "What happened to you?"

"You...do you want to deal with the Holy Spirit?"

"Of course. Otherwise, how come back." Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered something and asked: "Yes, why do people in this world believe in spiritual mother-in-law?"

Tengyong Qingdao: "Yeah, what is more excessive is that the magical circles also believe in them. Actually, it is true that the mother-in-law is a reincarnation of the Buddha.

Xiao Yiyun looked at them, and the tone was a little weird: "Is it not?"

Ye Shaoyang’s heart sank, as if he had been hit hard by Wang’s hammer, and he vaguely thought of something. He turned to look at Xiao Yiyun and asked him: “The yin...will not believe in the spirit mother?”

Xiao Yiyun did not change his face and said: "I don't know what the Holy Spirit will be, but the spiritual mother-in-law... is the master of creation, not only the human master, but also the sinister is created by her willpower. Within the three realms, she does not bow down to her... ..."

Ye Shaoyang and Teng Yongqing glanced at each other, and their hearts were shocked to the extreme.

“No, it’s impossible!” Ye Shaoyang shook his head and said, “Where are the great emperors, and the Tibetan Bodhisattvas, where are they going, isn’t the Lingmao bigger than them?”

Xiao Yiyun laughed: "The emperor and the bodhisattva are all a goddess of the spirit mother, and they are cultivated into gods."

The shock in the hearts of the two has been added.

That's it!

Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought about it. Before, when he saw that the statue of Buddha was replaced by the Lingma in the Daxiong Hall of the temple, he felt incredible: Speaking of it, although the yin has always asked the world of the spell, but if the spell The real world is really informed by the Holy Spirit that the sinisters are not likely to give up, why are they not moving at all?

Now there is an answer, and even the yin is ruled.

Before, although they had doubts about the status quo of the human world, they did not think about it in this regard, because they did not dare: the sinister emperor and the sacred bodhisattva, which have surpassed the gods of the three worlds, how could they be ruled by the spiritual mother-in-law?

But this is said from Xiao Yiyun's mouth, and with so much evidence, Ye Shaoyang and Teng Yongqing have to believe this incredible result.

Ye Shaoyang indulged in a long while and asked Xiao Yiyun: "Do you believe in a spiritual mother-in-law?"

Xiao Yiyun shrugged. "Nothing believes or not, the mother-in-law is the supreme god. She can't be wrong, and she can't be beaten."

"What kind of mother-in-law, can be so powerful, do you really believe?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

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