Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2737: 2738 Shaoyang's strategy 1

"You still don't want me to take you to fight. If you don't do it, go now, go with what you do."

When the pepper figure heard it, he glanced at him, opened his mouth, spit out a breath, and landed on the ground. It was the soul of the real, and looked blankly at the left and right, just about to open, and the wind sleeves were rolled. He was taken in.

"The wind!" Lin Sansheng screamed inexplicably.

"I have a psychic stone in the valley of the wind. When I go back, I put him on, and raise the interest, and the demon can't do it, but the ghost can repair it, wait for it to be small, and return it to you."

The psychic stone is a kind of spiritual thing that is very rare in the three realms. The ghost is attached to it. As long as it absorbs the nourishment, the speed of cultivation will be faster than the evil. For the true, as long as it does not entangle the flesh. In fact, it is a blessing in disguise.

He heard the same words from the same door, and his look eased.

Lin San grew a sigh of relief. He did not say much about it. It is obviously enough for the Taoist wind to do this. This is naturally because of Ye Shaoyang’s relationship. Otherwise, he is also Evil character, even in the face of the siege of the army, it is difficult to let him retreat.

"Since this thing you should be down, let's do it."

Lin Sansheng raised his voice and faced the soldiers of the Three Armies. He said loudly: "You have listened well. This coach is a member of the Yin and Yang Division. The Yin and Yang Division and the Valley of the Wind are brothers' alliances. If it is not a major accident, you should treat yourself as a person. Living!"

"Be sure to follow the coach!"

Everyone responded with a sigh of relief.

"If you kill another person, you will go by yourself, I will not take care of you again." The wind said coldly to the pepper figure and walked up the mountain. The cold jade crosses the pepper figure and keeps up.

The pepper figure was behind her back, followed her, and suddenly she went up and smiled. "I swallowed you sooner or later, and swallowed your man!"

Although her tone sounded like a joke, no one would take this sentence as a joke because of her cruel performance.

Ning Leng Yutou did not return, said faintly: "There will be that day, I will let you be a prisoner, you can't live, you can't die."

The wind heard this and the heart moved.

Lin Sansheng took them and walked all the way to the back hill, looking for a secluded place, letting a few personal guards spread out and guarding around.

The pepper figure sits directly on a large stone, completely disregarding the miniskirt that he wears.

Lin Sansheng accidentally saw the bottom of the skirt, and his face was hot. He thought that this dragon princess was uneducated and did not know how to be rude and shameful. His eyes fell on the face of Yan Lengyu. "Cold jade, how are you here?"

"He brought me." Leng Yuyu took a look at the wind.

Lin Sansheng said: "Although this is the case, you still rarely appear. Taiyin Mountain and Yinshi are looking for you. If they know that you are falling, the trouble is not small."

芮冷玉道: "I am not afraid, the Valley of the Wind and the Yinshi have completely fallen out, even if there is no me, the road is also wanted, and we have been here, and immediately left."


The cold and cold jade rushed to the mouth and said: "Ask him."

Lin Sansheng looked at the road.

The road wind did not meet, asked Lin Sansheng, "Will you shake the fairy to find out what you are doing?"

"I don't know, I said something that has no head and no brain." Lin Sansheng tells the truth, but he did not say anything about the sachet. After all, this is a personal matter.

"She just wants to kill you." The road faintly said.

Lin Sansheng nodded.

Before that, the murderous scent came out from the swaying fairy. At that time, it was just the wind that went up the mountain, and the swaying fairy was pushed to the wind.

Lin Sansheng did not understand, why did she want to kill herself, the key is... Since she has to kill her own heart, why should she send a sachet to show her love, is it because she is aware of murderousness and deliberately confuses herself?

"Shaoyang was trapped in an ancient tomb in Chengde. Did you hear about this?" The wind immediately said something right.

Lin Sansheng nodded. "I heard that I have been pondering, but I have no choice. Before Guo contacted me, I left him a jade symbol, so that if he had any situation, he would immediately find me, but there was no news, how, there is What is the situation?"

"Old Guo came to me before, saying that a **** of Biqing came to tell him that Ye Shaoyang was trapped in another time and space created by the Nine Stars. Although there is no danger at the moment, if you want to get out of trouble, you can only use Shan Haiyin. ""

Lin Sansheng is stupid and generally looks at the wind. "Can the **** of Biqing come out? Where is she?"

"Listen to Lao Guo, it’s just a very faint sacred thought, and it will dissipate after saying this."

"How is this possible! If God can cross that time and space, why does Shaoyang not do this himself, and want Biqing to help?"

The road wind said that I don't know.

This problem is also a place that bothers him.

芮冷玉道: "Don't entangle this, maybe it's a special situation, let Biqing's glimpse of God escape, we still hurry to find Shanhaiyin."

"Where to go to find?" Lin Sansheng was somewhat depressed.

"Biqing said, Shanhai is here for you."

Lin Sansheng glanced, "What a joke!"

"It's true." Yan Yuyu said, "She said that Shan Haiyin is in the landscape of the Shanhe Society, on the front door of the temple you have stayed in."

Lin Sansheng was stunned and immediately stunned. No wonder the wind came to find himself. Now he took out a bead from his sleeve and read the spell. He turned into a shadow and drilled in.

This is his cave house.

The road wind and the cold jade also went in. The pepper figure was curious and got into it.

There is nothing in Dongfu, only a huts, and there are many branches outside the huts, arranged according to the orientation of the Qimen array.

The Dongfu in this bead was banned by him. Only he could come in, but Lin Sansheng still felt that he was not safe enough. So inside the cave, there was another squadron. It was almost impossible to get in without a mouth. Although this method is not particularly mysterious, it is placed outside, as long as the strength is strong enough, it can be destroyed by external forces, but once it enters his cave, it is equal to a time and space, and the strength will be weakened by a fixed proportion. If you are, you will only be trapped in the middle.

Lin Sansheng led them all into the hut. The facilities in the hut were very simple. There was only one table, several chairs, and tea sets and incense burners on the table.

In front of a wall is a bookshelf filled with ancient books in line.

The mountain river community maps and hangs on the wall opposite the bookcase.

The four-person sneaked in, just entered the picture, immediately saw some Taoist people dressed in the exit place, see Lin Sansheng, all handed a gift, called him a brother.

"Brothers, we recruited many more souls, and we are preaching to them, waiting for the wisdom to be sent to you immediately." A Taoist said with respect and respect.

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