Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2923: The 2924 Ghost Soldiers Besieged 1

The two men flew near them and shouted: "I am waiting for the parade of ghosts, the commander of the Lord, to come and pick you up. If you want to spy on the military, please move to the south of the city, now the battle is critical, non- The spirit of the Yin Shi, can not stay in other places in the capital city!" Finished to point out the direction of the south of the city.

At this time, dozens of people came from the staff and landed on the ground.

It is Wang Daogan, Xiaoyaofei, and Wuxin.

"Uncle Shi..." Four treasures used to say hello to Xiaoyao.

"How come you are gone!" Xiaoyao flew at him and said, "I still have nothing to say to you!"

"Amount, what?"

"Go back and say!" Xiaoyao flew a glance at the nearby people, whispering.

Ye Shaoyang looked at everyone, guessing that someone should have passed the incident of the Yin Shi to the Dragon and Tiger Mountain, just as they were all there, so they came to watch.

Mu Han should come.

Ye Shaoyang is thinking, there are many people flying out of the staff, flying more than a dozen people, including Mu Han, and Su Qinzhang. Seeing Ye Shaoyang, come over and say hello.

"Yezhang teaches, you are here too." Mu Hanchong Ye Shaoyang Yin Yang smiled sullenly. "Why did you leave in a hurry? Is it my hospitality?"

Ye Shaoyang did not care about him.

"Let's go. We also go to the beacon tower." Xiao Yiyun said.

Ye Shaoyang called Su Qinzhang together, followed Xiao Yiyun, and the rest of the people followed.

Their location is an open space on the edge of the dead city, just beside the city wall, not far from the south gate.

The so-called beacon tower is not on the city wall, but a high platform in the city, which is much higher than the city wall. In the past, it was as high as dozens of layers, brick and stone were built, and all sides were ladders. Ye Shaoyang and his party climbed up. Mu Han and Ci Xin Shi Tai and others chose another direction.

At the top of the beacon tower is a square plane about ten meters long and wide. The upper limit is erected with one big tripod, pure black, square, and four feet. It looks a bit like a mother-in-law, with many words on it. Like Daxie, Ye Shaoyang can't understand.

In the Dading, there is a black flame floating in the flame. The flame is at least two meters high and is swung up. But the strange thing is that walking on the side does not feel the heat, but the feeling is very cold.

After going up to the high platform, everyone's attention was drawn by the fire and the flame above.

"This is Xuzhou Ding, one of the world's nine Ding, there is a seal of the emperor, once the seal is opened, there will be a lot of wildfire, the fire is cold, even if it is hundreds of miles away, it can be seen." Xiao Yiyun explained.

"I didn't seem to have this before?"

"Of course not. This is one of the nine Ding Dings in the world. It has been placed in the Temple of Pluto. It was not an accident. It was taken out by the Great. This flame is for the people in the distance. Different colors of different colors of fire, black fire. It means that there is a war, but it has not yet reached a crisis. Those marshals stationed in the distance will send people to visit the beacon tower on a regular basis and formulate strategies according to the color of the fire."

This method, although plain, is also practical. Ye Shaoyang thought. After all, the Yin Shi has no telephone and network, and can't communicate remotely. Once the city is besieged, it is difficult to send someone to send a letter.

The beacon tower is much taller than the city wall, so standing on the beacon tower, the situation outside the city is unobstructed.

The black-pressed army gathered outside the city. It was tens of meters away from the city wall. It seemed to be blocked by an invisible thing. It could not be approached and slowly wandered outside the city.

Under the entire south wall, the black pressure is all human, and the other three sides can't see it, but the situation is similar.

Everyone's expression was very dignified, staring at the scene in front of him, no one spoke.

Ye Shaoyang understands that their inner thoughts are the same as themselves, four words: I can't believe it.

From the day they became masters and knew that there was a sinister, the yin is in their concept, the symbol of all authority, the victor of the heavens and the earth, and the most important thing... is that it has stood for thousands of years. Court.

And now... actually surrounded by the Taiyin Mountain, the soldiers are under the city.

When I heard the oranges before, Ye Shaoyang and the Sibao were shocked, but far from the strong impact of the visual moment.

In the past, Taiyin Mountain was in harmony with the Yinshi. There were countless wars. There was never such a thing as being besieged. Now... What happened?

"Why is the yin not counterattack?" Ye Shaoyang muttered.

Xiao Yiyun smiled bitterly. "Counterattack, how can you not counterattack, but this time the Taiyin Mountain came out of the nest, the soldiers divided the four roads, intercepted several troops who came to the Qinwang, and killed the city in one breath, how big is the capital of the capital, and this force is fundamentally It didn't work, so the Emperor used the sacred seal to cover the entire city of Suidu. There were several big gongs who blessed together. With the feng shui layout in the capital city, they could block thousands of horses and they couldn't attack them."

"For the time being?" Ye Shaoyang said.

"The people of the Taiyin Mountain army are far from the old, and it is not going to be a siege. The siege is just the first step for them. Who knows what will happen next?"

In addition to Ye Shaoyang, a few common Masters, as well as Mu Hanyi, are listening to his explanations. A Master who does not know is coming up, and looks very respectful to him. He said: "The Great and the Buddha." Why don't you shoot it, and there are those who are so big, such as Zhong Tianshi, as long as they take the shot and deal with these miscellaneous fish, don't hesitate?"

"You think too much," Xiao Yiyun glanced at him and said coldly. "War, it is never someone who can decide the outcome. There are emperors and bodhisattvas here. There are ghost kings and right hands on the other side. That being said, the Yin Shi sent out those troops, and the Ghost King had already killed him alone."

Ye Shaoyang listened to this and thought deeply, especially after seeing the battle of the airspace, knowing more about the war, and it is impossible for a person to fight the entire army. After all, there is no shortage of troops. Strong, one hundred for you, even one thousand for you, the heap is also for you to die, even if the heap does not die, you have the power to dry up.

Even the Emperor and the Promise Ghost King can't escape the rules of this world.

"How does the gloomy plan to deal with?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

Xiao Yiyun shrugged. "I don't know. I have to go to the Pluto Hall to go to the palace and the runners. I haven't come back yet. I don't know what to do. I really hope to get it done soon, otherwise I will." Can't hold it."

"What can't hold it?" Ye Shaoyang asked. Everyone is also around to listen.

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