Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2951: 2953 father and son meet 2

King Kong Sanzang looked at the incense case, and did not raise his head: "Three, what do you have to say?"

Lin Sansheng said: "Small students have nothing to do with them."

Four treasures chatted with King Kong Sanzang, and King Kong Sanzang suddenly asked him how his master was. Two of them said that he asked him to ask him about his thoughts. He couldn’t help but admire his eyes and eyes, and he could see through his past and present.

"With regard to the Dharma, the teacher must have been taught, and I will not be able to talk about it. You will be like a sly, and you will come from a well-made person who is a source of Fuyuan."

This kind of words are often heard in the human world, but what is the identity of King Kong Sanzang, and will never say anything compliments, so it must be said that the four treasures are very happy to hear, thank you, no longer say anything.

King Kong Sanzang looked at Ye Shaoyang and said: "There is a ancestral wind."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Master, what kind of person is my ancestor Ye Fashan?"

"I am a national teacher with your ancestors. At that time, the three people and one law, the three of them like to tease me, but they are also the rebellious, not seen for thousands of years... See you today, and feel the dead." ”

King Kong Sanzang sighed.

"Master, my ancestors went to Taiyin Mountain, this thing... Do you know some details?"

"At the end, I can't talk about it. At that time, I didn't prove it. I learned that he was going to Taiyin Mountain, and he tried to stop it. But Ye Zhenren was fierce and fierce. He never went back, and he has never seen it since."

Then, while recalling, he told Ye Shaoyang about some past events about Ye Fashan. At the end, he said with emotion: "In the early years of the Tang Dynasty, it was the prosperous world of the magical world. There were Ye Fashan, Zhang Guo, Luo Gongyuan, and the Buddha had Xuanzang and Jianzhen. Two Zen masters, far away from the Dharma, the grand occasion at that time, you can't imagine today... but they are all in the past."

Feeling a bit, King Kong Sanzang looked at Ye Shaoyang and said: "Before Xiaoye Tianshi, before the ancestors of the ancestors went to Taiyin Mountain, I used to say that if this trip fails, the blood will be sent to the reincarnation. In the end era, Ye Jiabi Debut God, genius, and even blue, I must have been you, and today, when you rob, you are the backbone of this world, and there is a long way to go."

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said: "Master, you have won the prize. I never thought about being a hero. Whatever I do is to do what I want. I don’t even want to control Maoshan, let alone the whole spell world. Who wants to be The boss let him go, when you pointed out the cold, let him not fight, I can do this, haha."

King Kong Sanzang also smiled and said: "You can not fight, it is your blessing, but people have their own fate, your chances may not be on the word."

After saying it, I took out a mirror and said, "Let's take a photo."

The first one of the four treasures passed, seeing a piece of white jade inlaid between the frames, taking photos of themselves and not seeing anything.

"Hello," King Kong Sanzang reminded.

Four treasures did it, and with a sigh of relief on the lens, the white jade seemed to melt, forming a mass of gas, and then gathered into two words...

Sibao looked at it for a while, looked up at King Kong Sanzang, just about to open, King Kong Sanzang Road: "This mirror can only cross your heart, but I can not explain."

The four treasures nodded their thanks and handed the mirror to Lin Sansheng. After the photo was passed to Ye Shaoyang, all three people took photos and looked at each other. King Kong Sanzang got up and said: "You, let us go, I have to go to the sea. Look at what's over there."

Everyone went out together, on the way, Ye Shaoyang asked why King Kong Sanzang had been guarding here, King Kong Sanzang laughed and said nothing, Sibao remembered one thing, curiously asked: "Master, you used to be the Tang Dynasty teacher, I heard that Yang Guifei also Worship you as a teacher, then Yang Guifei... Is it really beautiful?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "It must be more beautiful than Fan Liangliang."

Four treasures did not react at the moment, "How is it cold?"

"Don't you read the news? It's cool."

King Kong Sanzang Road: "In my eyes, this fan... is not right, this Yang Guifei, almost like you."

"With me?"

"I am a monk. In the eyes of the deaf, there is no difference in all the skins. What is the beauty and ugliness?"

Sibao touched his head and was obviously not satisfied with this answer.

A group of people went to the high platform, and they saw that the station was full of people on the high platform. When they looked at it with a stunned look, there was Cui Fujun in the crowd!

Cui Fujun sat on a square stool with a table in front of him, looking at something. The orange was waiting for him to turn over the book. Two Gong Cao stood in front of Yuzhou Ding and continued to pull out another figure. Before being sent to Cui Fujun's table, he was questioned and then put into the well of the sea eye.

At this time, a group of people came down from the high platform. Ye Shaoyang took a look. Among them was Xu Wenchang, who was next to a tall and mighty official. The official was a robes and his temperament was extraordinary. Ye Shaoyang looked at it for a while and was surprised to recognize. Actually it is the runner!

A group of people waited for the runner to go to the open space under the high platform, set the table and chair bench, and suddenly a pair of offices to work here.

Xu Wenchang stood by the runner and saw Ye Shaoyang and his party, and they waved at them. Ye Shaoyang walked over.

The runner Wang glanced at Ye Shaoyang with a glance, "Little Heaven Master, thanks to you."

Ye Shaoyang said: "What are you doing?"

“Office,” Xu Wenchang explained. “It’s not to say that this sea eye should be used as a reincarnation well to attract human souls.”

He grabbed a Gong Cao and asked: "Is the King of Luo Luo coming?"

That Gong Cao explained that King Luo was packing up his official tools and came immediately.

"Little Tianshi, here is a backlog of official duties for a few days, and it is urgent to deal with it. I am busy here, Master Xu, you talk with Xiaotian."

Xu Wenchang pulled Ye Shaoyang to the side, and walked and said: "The three divisions must move over and work temporarily here to ensure the normal operation of the three circles. Xiao Tianshi, everyone, everyone is indispensable. Thank you all." Finished the ceremony.

Ye Shaoyang also suffered, bowed his head and sighed: "Unfortunately, Qiu Ying is dead."

At this time, the people who captured the ghost league came one after another, standing silently behind Ye Shaoyang.

Xu Wenchang comforted: "The red moon and the wooden real people are also dead, and Qiu Ying is also dead."

Ye Shaoyang said: "They died a hundred, but they can't match my autumn."

Xu Wenchang nodded a little, nodded. "After Qiu Ying died, he made a great contribution to the Yin Shi. I have already reported to the Emperor, and after the backlog of official duties, I personally went to the government to let him add this to Qiu Ying in the book of life and death. A credit, for her life to do something."

When I heard this, everyone was somewhat comforted.

Ye Shaoyang looked up at the busy people on the high platform and said: "The sea eye can replace the reincarnation well. After that, the soul will come out from here?"

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