Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2998: The 3000th Undead 2

He likes things on earth and is also very eager to learn, so even the vocabulary of talking is similar to contemporary people.

In addition to these two hobbies, he has no interest in other things.

"Teacher, in your capacity, even Xuanyuan God, you can't force you to fight," Qin Feng attacked and continued to test. "You don't like fighting, you can't come."

Taiping teaches: "I want to see it too. I have always heard them say Ye Shaoyang. I want to see how this child is."

Then I glanced at the empty Taoist temple and said, "It is indeed a good seed."

"You three will accompany me for a while, I don't want to hurt you, but I have to go through the game."

"Oh, it seems like you can win, or you will do your best, let's try it." The pony stared at his slick head and drooled.

The Taiping leader smiled a little and did not distinguish.

Qin Feng felt a little unbelievable and said: "If your brothers and sisters are in distress, don't you help?"

"There are life and death, I have been practicing for thousands of years. These have long been bleak. Moreover, if they don't give them some bitterness, how can they know that they have done something wrong? Some people have the opportunity to make corrections, some people have to pay for their lives, they are all causal cycles. Others take care of him. "The Taiping leader has many words, but it is also reasonable.

Qin Feng three people were stunned.

What they don't know is that although the seven elders are nominally brothers and sisters, they are not apprentices of Xuanyuan God in the same period. They also have their own sites in Xuanyuan Mountain. Apart from major issues, they are usually Every busy, very few, only a teacher and brother's name, not close to each other.

Only the Xingyue slaves and the Qing Changfeng, the two men entered the division at the same time, the strength is similar, and the relationship is the closest.

The Taiping cultivators clarified the words, and the three also felt a lot easier. So they started a tacit performance, because they knew it was fake, they wouldn’t hurt the other side, but they were bold and many, and they were dismantled one by one. Instead, it looks more intense than the others.

"Your talent is different, but your spells are too slotgy, messy, and the offense has no focus. You try to hit me again..."

When the Taiping leader saw the pony's shot, he couldn't help but vomit, and finally began to point him. The pony was not happy at first, but after doing what he said, he found that the offensive was smooth and smooth.

"Do you see it, is it easy?"

The Taiping leader was more happy than him, and he also shot him and explained it to him.

"The talents are also divided into many kinds. Some people are suitable for the right way to practice. Some people are suitable for seeing and thinking, and you are suitable for practicing the mixed elements."

The pony immediately asked him what is the law of the mixed yuan.

The Taiping teacher explained: "The mixed yuan is the invisible, the epee has no front, only the momentum, not the move..."

The pony tasted a bit and confused: "But you said that my spell is too rough..."

"The mixed yuan is a realm. It is to let others not see your edge. It is naturally invulnerable. It is a tactic. It is naturally a move in your own way, and it must be more sophisticated. The effect of Yuan, I will teach you... Let's go a little farther, lest they see the problem, and finally they will be a brother and they will not be able to face."

So the four men fought back and went back to the valley farther away. They simply did not pretend to teach the pony, but forced the Qinfeng couple to watch the road, because they were opponents, he could not Because they don't want to fight, let them deal with their own door and increase their pressure.

This strange logic...

Qin Feng and his wife also watched on the side and listened for a while. This Taiping teacher is a teacher. The explanation is extremely precise and easy to understand. Not only does the pony feel like opening the door to the new world, Qin Feng and his wife also benefit. shallow……

In contrast to the harmonious and grotesque picture on their side, in the vicinity of the main hall, the other battles have already reached a feverish pace. Many people are seriously injured, but they are still struggling, and the other side is supporting.

Most of these people do not know each other, can't talk about hatred, but because they belong to two different camps, they have to fight and kill.

There are many people in the Ghost Federation. After the battle lasts for a while, the opponents who have few people can't beat each other, they are connected in series, and a few hit one, but they can also fight, so there are no casualties.

At this point, both sides are actually waiting, waiting for Ye Shaoyang, while waiting for the stars and slaves, everyone knows that in the absence of these two people, this kind of war is impossible.

The Ghost Federation is here, and Xuanyuan Mountain is over. At the end of the game, several people are annoyed. When they come, every time they come, they are arrogant. He doesn’t understand the world’s magical circles, and he always has contempt. With the curiosity and the psychology of the abuse of food, this came with the Xingyue slave. They thought of this group of people so able to fight, and obviously made preparations in advance, only to fight consumption, not to attack.

After they were annoyed, they tried to attack one or two people. The man immediately withdrew and the others were besieged. These members of the Ghost Federation are not their opponents, but the average strength is not bad, at least not to be spiked, but also to fight together many times, with a very tacit understanding, so that these gods who look down on the human master and evil spirits are exhausted. The bitterness, the lack of anger, the attack is also more mad, so that the flaws will appear.

This is what everyone is waiting for, and they continue to consume with them quietly.

The first one to be caught is the Bifang. As a flamingo, his character is also the most violent. He spent half a day under the siege of Yue Heng and Sun Yingyue. Later, Sibao and Wu Jiawei also joined the battle and chose Bifang. It is because in the continuous consumption, they found that Bi is best to deal with it.

It is not that his strength is poor, but that he is tempered and more likely to be provoked, thus showing flaws.


Under the siege of the four people, Bi Fang finally couldn't stand it and turned into a huge flamingo. It swung into the sky, flapping its wings, swooping down hard, the body was like a huge fireball, and the flying feathers on the side formed. A semi-circular enchantment, covering a few of them in the middle, the enchantment is not very strong, but the speed of the flamingo flying is extremely fast, it is impossible to open the enchantment before it falls. Can only take this trick.

Everyone can see that this is the fact that Bifang really does not want to be consumed, so he made a strong effort and made the strongest blow.

(End of this chapter)

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