Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3019: No. 3021 Mount Tendai 2

The car drove for more than an hour, and finally arrived at the scenic area, the taxi fare was more than two hundred, giving Ye Shaoyang a bad heart.

Because it is winter, there are not many people in the scenic area. Only two or three pilgrims are walking on the mountain road. The two follow the mountain along the way and carefully recognize it.

"It feels different from the millennium." Ye Shaoyang felt it, and then felt that this sentence was a bit strange, as if he had lived a thousand years old.

Guoqing Temple is on the top of the mountain. It is obviously rebuilt. It is different from the one that was a thousand years ago. It has a lot of style, but it has also lost its ancient charm.

Ye Shaoyang pretends to be a pilgrim. He walks in and walks to the Daxiong Hall. It is still the three Buddha statues, but the appearance is a little different from what he saw yesterday. Ye Shaoyang is carefully identifying, the wind has pulled him, turned and went out, Ye Shaoyang quickly followed. Go to the front of a courtyard on the left and look up. There is a plaque hanging on the door of the courtyard, which reads "The Rooftop Woodcarving Buddha Statues Exhibition Hall".

Going in and seeing, there are three long halls in the row. The two enter from the far left. The majority of the hall is separated by a red line. There are some Buddha statues inside, big and small, all wood carvings, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Luohan. In front of each statue is a sign with the name and age of the statue. Below is the name and introduction of the creator.

A staff member came up and introduced these wood carvings to Ye Shaoyang. Ye Shaoyang has always been ignorant of the art, and he is not good at driving people. He listens with a little understanding. He turns around and finds the wind standing on the side, watching a propaganda and calligraphy on the wall.

"You..." Ye Shaoyang glanced at the commentator. In order to avoid scaring him, he would like to swallow back what he said, and walked over to look at it.

It is an introduction about what roof wood carvings.

"Is this a good-looking one?" Ye Shaoyang whispered the wind, and the result was not answered. Instead, the lecturer was attracted. He said with Ye Shaoyang: "Our roof wood carving is an ancient skill, especially the Buddha statue. You look at these Buddha statues, the lines are round, the color is full, and it looks atmospheric. This is the characteristic of our southern Buddha sculpture..."

The road pointed to a paragraph on the wall and said: "Ask her, this craft has been lost."

Ye Shaoyang looked at the paragraph he pointed out, and wrote an introduction about "dry paint clips". He didn't understand what he meant, so he asked the lecturer. The commentator said that the craft had inheritors and then the door. The craft is introduced.

Ye Shaoyang didn't want to listen, but the lecturer said that the process of making the Buddha image was first shaped with mud tires, and then processed with a special kind of gum on the special numb enamel, brushed on a special linen. Wrapped around the plastic shape layer by layer, and finally form a statue full of Buddha statues, then paint the five senses and so on, and then take out the mud tires. The Buddha image inside is hollow and can be preserved for a long time. It will not be destroyed after thousands of years.

After listening to this paragraph, Ye Shaoyang was able to listen to this paragraph. He suddenly thought of the one that had been torn through the body of the Pharmacist Buddha before he saw the thick-browed monk. At that time, he felt very curious. Could it be this “dry paint clip” process?

Even so, what does it matter if they come to find Ajian?

The road wind went straight to the adjacent exhibition hall, Ye Shaoyang followed, and the two walked through the middle exhibition hall and went directly to the last one. The road wind pointed to a Buddha statue in the glass cabinet behind the red line. Ye Shaoyang looked at it and immediately recognized it. This is the pharmacist Buddha!

It’s really a thousand years apart. This Buddha statue is a bit weathered, and the rest is still the same.

Find it, Ye Shaoyang is also a little relieved.

The lecturer’s sister also came over and saw them observe the pharmacist Buddha and praised them for their good eyesight. They said that this statue is a Buddha statue made with the “dry paint clip” technique. During the Yuan Dynasty, a famous craftsman was also made by Tiantai Zongjiao. It has been placed in the middle of the Daxiong Hall of Guoqing Temple. It is the treasure of Zhenshan.

During the ten years of catastrophe, the monks in the temple were afraid that the Buddha statues would be destroyed. They hid these Buddha images. After the declaration, the pharmacist Buddha became a key cultural relic. It was originally sent to the capital, and the locals tried to stay. In this exhibition hall, visitors are appreciated.

"This Buddha statue... have a lot of money?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"The cultural relics are forbidden to trade, and they are invaluable. However, before there was an expert appraisal, if the pharmacist Buddha was put on the market, it would be worth at least tens of millions..."

Tens of millions...

Ye Shaoyang is stunned.

The lecturer smiled and said: "The cultural relics cannot be traded. If the gentleman is interested, there are many modern-made rooftop prayers in the back hall. The mini-size can be used at home or in the car to pray for evil..."

Said to hand over a beautiful album.

No wonder so passionate! This is the real purpose!

Ye Shaoyang had to pretend to go to the toilet and escape under the contempt of the lecturer's sister.

"Thousands of ah, I am going to go, if I am caught, how long have I been sitting for several years?"

Outside the mountain gate, Ye Shaoyang worried about the wind calculations.

"You don't see the Master of the Moon, the dry paint is smashed, and the sword is hidden, there is no trace."

"Day the moon? You said that the horrible eyebrows?"

"I stayed here for a day yesterday, looking for a list of their masters of all generations, and found this person, a strong man of the sage level, and the inheritor of this Buddha carving technique."

"Oh...hey, I am serious about you."

"I am also serious. I have been wondering before. The sword is a nine-segment light device. It is hidden in the Buddha image in a hurry. How can you hide the breath, even if you use the gas, you can escape for a while, and the spirit is exhausted. As long as the ancestors of the River are in the temple, they can be found in the morning and evening. It turned out that he used the uncovered linen, painted the runes with gold paint on it, and sealed them one by one. This became a permanent seal, as long as The Buddha statue is not destroyed, there will never be a reiki leak."

Ye Shaoyang was surprised that the wind actually said so many words in one breath, and looked at him for a while, and asked: "Even if this is the case, what is the relationship with us to steal things?"

"It's ok."


"Some things, if you suspect, you have to figure out, in case the details of the relationship's success or failure are hidden." Daofeng smiled. "This is an attitude problem."

Ye Shaoyang thought carefully and thought that he also made sense.

"What do we do, that is a cultural relic, how do you do it?"

"Let's talk at night."

The two turned around in the mountains and found the wing of Guoqing Temple. They saw several monks walking around, and some of them had a faint glimmer of light, indicating that there was mana in the body.

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