Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3042: The origin of the 3044 Ghost King 2

After saying this in one breath, the wind grew a sigh of relief and said: "These things I have recently found, and the things that follow, you all know."

"I really fucked!"

Pony slammed on his lap and angered: "This Xuanyuan God is afraid of something wrong. Although the brothers and sisters fall in love, it is not right, but this is their own business. People have not killed people and set fire, what is it that is holding you? Even if you don't look at people, you will drive away people, why should you lock people down, torture people with torture, and want me and I will rebel!"

Daofeng said: "Since they can be persuaded by the Emperor, they are good at practicing this practice. Naturally, they have put down this grievance. Later, they turned out to be a sinister because the differences in Heaven and Earth Avenue have nothing to do with personal grievances."

Everyone feels in the heart, no one has thought of it, it seems that the three worlds of the devil, the Promise Ghost King, there is such a miserable experience...

"But what do these four beasts have to do with him?"

"When the Xuanyuan God sealed the two brothers and sisters of Meng's brothers, they sent four spirit beasts to guard, Qingniu, Suzaku, White Fox, Snake Turtle, and the four great beasts guarded the Lushan and Beihai, respectively, the white fox and the Suzaku in Lushan, Qing In the North Sea... In order to prevent the two from escaping, Xuanyuan God set the seal with the blood of the four great beasts. As long as the four people stay in the circle, they will not be able to escape."

Everyone listened to these words and sucked in the air.

"Why is Xuanyuan God doing this, I am afraid not only to punish them for sin?" Yan Lengyu guessed.

"Yes, there is a reason for this."

An old voice rang from behind, and everyone turned back and saw the old turtle coming over.

Originally, the four of them were practicing together in a battle, or they were not good at discussing their dedication.

The old turtle walked into the crowd and scared everyone with an opening: "The reason why Xuanyuan God punishes them is to look at Amon, the sister of the brothers and sisters."

The scene is silent.

In addition to the wind, everyone was stunned and looked at the old turtle.

"Does the third party get involved, is this dog blood?" Yan Yuyu licked his mouth.

"It's not that simple. Xuanyuan God, at that time was still the emperor. What he saw was the mysterious mother of Amon. It is said to be a kind of gas that has been passed down from the nine-day mysterious woman. It can breed the soul... specifically her own It is not very clear. Xuanyuan God is interested in this, so let Amon marry him and be the mother of all things.

Xuanyuan God made this request, but I believe that he is standing in the perspective of prosperity, and has nothing to do with selfish desire. But Amon and Ah Shuang are husband and wife. Of course, she disagrees. Xuanyuan God shut her up and let him reflect. The result was secretly rescued by Ah Shuang and discovered by Xuanyuan God. The two tried to swear.

Xuanyuan God is angry, separates them, closes them in different places, and uses us to guard them. This is not just because of private enmity. Xuanyuan said that their brothers and sisters are yin and yang, and if they are yang, they are good. Can become the mother of the three realms, if it is yin and evil, it will confuse the three realms, disturbing the universe. ”

Ye Shaoyang sighed twice. "What logic is this? I think you may become a bad person in the future. I will kill you now?"

The old turtle scratched his head and said: "Xuanyuan God does not tell you these truths. He was the master of all things at the time. He is the truth. Besides, it was a period of catastrophe. At that time, the Tiandi Avenue had just taken shape, and the three-law law had not yet formed, regardless of It’s God or the devil. It’s very rude to do things. There is no reason to talk about it.”

"So you are willing to help Xuanyuan God to guard them for so many years?" Ye Shaoyang is a bit uncomfortable.

"There is no choice." The old turtle licked his mouth. "At that time, we were still not fine."

Everyone was shocked.

The old turtle then explained that he, Suzaku, White Fox and Green Cow, all of which are copper-cast images, used to guard the core of the Faction, functioning like the town of stone beasts.

Because of the shape, and the long-term absorption of the aura of the law and the mountain water vapor, it finally became an evil spirit, but because the body is in the law, they themselves are also suppressed by the law, can not leave, the old turtle and the green cow In the North Sea glaciers, I have been with Amon for many years. The secrets I have just mentioned are all heard by Amon.

On the other side of the Lushan Mountain, the situation is the same. The white fox and the Suzaku, both of which became the beasts, were trapped in the battle. Later, because of the flood, the landslides and the ruins were destroyed (the old turtle thought it was a destiny). Then Ah Shuang came out, and the white fox and the suzaku were also free... At that time, the world experienced thousands of years of change, all of them are different, and Xuanyuan is not there.

A pair used it for a long time to find the northern glaciers and rescued Amon... The old turtle and the green cow were also free. The blue cow came to the world and realized some mysterious world. So he made a positive result and entered the reincarnation. He would rather be An ordinary creature.

After he reincarnation, he became a real green cow (the name of the blue cow came). After that, he met the old king and became his mount because of the opportunity. Everyone knows.

When I heard this, everyone was amazed, and Meihuana sighed: "Then we haven't told us about this section before Yue Heng and the little fox?"

"They have long forgotten."

The wind took the words and said: "They are working hard like the young cows, and finally they go to reincarnation. The mystery in the womb makes them forget everything. They don't have the chance of the blue cow. They are not outstanding, but they are like this. I have kept the brand at that time, and once I wake up, all these memories are back."

The orange man enlightened: "No wonder the little fox and the big bird are a pair. It used to be together for thousands of years. At that time, it might be hooked up."

Suddenly think of something, ask the old turtle: "You have been with the green cow for a thousand years, right? You two did not develop into a pair?"

"Hey, we are all male, what a pair!"

"Men and men are true love, then, I am also wondering, you were all cast in copper, the initial is the same, why do you change the man, the little fox becomes a sister?"

The old turtle said: "All things are divided into yin and yang, even if it is abiotic, there are also yin and yang points. You can be a strange problem with a little girl."

"I still have problems, because they don't remember them, only you remember them."

The old turtle smiled and said with a beard: "Because I have never died, I don't want to be a human being. It is better to be an evil spirit... You see that I have flesh today, that is, I am eating too old. Refining, I am essentially a copper turtle."

He is actually an evil spirit!

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