Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3050: The 3052 killing the tragedy 2

"Liangzhou Ding... This is the **** of Xuanyuan, it is the eye of Fengshui in Xuanyuan Mountain, but it is an excellent implement." He said that one hand raised the big tripod, and did not see how hard it was. The two or three meters high Ding became the size of the incense burner.

The girl was very satisfied with her hand on her hand, so she went to the end of the inspiration that was fixed and unable to move.

"What are you doing!"

The inspiration of the fairy tail can not move, the head swayed hard, the mouth suddenly grew up, became a big mouth, biting the girl's head.

At this time, a few of the lords wanted to help, and when they came to the vicinity of the spring, they were all settled by a breath of plainness. No matter how hard they tried, they could not move.

The inspiration fairy swallowed the girl.

"Haha... I am going into my stomach, but I can't think of going out!" Inspired the luck, the girl was wrapped up in the air, trying to refine her body, but she felt hot in the belly, as if swallowed. Not a person, but a soldering iron...


Inspiration on the back of the immortal broke a blood hole, the girl flew out and went out, but the body was dusty, reaching out and grabbing the tail of the inspirational fairy, and then throwing it into the big trip.


With a scream, Da Ding flew a bit of blood over the sky, and then... no more then...

The inspirational fairy of one of the seven elders of Xuanyuan Mountain suddenly hangs up, and it is so easy to die, and so humiliating.


Many of the lords screamed in grief.

The girl gently waved her sleeves, and the settled lords immediately became free. After squatting, they rushed toward the girl.

The girl stood still, just reaching for it.

Her hand is very small, and her movements are not fast. However, if this person resists or evades, she is easily caught by the girl, and all of them are thrown into Dading, and they are refining on the spot.

The rest of the people are stunned.

Even the anger is gone, there is only fear in the heart, they have never seen such a powerful enemy, strong enough to make them feel desperate.

Who is she?

"You...who is it?" Caiyun fairy forced himself to calm down, but the voice could not help but tremble.

"You used to be the maid of Xuanyuan. Because of the good service, Xuanyuan has given you the power of colorful clouds, but your talent is really limited. For so many years, there has been no growth..."

Caiyun fairy is in the heart, about his own origin... How many years ago was this? Except for a handful of old people who came over at Xuanyuan Mountain, even if they went up the mountain, they would not know about this past event. How did she know it?

"You come over, I have something to tell you."

Speaking of this sentence, the girl extended a hand to her, and she flew in a rush. She wanted to resist and did not come. Some people on the side wanted to rescue and did not catch the shot. She was arrested.

The girl with one hand stuck the neck of the colorful fairy, staring at her, said: "You have killed me many people over the years!"

After she reached out and pulled it, she pulled off her clothes and revealed a white flower. The fairy screamed, but she couldn’t use it. I couldn’t do it if I wanted to change my clothes.

All the lords chose to turn around and not look.

"I know who you are!" said Sima Xingjun, "You put down her!"

"But, I moved again, really shouldn't..." The girl shook her head in blame, and threw the Fairy Fairy into the Ding. After a struggle, the Fairy Fairy disappeared in despair...

"You are Meng Shuangshi, the Promise Ghost King!" Secretary Seng Xingjun spit out her name.

The words "The Promise of the Ghosts" are exported, as if a gale has blown from the hearts of the people.

Actually she is... How could it be a woman?

"The commander, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are still the same." The girl looked at him and smiled softly.

Secretary Xing Xing sighed, said: "A double, you have now become a world of unparalleled Xuan Gong, we are not your opponent, I also know why you are coming, I just want to say ... forget it, Xuanyuan No, these people are innocent."

The girl nodded,

"I can find everything down, only that thing... You remember it in the past, no need to say more, I only ask you: If you are doing it, will you take revenge?"

Secretary Xing Xingjun was silent for a long time, said: "Yes. But you are different. You control the whole ghost field now. You are the emperor. It is the emperor like the Emperor of the capital. You should have the emperor's mind. As far as I know, if it is When you are the Emperor of the capital, you will not hate these past things."

"You are right, so I am different from the Great. I am not so hypocritical. I am coming to the real equality of all the sentient beings in these three circles, so that they can be willing to enmity and enmity, instead of silently accepting humiliation and accepting injustice.

I am the master of life, and a model for all beings. When I was suppressed, I secretly vowed that if there is a day in the future, I will kill a Xuanyuan and destroy him. Now... It’s time for you to repay the Xuanyuan Mountain..."

Secretary Xing Xingjun took a breath of air and turned and said to everyone: "I am not waiting for his opponent. You are going to escape and escape. One is one."

Everyone is still stupid.

Suddenly, the Promise Ghost King snorted and his body skyrocketed, instantly changing from a girl to a tall man. This robes were worn on him, but it was suitable.

He raised a hand and swung it hard.

Flying sand and stone, the mountains and trees were uprooted, black gas was born out of nowhere, covering the entire mountain, all the people on the mountain flew up and tumbling up and down in the black air.

Like a huge meat grinder, mixing everything in the middle of the mountain, stirring wildly.

"Haha..." The Promise Ghost King controls all this and makes a pleasant laugh.

After a while, the dark clouds dissipated and the winds subsided.

The whole mountain seemed to have suffered from a hurricane, and everything was ruined.

Among the messy grasses, there is a corpse lying in a row, all broken.

Only three people still stood in the same place: 鸠摩罗什, 司命星君, and the Taiping lord.

The three men were messy and their expressions were exhausted and seemed to be a bit untenable.

"There are many powerful characters on the Xuanyuan Mountain..." The voice of the girl also turned into a thick male voice, looking at the distance in the sky, where several figures were disappearing.

It is Bai Ze and Bi Fang.

It is not an easy task to escape from the Promise Ghost. They did not fly back to the door of Xuanyuan...

The Promise Ghost King looked down at the three people and said: "The three of you have high mana. If I don't understand the yin and yang, you can join forces with the three people. You can even kill me... Xuanyuanshan Zongmen has been destroyed, you can wait. ”

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