Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3056: The 3058 corpse mountain blood sea 3

Yan Lengyu was silent for a long while, and said nothing: "It’s fast."

Xiao Jiu wants to ask her what she meant, but this time Ye Shaoyang once again flew high and then fell heavily on the ground.

This is the next!

Hou Qing flew up very quickly and rushed to Ye Shaoyang.

This time, Ye Shaoyang, who was in a falling apart body, couldn’t stand up immediately and looked at Houqing, who was approaching quickly. His eyes were a bit muddy.

"Shaoyang, get up!"

Xiaoji rushed over desperately, pulled a cold jade, and took a slower move. The little friends of the Ghost Alliance also tried to rush to help, but because of the distance, they couldn’t catch up. They could only look at the palm of the queen. Chaoyang Shaoyang neck inserted.

At the critical moment, Ye Shaoyang took out the yin and yang mirror, and recited the curse, and placed the mirror in front of him.

A strong light came out from the yin and yang mirror, and fell on the back of the hand, immediately ignited a blue smoke.

Ye Shaoyang turned around and hand-printed, screaming: "Dise!"

Hou Qing only felt the wind behind her head. Looking back, the seven-star Longquan sword flew from behind and instinctively avoided. Ye Shaoyang suddenly grabbed his shoulders with both hands and pulled it toward himself, and his head slammed to the right.

The seven-star Longquan sword was inserted into the neck of Houqing, and then inserted on the ground. The blade was a few centimeters away from Ye Shaoyang’s own head.

Ye Shaoyang took a breath and was really dangerous. He almost became the first **** in history to be killed by his own instruments.

The Qixing Longquan sword broke out a powerful spiritual power in an instant, and it was all played on Houqing. After Qing Qing’s body twitched and fell on Ye Shaoyang, Ye Shaoyang, who had escaped Jianfeng, was crushed to death.

"You can make this hand in the face of adversity, it is really rare, but do you think that this will kill me?"

After Qing’s hands grasped the sword front of Qixing Longquan Sword, the corpse of blood continued to rush out, against the spiritual power of the Qixing Longquan sword, and then actually pulled it out a little.


Just as Hou Qing pulled out the Qixing Longquan sword, the back suddenly slammed heavily, and a huge flame exploded on his back, pushing him to the ground.

Houqing’s reaction was also very fast, and he endured the pain and looked at it. It was only in the vicinity that there was a burning magical character hovering in the air, which concentrated the power of the flame into a straight line. Going in a certain direction, looking down, not far from the air, there is a burning spirit, and the power of the flame from the last charm is transmitted to the other direction along with its own aura...

"Don't look at it, this is the Big Dipper seven-star array, but it was displayed by me using the Burning Heavenly Symbol. There are seven positions in total. Each position has a burning mark, which constitutes the power of the Big Dipper. It is not a seven-character clip. Together, but seven or seven times..."

The Big Dipper seven-star array is a very simple array of Daomen. In seven positions, the implements are buried in each position. After the activation of the array, the shape of the Big Dipper will be connected. The power of the Faction depends on seven positions. The power of the instrument or the magical character, the Big Dipper is originally one of the most varied in the Daomen spell, and this one of Ye Shaoyang's arrangement is one of them.

However, although the power of this method is horrible, it is necessary to arrange all seven pieces of the instrument in a certain period of time, and arrange one piece to activate the mantra. From the first piece to the last piece, it can not exceed one quarter of the incense time. (About ten minutes), otherwise the first activated instrument will be annihilated and the array will be interrupted.

However, in actual operation, the time of the array will take at least a few minutes to complete. In actual combat, the opponent will not be able to give you this time - people will not stand by and watch you.

Therefore, in addition to the practice of this method, there is basically no chance to use it in actual combat.

The little friends standing on the mountain, condescendingly see the seven dark gold charms that have become the Big Dipper. The energy line in the middle is twice as thick as one node. In the last section, it has gathered into the thickness of the bowl. A strong flame, all falling on Hou Qing, burning his back.


Hou Qing groaned, his whole back burned up, anxious to get up and put out the fire, Ye Shaoyang hugged his waist from below, and still kept the curse in his mouth.

The seven-star Longquan sword, which was also pulled out from the neck of Houqing, regained his spiritual power and burned his neck and hands.

The double strike was awkward, but he still resisted the pain, and his hands pulled out the Qixing Longquan sword a little bit, but at this time he had no strength to get up again.

Even if he is the corpse, he has evolved twice.

The damage of the Qixing Longquan sword consumed a lot of repairs in his body, and the "zombie circulatory system" in his body was too late to supplement this wave of consumption. The Ziwei Tianhuo on the back burned his blood and finally he was heavily Pushed to the ground.

The main thing is that Ye Shaoyang has been hugged his waist from below with his arms, so that he can't turn around to avoid the flame attack.

In the middle of the battle, Houqing broke out the last force, and both hands pushed down into the shoulders of Ye Shaoyang and pressed hard.

"I went to Nima -"

Under the force of Hou Qing, it seems that two electric drills have been inserted into their shoulders, and they have been drilling their own bones. The pain of the bones has caused Ye Shaoyang to scream, and the monks will make him feel refreshed.

Of course, he knows the purpose of Hou Qing. As long as he looses his waist, he will let go of his hand and roll it to the side. They are both good.

But he managed to seize the only chance. If he persisted, he would kill the post-clear, and he certainly would not give up.

Then the deadlock was formed.

Both sides rely on amazing endurance to hurt each other, and then insist on seeing who is energy-consuming.

"You... will die." Hou Qing said with a bite. "I am not dead, your bones are irreplaceable..."

"Then you are still afraid of what, insist on killing me." Ye Shaoyang also bite his teeth, sucking the air to send this sentence out, the body secretly force, the mana is gathered on both shoulders, against the invasion of the corpse, Although it can't alleviate the pain, at least it can protect your bones from being broken by the fingers of the queen.

"In any case, I always have one to die. You tell me, how did you do it?"

"I was shocked by you seven times before..."

After Qing was shocked, "You mean, when you landed, will you embed the spirit?"

"Of course, this time, every time I landed, I buried the magic symbol on the ground. At that time, you only wanted to chase me. I wouldn’t notice the details... Ah..." The pain made him unable to say anything.

However, Hou Qing has already understood that he is pretending to be shocked and flying. In fact, the position he has settled is that he chose it. This band is just sand. Just put the charm into the sand and use what he said, pay attention to it. At that time, Li was only chasing him. He was completely wary of this hand.

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