Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3061: The Lord of the 3063 Darkness 1

Guagua jumped to the top of Xiaojiutou, and the rushing road said loudly: "The first chapter of the first chapter of the Ghost Federation, no one will be left behind at any time! Everything is going to die together, die together, live together. live!"

Everyone nodded and looked very firm.

There is nothing to say about the road.

"Are you very embarrassed?" Yan Lengyu has floated up and hovered in midair, thinking that the blood of the corpse is constantly losing, and her body has become almost transparent.

Ye Shaoyang looked up at her and didn't talk.

"First kill me. I can't control my body. I don't want you to sacrifice for me, kill me."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and said with difficulty: "You also heard what everyone said, I will not give up on you."

"But you are not me alone... you are their boss, there are things, you have to do."

Yan Lengyu went on to say, "The post-Qing will not let me go, unless you can kill him, otherwise he will hold my soul and return to the sky to abandon the mountain..."

The time of speaking, her figure began to fly slowly in the direction of the back.

"Remember our agreement? In the future, if you have a terminal illness, or you are in a coma, or you are in bed, you can't even die. The other must help him relieve the pain. This is not killing. This is Love……"

Ye Shaoyang is still shaking his head.

Yan Lengyu went on and said, "I have always been your burden. I have never done anything for you. This time, I will give it back to you. Shaoyang, you can see it clearly!"

After that, her soul suddenly burst open, and the soul force was absorbed by the queen with the blood of the corpse.

She has broken her soul.

However, her soul did not disappear, but flew quickly to her spirit controlled by Hou Qing, absorbed by her. Then, the spirit opened his eyes.

Because she blew the soul, the dissipating of the soul force, so that the repair and corpse of the body were absorbed by the queen, and accelerated the process.

After Qing greedily took a sigh of relief, opened his eyes, turned the cold jade in his arms and stared at her, and said with deep affection: "You want to blew the soul, escape from my bondage, why is this, fortunately I have been prepared, this spirit can gather souls for you, you can't escape."

Then I laughed. "I did all this, not only to get the body of the minister, but also to get you back to me. I will kill them first, take you back to the heavens, a hundred years, one thousand. Year, one day you will fall in love with me..."

He raised the cold jade in one hand, looked up and looked at Ye Shaoyang, and his look was very proud.

"This scene, I have been waiting for a long time, I have worked hard all the way, just for this day, I want to be a beautiful woman, Ye Shaoyang, it is a pity, I let you win this way, now, I have to take back everything I have. ......"

Leng Yuyu looked at his eyes and looked at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang also looked at her, and in the knowledge of God, suddenly a voice came, "Shaoyang..."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked.

Hou Qing mentioned his right hand, his palm was empty, and the time was raging. The air in the vicinity gathered toward his palm, forming an invisible energy, and things like clouds spread around.

Ye Shaoyang was shocked. This is not a fog, but a void state created after the space is torn.

Everyone was shocked, this product actually only torn the void, and the piece that was torn off was condensed into energy!

This is the power of the legendary void?

Legend has it that there is a kind of evil thing that can ignore all rules, wind and fire, thunder and lightning, and even if there is nothing around, only the air can be shredded by him, broken in the hands, generating horrible energy...

It turns out that this is the power of the minister...

"How, can't you believe it?" Hou Qing laughed. "Do you think that zombies will only use corpse blood and corpse poison? When I was a vassal, I was one of the twelve monsters, almost able to compete with Xuanyuan and Chiyou. High, relying on the power of this void... I have been silent for a thousand years..."

"Your ancestors must have been so embarrassed!"

The pony couldn’t stand it anymore, and rushed up with the bricks.

"The light of fireflies..."

After Qing’s finger, an invisible force hit the pony. The pony squatted and then fell down. It didn’t land yet. Houqing was a distant finger, as if a big hand caught him, just in the stomach. On the top, his fat belly immediately fell into a circle, no matter how hard to fight fate, can not escape the arrest of the power, was mentioned in the air.

"go to hell!"

After the posthumously squeezed his fingers, the pony snorted and spurted a blood.

A blue light flashed from him, as if something had been broken, the pony fell and was caught by Sibao and Wu Jiawei.

The road wind flew up, rushed to the back of the Qing, the top three flowers flying, the whole body entwined, carrying a whip, and squatting down to him.

"You are still shooting!"

After Qing did not dare to neglect, manipulating the power of the void, lifting from the surrounding up, hard to pick up the whip.


An air burst. After Qing trembled, his legs fell directly into the soil and he never fell into his knees.

The road was also bounced off. He did not pursue it again. He turned over and fell to Ye Shaoyang and said: "The power of the void is not invincible, you can fight!"

"What are you waiting for? Go up, you should go first, I want to adjust the king first!"

The pony refused the support of Sibao and Wu Jiawei, pushed them away, and sat down on the ground to adjust their interest.

"Up, get him!" Four treasures holding gold rushed up.

Wu Jiawei followed.

Everyone has rushed up.

Lin Sansheng wants to control the overall situation, habitually did not go up siege, his eyes swept away and found that Ye Shaoyang was still standing in a daze, and said: "What happened to Shaoyang?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and rushed up.

In the face of the siege of the people, Hou Qing did not fear, waving his right hand and volleying, releasing all the power of the void, forming a transparent force, like a track, wrapping himself around in a circle.

Wu Jiawei first arrived, the first one flew to the front, hit the "orbit", the power was suddenly changed direction, almost hovering in the air, at the same time, the body seems to fall in the mire, is a kind of inexplicable The pressure is squeezed from the surrounding, the whole body can't move, it can be lucky, but no matter where it is exerted, it seems to hit the air and it can't work.

Under the great shock of Wu Jia, turning to see the partners, they are all trapped in this mysterious power, just like themselves.

"This is a void, it is impossible, you can't do it!"

The road wind hovered at the top and did not enter.

Xiao Jiu also broke free.

(The war is too difficult to write. Today is even more, you can’t stop you. The first part of Maoshan’s ghost catcher is coming to an end, and the new story will start soon.)

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