Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3072: The ending of the 3074 accident 2

He looked around and emphasized it again: "The Promise Ghost King, can't come back again! Hou Qing, also died, the world is too peaceful!"

Everyone was even more excited, and almost cheered, but when they thought about the dead relatives around them, they all felt sad and sorrowful.

The Ghost Federation and the Valley of the Winds are even more sad.

Baozi and Meihua were killed.

The cold and cold jade is still alive and dead, and the body is still occupied by the Promise Ghost King, and it is similar to death.

Yang Gong is dead.

Wu Jiawei devoted himself to becoming a ghost corpse...

Yue Heng, Sun Yingyue, and the old turtles all contributed to the body and the cultivation of the elements in order to bring the elements of the sword. Now the soul is still on the road and disappears together.

For this ultimate battle, the two leagues paid too much, fortunately, they did not sacrifice in vain.

"The war is not over yet. At least, we still have a war to fight." Lin Sansheng looked around and said: "Shaoyang and the road are gone, but we are still there. The ghost-caught alliance and the valley of the wind are still there. Listen to me. We are going to do two things now. First, we must rectify the remnants of the corpse and bring them back to the zero world... This matter must be done by you."

After talking about the empty world that survived, I looked forward.

Shake the fairy to look at him tentatively, Lin Sansheng said: "Fairy, the Virgin and the Akiko sons fly to the sky, and the teachings are up and down, all by your organization."

Shaking the fairy to look at him, revealing the grateful color, said with a bite: "The military officer lifted it. I will do my best!"

In fact, the situation in the airspace is very good now. Both Houqing and Nuwa are dead. The corpse dragons have no heads. Even if there are many people, the remaining troops cannot make a difference in the airspace. It is only a matter of time to drive them away.

It is for this reason that Lin Sansheng was relieved to hand over the main battlefield to them, and then analyzed with the group. The strongest of the Taiyin Mountain is the Promise Ghost King. Now the Ghost King is not there, that is, a right-winger. If they contact the forces, they will act together. This must be able to win.

As for the left monarch who has never appeared before, it is not considered.

Not too late to grieve, they have to complete the unsuccessful things of Ye Shaoyang and Daofeng, while waiting for Ye Shaoyang and the return of the Tao.

This war, because of the empty Taiyue Mountain, the Yin Division, the Qing Dynasty, the various forces and the corpse, as well as the human magical circles, Xuanyuan Mountain and other forces to participate, was later called the Battle of the Three Realms, for the future generations For the legend.

Especially because this war is dominated by human masters and plays a decisive role in victory, the human world has relished this battle, and this battle has become a war between the ancients and the war of the gods. Ye Shaoyang has also become A recognized master of the spell community. Maoshan has established a oyster for him, and he is dedicated to it. These are all words.

After the end of the war, it took no more than two days to spread the Three Realms. Then, the Tibetan Bodhisattva led a large number of squadrons to the ghost field and attacked the capital city.

Lin Sansheng integrated the forces of the empty world, and the Xuanyuan Mountain gods, as well as the mage of the various sects of the world, went to the ghost domain and launched the battle of recovery.

Lin Sansheng was naturally elected as the general conductor.

Right Jun began to return to the Promise Ghost King to come back, supporting the dead, but the news of the disappearance of the Promise Ghost King came out, the morale of the army was greatly reduced, and the marshals who fought the ghosts in the depths of the ghost field mobilized several times. The war has devastated the strength of the Taiyin Mountain.

The elite army hidden before the Valley of the Winds, under the leadership of Jianwendi, twirled in the ghost domain, wherever he went, he was invincible...

After half a month, the Taiyin Mountain trend has gone.

Right Jun couldn't stop, with his hands and fine, and broke through the night, back to the Taiyin Mountain...

The Tibetan Bodhisattva led the princes and the princes to go to the Pagoda, and untied the seal on the map of the Kagura, and greeted the return of the Emperor.

Because Lin Sansheng was the best commander of the army, he was invincible and was praised by the Tibetan Buddhism. On such a grand occasion, he was specially called.

The Emperor Yaodu came out of the picture and looked calm. It seems that he would have expected this result.

Zhong Rong and others went forward to tell the story of this war, and then glared at Lin Sansheng's shoulders, all kinds of praise for his credit. "If there is no Marshal Kobayashi, this last battle can also win, but I am afraid that I have to sacrifice a lot of soldiers and horses, Marshal Kobayashi is in charge, I am really convinced, almost the casualties have been reduced to a minimum, and he is good at attacking the heart. Everyone wants to attack the capital city. Only he thinks that the right king will inevitably escape. Later, this is so, avoiding the destruction of the building in the city... the teacher can make a good reward to reuse him!"

The Emperor of the capital looked at Lin Sansheng and said: "In the troubled times, the sinisters will be robbed. Although there are certain numbers in the sky, but the man-made disasters are the main ones, I have been thinking about them for a long time in the mother-in-law, and the sinisters have many disadvantages, the public talents, and the righteousness. For its use, I am now a sergeant of the Tianbing General Army, and I am in charge of the military, and I will take office today. How?"

Lin Sansheng took a breath, the so-called Heavenly Soldier, is the elite of the Yin Shi million Yin soldiers, the Tianbing Marshal is nominally Zhong Rong, but Zhong Rong loves to hang out to drink, not to fight, basically not responsible for the military, Tian Bing has always been managed by several generals Different teams.

The military division is the chief military division, and then the military commander, then it is very powerful, probably equivalent to the chief of staff of the human body, which is equivalent to the actual control of 100,000 soldiers.

This position is not only high weight, but the key is trust.

Zhong Rong patted Lin Sansheng's shoulder and smiled: "Exactly, with you, my marshal regardless of the matter is more trouble-free, and I will give it to you in the future!"

Lin Sansheng smiled and bowed to the Emperor of the capital: "Thank you for the great emperor's love, just... I am a scholar, I can't afford such a big job, and I ask the Emperor to take it back."

The capital of the capital: "You know what you are doing in the air, I know that this battle of the Three Realms, you have made a world of no cure, and also proved your loyalty to the Yin."

Zhong Rong also said: "Yes, the teacher, his mouth is open, no one is dissatisfied, Lin Laodi, you should not push it again!"

Lin Sansheng said: "Xiaosheng once followed Jianwen Emperor, and has been hidden in the ancient tomb for hundreds of years. After that, he met Shaoyang, joined the Ghost Alliance, and made a contribution to the airspace. Now the airspace has gone through a big battle, and it is a waste of time. Just doing something, I really can't leave, let me say that I have two wishes in my life: to rule the country, to flatten the world, and to be flat today, I just want to go back to the empty world to run the Shuaifu, and also ask the Emperor to let go."

Emperor Yaodu nodded with a thumbs up. "You didn't just want to be Zhang Liang, but also want to be Xiao He, okay, what do you want?"

Lin Sansheng once again thanked him for his credit. Everyone, if you are a reward, will reward everyone.

The Emperor of Suidu Shen Shen said: "This war is all about you, I will seal you as the King of Zhongshan, and operate the empty world. The rest of you will be the gods, you can enjoy yourself."

(The first part is about to end. I don't know if this ending is satisfactory to everyone?)

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