Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3074: The 3076th dream is not awakened for a lifetime 2

"How is this going! It is a killing weapon!" The pony jumped up in anxiously, but did not dare to yell loudly. After all, he lived in the family home and did not pay a penny.

Wang Xuwen turned his eyes and said: "Why, you still have to kill people!"

"Hey, I have had a mouthful of addiction..." The pony is invincible, even his own life, the only role now is to squeeze the pickles... However, there is nothing wrong with such a day, the previous fight to kill and thrill The days are really over.

Drinking tea to chat in the middle of the night, everyone is scattered, everyone on the surface of the wind and light, but my heart is not calm, waited for three years, Ye Shaoyang three people have no news, and ultimately worry and miss.

That night, Sibao gave the child milk powder and went to sleep. He had a dream. He dreamed of the magnificent days in the past. He was still the iron-headed boy who was not afraid of death. He led the group under the leadership of Ye Shaoyang. The evils rushed over and killed a sigh.

Woke up halfway, sitting on the bed, feeling the belly of my stack, dumbfounding.

Watching Wang Xuwen fall asleep, he suddenly wondered, a person drove to Ye Shaoyang's home, knocked on the door, Guagua quickly came to open the door, with a look of ecstasy, but seeing him, disappointment is beyond words.

"How come you welcome me?" Sibao smiled.

"You see it every day, what is good to see, I thought it was the boss."

Four treasures are sour and sorrowful.

After Guagua opened the door for him, one person went back to the sofa and sat in a daze.

Sibao sat down with him and said, "How come you come back alone?"

"I am coming back to the boss." Guagua said, "I am afraid he can't come in without a key."

Sibao listened, his nose was sour, he was holding his arm, trying to comfort a few words, and he couldn’t say a word.

After a while, someone knocked at the door, and both of them were excited. They opened the door and found that Wu Jiawei and Xiaoma, as well as Lao Guo. I only know when I have dinner tonight, Lao Guo is also very touched. I want to come to the place where Ye Shaoyang lived. I want to ask them to join them. I will send a flat head to find them. The flat head has not been rebuilt yet, but it has been understood. Human words.

As a result, the four treasures were not there. Pony and Wu Jiawei just happened to be released without a hit, and they hit it all together.

Four people sat on the balcony and talked about the past, like the nostalgia of an old man.

Suddenly someone knocked at the door, and all four people squatted and opened the door together.

Of course, outside the door is not Ye Shaoyang...

All four were disappointed.

Outside the door was a stranger. The 30-year-old man looked at them a little bit. "Ask, who are the descendants of Ye Shaoyang?"

"After generation?" The four people were stunned, and the heart suddenly jumped to the eyes of the blind.

The man took out a piece of paper from his body and unfolded it. The paper was yellow and curled, like a cultural relic.

"This is a letter left by my ancestors. My grandfather said, let me send this address anyway this year. I am also very surprised. This is obviously uploaded by the ancestors. Why are there yours? Address, even the doorplate is written..."

The four treasures grabbed them, and their hands trembled and unfolded. At a glance, they saw the handwriting of the dragon and the phoenix dance, and the tears came out:

Who got the letter? But they are all the same, anyway, anybody.

I am Ye Shaoyang. Simply put it, when I saved the road and Xiaojiu, I opened up a time tunnel with Shanhaiyin and pulled it together with the Promise Ghost King.

In the endless void, the Promise Ghost King did not dare to do it, because I warned him that once it was done, it destroyed the timeline, causing time and space to collapse and everyone was finished.

We even calmed down for a while, we all adjusted to the best state, then I took them both into the time node, but the ghost king also chased over, we fought a battle, Shan Haiyin was taken away, The three of us are not opponents and have escaped.

The ghost king will not use the mountain seal, even if it is obtained, it will not go back.

And I didn't have a mountain seal, and I couldn't go back.

The road went to find Xu Fu, and I and Xiao Ji are currently only hiding first and pondering back.

I returned to the Republic of China, and now I live with Cui Yunjie. We are hiding in a place where the Promise Ghost King can't find it. There is nothing in life. I am very happy with Xiao Jiu...

But I will definitely go back, I will continue to find a way... You wait for me, write this letter to a friend you know here, let him pass it on, and hand it over to you after 2018, you see At the time, I should have been away for a while, I miss you very much, I don’t know what is going on there, wait for me. I will definitely go back.

I want each of you, I hope that you are all well, wait for me.

Ye Shaoyang is in the Republic of China.

The four looked at each other and their eyes were wet.

"I will know, I know that Shaoyang is okay!" Lao Guo said with excitement.

Guagua grabbed the letter paper and read it again. From the line between the words, he seemed to see Ye Shaoyang's figure, together with Xiaojiu, in a village in the Republic of China... No, with his character, he might go back to the place where no one is in the mountains. , build a house, live happily together with Cuiyun and Xiaojiu.

After dinner, Ye Shaoyang came to the roof of the roof with Xiao Jiu.

On the roof, Ye Shaoyang made a pair of swings with wood. The two men joined hands and sat on the swing, looking at the mountains in the distance, and the night sky on the top of the mountain.

Without any pollution, the sky is as pure as being washed by water, and there are many stars. Xiaojiu’s head rested on Ye Shaoyang’s shoulder and was quiet.

"I know you are on top!" Cuiyun suddenly came up from the stairs and appeared in front of him. Xiaoji shyly raised his head and his face was red. After so long, she was still not used to showing love in front of others.

"I will send you some melon, September. This is the last watermelon in this year. It is delicious." Cui Yun put the cut watermelon on the stone table in front of them. Ye Shaoyang greeted her to stay. Three people eat together.

Cuiyun is a qualified oldest sister. She has been ignoring the trivialities of life. She wants Ye Shaoyang to go to the county town to pull firewood tomorrow, prepare for winter roasting, buy some meat and fish and pick it up. Finally, I find myself a little embarrassed. One person went downstairs.

Ye Shaoyang rushed Xiaojiu and smiled: "My older sister is tempered."

"It's very good. If she is there, she can feel like a home."

After that, Xiao Jiu put his head on his lap and lay quietly.

Three years.

They know a lot about it.

Ye Shaoyang is determined to go to the Promise Ghost King to fight for revenge and save the cold jade. This will never change, but he is also very difficult to restrain the small nine, and now live together, Cuiyun also sees them as a pair.

Over time, the two are naturally more intimate and enjoy the rare quiet time.

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