Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3077: The 3079 ghost possesses 1

After a long time, Ye Xiaomu regarded Liu Laotou as a small nest. If he was in a bad mood, he would come over and stay for a while. Liu Laotou often stayed in the daytime, and he read a book or was in a daze.

Like today, Ye Xiaomu sent a message to Aunt Xueqi on the WeChat, and went to the old man’s house.

Liu Laotou’s house was unlocked, went straight in, and touched the key on the door. Ye Xiaomu went in and cleaned up the room, then touched the ancient book.

He has recently been fascinated by Shan Hai Jing. Liu Laotou has a full set here, but it is not the same as what can be found on the Internet. The pictures on various magical animals are all written by brush. Because of the age, many of them are somewhat blurred. However, it still looks like an artistic conception.

Unconsciously, Ye Xiaomu forgot his troubles. When the sky was dark, Liu Laotou came back to work in the field.

"Your boy has not come for a while." Liu Laotou saw him not strange, casually said.

"Quick college entrance examination, I have been busy studying recently."

Ye Xiaomu put down the book, rubbed his eyes, and came over to the house to sit down and hope to let Liu Laotou tell the story.

"Where was the last story compiled, it was very interesting, you will continue to edit."

Liu Laotou glanced at him with a scornful look. "You always said that I was editing. I really caught a ghost to show you someday."

Ye Xiaomu smiled and said: "Come on, don't say there are no ghosts in the world. Even if it is true, you have old legs and legs. It is estimated that you will die for two."

"Hey, what do you know, catching ghosts is by magic, not physical strength!" He touched a charm, read something in his mouth, his wrist turned, and the charm burned.

This hand leaf Xiaomu has also seen it many times. He firmly believes that this is a trick magic, or a flammable substance that definitely erases white phosphorus, and does not agree.

Ye Xiaomu said: "Do you really have the ability to catch ghosts, Qingcheng Mountain still does not supply you, but also use this broken house?"

Liu Laotou laughed and said: "I have this ability, it is still like in the eyes of ordinary people like you. Compared with those powerful masters, what counts, my master Longhua Daochang, that is a real player. My master, the ancestral king, is even more difficult. It’s a good place. Do you know how powerful it is?”

"do not know."

"You don't know when you say it! Let's just say that there are very few people in the world of magical arts that can reach the Tianshi table. If you can go to the immortals, it is even rarer. There are no more than five people in the world."

Although Ye Xiaomu thinks that he is editing, listening to it is quite interesting, and asked casually: "Is there still more than your master?"

"That is also there. My ancestor is one of the six sects of the sect. The other five are similar to him, but to say that there is an organization in the magical world, called the "Ghosts of the Ghosts". There are many demon corpses, and there are many human beings. The lowest ones are the celestial cards. The two strongest ones are the Maoshan gods."

"What double god?"

"Heavenly gods, both brothers and brothers are, but the road winds at the time to prove the mixed yuan, not to mention, that Ye Shaoyang, known as the invincible in the world, the Taoist Wizards of the millennium, the realm does not know how high ... Oh. Ye Shaoyang is really amazing, young, killing a lot of ghosts and monsters, even the days of robbery have also resisted, the human master, the millennium has not been so beautiful, really a young hero, but unfortunately, finally with the Promise The ghost king is gone..."


"Yeah." Liu Laotou sighed in a row. "I listened to a predecessor and said that they were fighting in the Qing Dynasty. Ye Shaoyang and the Daofeng together dragged the Promise Ghost King into the void..."

Then tell the story that I heard.

Ye Xiaomu listened to the book like Tianshu, and finally asked: "As such, they are not dead, they are missing."

"For fifteen years, if you are still alive, you should have returned." After that, he sighed again and lamented that his strength was low. He was not qualified to participate in the battle that year.

"You don't sigh, it's like it."

Liu Laotou shot the table: "I can't make a story!"

Ye Xiaomu secretly spit out his tongue and did not argue with him, lest he be irritated, and there will be no story to listen to in the future.

Liu Laotou feels for a long time and said: "Yes, let's say, Ye Shaoyang Tianshi, who is still the same family as you!"

Ye Xiaomu smiled and said: "This name is not bad, Ye Shaoyang... If I have a son in the future, I will use this name."

When I finished talking, I suddenly screamed and a thunder rang, and the TV in the room was broken.

Nani, was it almost thundered?

After listening to the old man, Liu Xiaomu said that the time was not early, and he got up and went out.

What Ye Shaoyang is a ghost and a god.

Ye Xiaomu, who was walking on the road, shook his head, but if these were true, it would be quite fun. He began to imagine that he was a magical man. It would be cool if he was to play the devil and fight zombies like the movie.

It seems that I am a little poisoned. I will listen less to such stories in the future. Ye Xiaomu smiled and laughed.

(New story, please bear with the patience to watch it, in advance spoiler, the second Ye Xiaomu is not the only protagonist, Shaoyang will come back. The Promise Ghost King will also come back, promise everyone, Shaoyang is not old, the road wind It’s not dead. This is the update of the 22nd tomorrow, because tomorrow is the father’s third anniversary, and it’s time to rest in advance so it’s released soon.)

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