Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3097: The 3099 female ghost's conspiracy 2

After turning around and heading to the peaks behind the lake, "Where is there a way out?"

"Mountains can turn over, but there is no way. This is a few miles behind the mountains." Bai Hongbing replied.

"No way!" Liu old man twitched his mouth. "Are we walking into the dead end?"

"Yeah. The road in the factory area has only been repaired here. If you want to go out, you can only walk the way."

"Good, good." Liu old man smiled bitterly. "This is really troublesome."

Immediately, I took out a three-foot-long mahogany sword from my carry-on backpack, and made a wound in the palm of my left hand. I painted two symbols with the blood flowing out, and posted them on the head of Bai Hongbing and Ye Xiaomu. Take a good body and follow me! Don't leave me!"

Liu Laotou held a mahogany sword and walked toward the town covered by white fog. Although his footsteps were a bit awkward, Ye Xiaomu looked at the back and was quite a bit of a sense of disappointment.

"Give me a peach sword!" Ye Xiaomu said, catching up.

"Ordinary people have no use for the peach sword." Liu Laotou thought about it, and found out a lot of five emperors to give him and Bai Hongbing, claiming that these were all opened by themselves. If they encounter ghosts, they will throw them over. Can be used a bit.

When I walked to the deserted commercial street, the thick fog spread and finally covered them in the middle.

Visibility suddenly dropped to less than a dozen meters.


Liu Laotou stepped forward and walked without hesitation.

The town covered by dense fog is silent, and there is no sound of birds or insects.

Not far away, the road under the foot was flattened, the buildings on both sides of the road were not so worn, the windows were intact, and some rooms were lit with lights, like some people inside.

"This is the case that day, I went to see it, no one at all!" Ye Xiaomu.

"Crap, this is the ghostfield illusion, the ghost is made by the soul force, every house is a soul knot, fortunately you did not go in!"

Liu Laotou’s voice did not fall, and the sound of a person walking was not far away. The three men stepped forward and saw that in a place more than ten meters away, there was a person wearing a white coat, walking slowly on the road. With.

The man was wearing high heels and stepped on the ground to ping pong.

Ye Xiaomu's legs tremble involuntarily.

"Don't be afraid, go!"

The three men stepped up, the white shadow also stepped up, walked into the fog, and began to sing.

It was a very light woman's voice, and the singer Song Ye Xiaomu had never heard it, but listened to the rhythm, like a children's song like a lullaby.

Bai Hongbing suddenly stood still.

"What's wrong?" Ye Xiaomu whispered to him.

Bai Hongbing listened for a while, his expression a little excited, his lips groaning: "This... This is the song that Lu Wei used to lick when she was sleeping. She is Lu Wei! Lu Wei, how are you here!"

At the moment, he was going to chase after the excitement. Liu Laotou grabbed him and angered: "If you can appear here, you can't be a person!"

Bai Hongbing suddenly stunned and immediately shook his head: "Impossible, Lu Wei, she can't die..."

"Who said that she must have died, maybe the ghost is transformed into her appearance, to seduce you, you give me a wake-up call!"

Bai Hongbing suddenly returned to God and nodded hard.

But afterwards, Bai Hongbing had been a little embarrassed under the influence of the children's songs. Liu Laotou looked in his eyes and was very anxious. The heart is also infinitely emotional, and I have not dealt with the spiritual events for decades. It is too great.

"Gig me, I blame me together." Liu Laotou sighed, on Ye Xiaomu, "Xiaomu, I am a lonely old man, you can accompany me in my old age, I am very grateful, today I am desperate to send you out, Wan One... In case I can't go back, you remember going to my house, and a lot of things in the cupboard are left for you."

"What are you talking about, we can definitely go out!" Ye Xiaomu interrupted him and said loudly.

Liu Laotou is not making a sound.

Going forward for a while, I came to a three-way intersection. The ghost of the white coat disappeared. The roads on both sides were exactly the same. Ye Xiaomu said that the road that went on the right was out. Liu Laotou dismissed it, saying that this was originally a fantasy, and there was no law to follow. Now I took out a piece of yellow paper, folded it into a paper crane, and used a cinnabar to draw a rune on it.

"Hong Bing..."

Bai Hongbing shuddered and followed the sound. From the left side of the road, a woman came face to face, wearing a white coat and wearing a mask. It was clearly Lu Wei’s long-term dress when she went to work.

"Hong Bing, I am indeed a ghost, but I am Lu Wei, your wife."

Bai Hongbing remembered the words of Liu Laotou and shook his head.

Lu Wei said one step forward: "Do you remember the first letter you wrote to me? You used the note paper at Daohuaxiang Hotel and showed your calligraphy. You don't remember? No. In the days when we snuggled, we often used pesticides together. You used 吕 我 I used 貂蝉, every time I saved you..."

Sure enough, Lu Wei!

These things, except for the two of them, can no longer be known to a third person. Even if a ghost becomes her appearance, it is impossible to know these things.

Bai Hongbing’s heart suddenly opened and he walked toward her involuntarily.

"Lu Wei, Lu Wei, how are you here?"

"I am waiting for you here, it has been a long time..." Lu Wei said that she went to the road on the left. Bai Hongbing thought of her with one heart, did not think about anything, and directly followed the past.

"All right!"

Liu Laotou finally painted the paper crane, and then he closed his eyes. He took a sigh of relief and then opened his palm. The paper crane flew out and hovered over the sky. Then he flew to the road on the right and dragged behind him. A golden brilliance.

This magical scene made Ye Xiaomu stunned.


Liu Laotou urged a voice and wanted to turn around and call Bai Hongbing. Only then did he find that he was gone. After a sigh of relief, he heard the cluttered footsteps and looked up to see a blurred figure on the left side of the road.

"It's bad! This silly than!" Liu Laotou fell into a sigh, hesitated, and said to Ye Xiaomu: "If you leave him alone, he will die, I used to look for him! You follow the paper crane, remember, no matter If you encounter something, don't look back, go straight and go out!"

Ye Xiaomu had no time to react, and Liu Laotou chased Bai Hongbing and ran.

Ye Xiaomu squatted, holding the glass bottle with the ugly body in his hands and rushing to the right.

It is indeed different from the last road. It is like a hutong. Both sides are bungalows. Most of them are closed. They suddenly encounter a door opening. Inside the black hole, Ye Xiaomu instinctively has some fear, already attached to the other side. When I left, I suddenly jumped out of an old lady in the door and grabbed my hands with myself.

(I am out today, I forgot to send a red envelope, I think it is already late, there are fewer people, I will post more for a few tomorrow, if I forget to remember qq remind me) Please see the new chapter of zui - mobile address.

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