Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3169: 3171 broke 2

Su Yan stayed for a moment: "I can't do it, I have no strength to dive, you... you go, don't worry about me."

"I am carrying you! Probably the only way to escape the illusion!"

"Fantasy?" Su smoke frowns.

"Yes, this is a fantasy. It is all fictitious. I don't know why it is like this, but this illusion is much more terrible than before. Maybe you can only escape if you find a way out!"

Su Yan looked at him silly. "what are you saying."

"Really a fantasy, you believe me, no time to explain!!"

"Fantasy... If this is the case, then it is not necessary to find an exit to survive, the cause of the illusion is different, and the method of cracking is different. You first tell me what kind of illusion this is, I will find a way!"

Ye Xiaomu had to say his own thoughts quickly.

Su Yan listened, suddenly realized that he had taken the nectar nail from Ye Xiaomu and said: "If I guess it is correct, this is the **** killing illusion. As long as you realize that this is a illusion, it is equal to going out, you have to do it. It is to kill yourself."

"This...what is wrong?"

"Wrong, then it’s dead. Anyway, this situation is also mortal." Su Yan smiled and suddenly climbed up to the neck of Ye Xiaomu, took a kiss on his mouth, and then stabbed him with a smashing nail. Into my own eyebrows...

This horrible scene made him shudder.

Su smoke, really sincere.

He stunned and took the wrecked nail and pointed it at the moment of his head, only to find that he could not go.

Are you afraid of death?

At this point, he only knows how much courage it takes for Suyan to "suicide."

Holding the nails in both hands, facing the brain, Ye Xiaomu kept breathing deeply and accumulated courage.

Damn it! Afraid of an egg!

Destroy the nails and stab it!

In the darkness, it seems to pass through a tunnel at a very fast speed, and it is very dizzy. I don't know how long it takes, about half a minute? The feeling of dizziness disappeared, and Ye Xiaomu opened his eyes, but his eyes were still dark, but there was a little light, and he could barely see something.

Sure enough, I am not dead! !

This is a dilapidated house, up to 20 square meters. It is very clean inside. There is no furniture. The windows and doors are blocked by wooden boards. Through a little gap, you can see the outside or the evening.

When he tried to stand up, he found that his hands were tied and he was tied back to back with one person.

Su smoke?

Ye Xiaomu quickly called her name, and Su Yan promised that he was fine.

Not far from them, Ye Xiaomu saw several other people tied up: Shuxin Zen Master, Fat Skinny Tuo, etc. They didn’t die, they all had their hands behind their backs, and they smashed into a row under the window sill. I looked at my head and didn't seem to wake up.

Cao Weibo was in the corner of the wall, his head was on the wall, and half of his tongue came out, and the saliva flowed out.

"Weibo, Weibo! Zen Master?"

Ye Xiaomu tried to wake them up.

"Don't bother, they can't wake up for a while." The footsteps sounded behind him. One person turned to the front. It was Meng Zeyu. He smiled in front of Ye Xiaomu and looked at him. "Tell me, when did you start to doubt?"

"What are they going on?"

"They didn't have luck with you, they died in the illusion and entered a deeper illusion." Meng Zeyu extended three fingers to them. "You have entered a layer of fantasy."

Three layers of fantasy...

Ye Xiaomu fell into memories. The first layer of illusion should be that they entered the ancient tomb through the deep well in the ancestral hall, and then they were seen by them, and they came out from another exit and returned to the village. After that, back to the hundred years ago, the Tianshi Institute After the illusion of manufacturing, they woke up again, they thought it was awake, but it was just a dream.

This is the second layer of dreams. After waking up, they meet the Zen Master and enter the ancient tomb again... This is the third layer of illusion, that is, as early as when they first entered the ancestral hall, they actually In the dream, they met with the Zen Master and others in the illusion.

The dream of not sleeping, this feeling is wonderful and terrible.

"You are the weakest of all, and I didn't expect that you were a little boy. It broke my illusion." Meng Zeyu stared at him and asked again, "When did you start to discover it?" ?"

"What are you going to do?"

"You tell me first, I will tell you." Meng Zeyu's tone is gentle and patient.

"chewing gum."

Meng Zeyu frowned and asked: "What?"

"Before coming here, we went to the supermarket. I bought a ** chewing gum. It is a cigarette smoke. We first came out of the ancient tomb. When we returned to the village, the smoke found me to get chewing gum. I Take it out and give it to her..."

He paused and said: "But then I suddenly remembered, I did not buy chewing gum, because the taste is wrong, I dropped it when I checked out. I remember this thing very clearly, I don't understand, this ** chewing gum Where is it?"

"But a ** chewing gum is not a big deal."

"Yes, so I was only skeptical, but I didn't think about the illusion. Later, I thought it was true. It was not scientific until there were two consecutive roads that suddenly became obvious. You are obviously human, your voice is everywhere, even under water, especially when you hear your voice underwater. I wondered, and I contacted so many doubts before, I thought of it all at once. This result."

Ye Xiaomu started to look at him provocatively. "Sherlock Holmes has a famous saying. When all possibilities are ruled out, the last one, no matter how impossible, is the truth."

"Sherlock Holmes, who?" asked Meng Zeyu.

"Look, you are very smart, but you don't know everything." Ye Xiaomu got a provocative pleasure.

Meng Zeyu nodded and was very sincere. He said: "This is indeed my negligence. I am too lazy. I should make a slate to block the exit, so you will not doubt, you know, the weaving illusion is also quite It’s frustrating.”

"However, this third layer of fantasy is actually weaved together. I am only responsible for pulling you in. Connecting your subconscious mind. You first thought that chewing gum is there, so it appears. This is the result of your subconscious. Then you think of the truth, but the chewing gum has already appeared and it is impossible to disappear from the air, so it can only exist forever."

Even if he didn't say it, Ye Xiaomu actually thought of the truth. This kind of illusion is much more terrible than the ghost wall that they experienced in the ancient tomb in the first layer. After all, the illusion created by others, no matter how true, There is always a flaw, and if this illusion is the product of your own subconscious, it would be terrible.

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