Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3218: The 3220 death game 2

"Okay, let's eat soon. I will show you the scene after dinner."

In the afternoon, Xie Yuqing took Lao Guo to the university where Ye Xiaomu was located. He went to the dormitory where the case was sent, and let the old Guo Detector check it out, mainly the living supplies of the deceased Wang Ziqiang, especially the cup and toothbrush. The powder was poured into the mixing, it took the boss to work, and finally finished the work, and invited Xie Yuqing to leave the house together.

"How?" From the dormitory area, Xie Yuqing could not wait to ask.

“It’s a spiritual event, but there’s almost no trace.”

"What do you mean?"

"If the evil thing is attached to the body, or if it touches a person, it will leave evil on the person. The ordinary people can't detect it. Some are so weak that even the Master can hardly detect it by feeling. I just used my own unique medicine. Checking the most direct contact with the body, such as his cup, there is indeed a ghost, but it is weak to almost imperceptible."

Xie Yuqing took a breath of air and said: "That is, there are evil things for you."

Lao Guo nodded and muttered: "But blame, it is said that he just died. If his death is more related to evil, then recently - especially last night, he must have had contact with evil things. This logic is right. ""

Xie Yuqing thought about it and nodded.

Lao Guo went on to say, "That's blame. If he was last night - even if he relaxed, he would have been in contact with the ghost within three days, he could not die in this ghost, because the breath is too weak. This ghost must have been just a short-lived one. This soul does not say that it hurts people, even the upper body is difficult."

Xie Yuqing looked at him with surprise. "Is it possible that this ghost is very powerful, but the traces left are very light, deliberate?"

"That's not to be. If it is enough to practice, you can hide the breath, you should not leave a little breath, why should you leave a little breath to let people discover? Besides, if it is such a level of ghosts, killing does not have to be so troublesome."

This has become a paradox. Xie Yuqing was completely stunned.

"In any case, this case will never be so simple, you should be careful, it is best to bring Xue Qi together, don't be stubborn." Lao Guo said.

Xie Yuqing said: "Do you have any suggestions or the like?"

"I don't want to solve this kind of thing. I don't have any clues at the moment. I can't help it."

Xie Yuqing said: "I have a clue, but I have to check it down."

Lao Guo said that if he found evidence of the existence of evil things, he would immediately inform him that he would have no choice but to other aspects.

Xie Yuqing drove him back, and then returned to the police station. He had already found the technology to crack the records in Wang Ziqiang's game console. Many of them are restricted games. Since the popularity of VR game consoles, there have been many in the market. This shy game, after all, VR, the kind of immersive stimulation can not be said.

This led to more and more otaku in this era, but also caused a lot of **** incidents, leading to the official ban on such games, but because of the demand, the market can still find some pirated games.

These files downloaded by Wang Ziqiang are all pirated. Just like watching movies from the Sao years ago, they are asking for downloads everywhere, and they will be deleted after reading them.

In the middle of this massive restricted game, the technicians found several suspicious download links, then tested and downloaded, and found that one of them was indeed a game called "Death Trip". When you look at the name, you know it is a horror game. , but the linked resource has been deleted and cannot be downloaded.

Technicians searched the Internet and couldn't find any information about the game - but they can find games related to this name, many of them, but they are not the ones who are playing by the deceased. .

So the technicians can't do anything about it.

The clue came here and I saw it broken. Xie Yuqing was a bit frustrated. At this time, he proposed a point: Since Wang Ziqiang can find this game online, it means that there must be a place to download, but it is too hidden and not easy to find. Xie Yuqing thought twice and thought that since this is a serial case, it may be possible to find someone who used to handle the case to help, maybe they will find something.

Before Yang Secretary gave his information, Xie Yuqing summed up it. Every province has it. There is no law at all. It is for this reason that the outside media did not find a serial case. Otherwise, like this case, it has long been known. Caused a sensation.

If you contact the case investigators of the previous case, you will be handed over to you.

I spent one afternoon and personally called and communicated. Fortunately, they were all police systems. The other party knew that they were investigating the case, and they all cooperated fully. They sent the investigation reports, but they are really useful. More, otherwise it will not be a pending case today.

What surprised him was that he really came to this game clue called "Death Trip". It is a policeman named Cao Yong. He is a criminal policeman in Jiangnan. In September last year, there was a case similar to Wang Ziqiang. The investigation process in the middle will not be said. The result is that this Cao Yong really found a link to this game online.

Actually, in a post-game bar, someone sent such a link, Cao Yong applied for an investigation, but this link seems to be a network master, using a virtual IP, so that the technical staff can not find a trace.

After the game is downloaded, you will need to send an email to make an appointment, and the other party will send you a real game link to download.

Cao Yong’s report said that he tried several times to find people of different identities. The last young man successfully registered and received the game software. When playing, because the difficulty is too high, there is no progress in playing for three days, and there is no surprise. In awkward places, Cao Yong’s boss impatiently stopped the tracing of this clue, and later became a suspense case.

Cao Yong personally felt that the death of the boy must be related to this game. He tried it for a while and found nothing. Later, he didn't know why, the game was deleted from his machine.

Cao Yong had the original link and tried several times. He did not make an appointment. Later, he was transferred to another department. He slowly accepted that this was the result of a pending case. It was no longer investigated, but his heart was still remembered. When he contacted him and explained the situation, he immediately sent all his original investigation report and gave the post and the link address of the game download.

Business casting a few, it is very popular in a singer. The occurrence of a death case is actually almost three months after the release of this post!

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