Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3235: 3236 Thunderbolt King 1

Wang Ziqiang looked at him and suddenly laughed. "I remembered that you are a patient in our hospital. You have delusions. You always think of us as other people and imagine this as a game world."

Ye Xiaomu is speechless, how can he argue with him, and finally understands that he is actually an NPC here.

But suddenly, Ye Xiaomu suddenly thought of an incredible thing:

Wang Ziqiang has just died a few days, and this game has no idea how long it has existed. Why is there a NPC that looks exactly like Wang Ziqiang, and... Wang Ziqiang, who knows himself, speaks with a habit of blinking, especially when he looks at other people’s eyes. Your eyes will keep licking.

Wang Ziqiang in front of himself, he also has such a habit of speaking.

How can a person who has just died appear in a game that existed before?

In the blink of an eye, Ye Xiaomu thought of two possibilities. The first is that the game probably has a data logging function. After Wang Ziqiang’s death, some of his performances in the game will be recorded and then extracted by the producer to create a The game model is then delivered to the game in a patch package. This amount of work is not large and can be fixed in a few days.

Motivation to do this... Maybe they are to increase the realism of the game, or deliberately satisfy a certain metamorphosis? In this way, Ye Xiaomu recalled the NPCs he encountered on the next road. They are probably the ones who died in this game before...

There is also a possibility that this game has read its own brainwaves and created the image of Wang Ziqiang here with its own memory. This is a bit of a mystery, but this is completely invested in and through the general gaming experience. It’s incredible, at least Ye Xiaomu has never had this wonderful game feeling.

"You didn't run with Cui Zhen, how come you come back, go, go see the dean with me!" Wang Ziqiang came up to grab the arm of Ye Xiaomu, and Ye Xiaomu pushed him away with vigilance.

Wang Ziqiang stunned and said with a strong heart: "You are just delusional, just take an injection and take medicine. It can be cured. You are different from Cui Zhen. He has a tendency in the bag. This action, I know everyone. He killed him. You are just an accomplice. I have already applied to the hospital. As long as you cooperate with the treatment, the hospital will not pursue this matter..."

Wang Ziqiang said as he walked toward Ye Xiaomu.

Ye Xiaomu slowly receded and pulled the stick out of his trouser pocket. After several nights of fighting, he had already understood that this was an escape game. The character had no special skills. He was an ordinary person. He took Cui from the beginning. The knife that provoked himself was used as a weapon. Later, when the knife was slashed with a zombie, he found the stick.

The resources of this game are very poor, and Ye Xiaomu carries this stick that can barely defend himself.

"Hey, Xiaomu, don't be afraid, I am here to help you."

"What do you call me?"

"Little wood, Ye Xiaomu, isn't this your name?"

He actually knows his name!

Ye Xiaomu was completely stunned.

By this time, he vaguely felt that this game is definitely not that simple, perhaps... these people are not NPCs in front of them, but... ghosts?

I didn’t use Soul Soul before, did I find Wang Ziqiang’s soul, did I come to the game?

Suddenly his arm was numb. When Wang Ziqiang glared at his imagination, he suddenly rushed to his side and took a needle on his arm.

"Don't be afraid, this is an anesthesia needle. I am here for you."

Wang Ziqiang smiled at him.

Ye Xiaomu's line of sight is a little blurry.

I don't know how long it took, he woke up, and his consciousness recovered a little. He tried to sit up, but he couldn't move and looked down. He found himself covered in a belt and tied to a hospital bed.

The place where I live is a small and narrow room with a very strange machine standing around. When I saw it, Ye Xiaomu first thought of the kind of hot equipment in the barber shop, a ring machine. Stretching over his head, Ye Xiaomu was a little scared. Although this is a game, the previous experiences made him know that no matter what he encountered here, the physical feeling is the same as the real world. It hurts. The pain.

What if they want to do surgery for themselves?

However, this is not a deposit point. I can't do it now if I want to quit.

He calmed down and began to look for opportunities to escape, but the body was tied tightly and it took a lot of trouble to move. He was anxious, and suddenly the door was pushed open.

Wang Ziqiang came in. At this time, he has already put on a white coat and smiled at himself.

Then came behind him, a man in his fifties, long and ugly, but quite Sven, smiling, wearing a pair of glasses, but the feeling is very sinister and cumbersome.

Ye Xiaomu feels like he has seen this guy?

"This is our Yang Dean, our dean of the dean personally came to give you treatment, Ye Xiaomu, you have to cooperate with it..."

Dean Yang went to Ye Xiaomu and moved to a chair to sit down. He looked at Ye Xiaomu with a smile and made Ye Xiaomu feel that he had no heart. He tried to say: "I am not sick."

Dean Yang smiled and said: "Do you know why you come in?"

"do not know."

"Because you have internet addiction and internet addiction, this is a disease. How can you come here without illness?"

Addiction? ? ?

Where is this?

Ye Xiaomu looked at him suspiciously, and a memory jumped up. It was a documentary that was seen online. It was recorded one thing more than a decade ago. At that time, the network was just emerging, because many young people were on the Internet. Addictive, so the whole society is complaining about the Internet is not good, and some even shouted the slogan "Internet addiction is sick."

Although with the popularity of the Internet, people have a correct understanding of the Internet, online games have also been supervised, and finally become part of the lives of Chinese people. Nowadays, many young people simply can’t imagine some opinions at that time. I feel very absurd and will use it to vomit, but at the time, the whole society was like that.

There are a lot of people in that era who started the business of treating internet addiction. Of course, the children will not take the initiative. They are all registered at home and tied their children. However, the so-called internet addiction school has nothing to do with these children. The means of treatment is nothing more than detention and corporal punishment. At one time, there have been many social news.

The most famous one is Yang Yongxin, who opened an internet addiction school in a certain place in Shandong.

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