Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3245: 3247 Trial 2

The Red Emperor said: "Don't say this, you pass on orders, send more people, and patrol the streets. Once you find a place where evil spirits are breeding, they will be cleared immediately. This is the only way to do so."

Li Muxuan promised to come down, take out his mobile phone, and greet everyone in the core management group of the spell guild. After half an hour, they thought that there are so many places in the world, many places are inaccessible, relying on the magical world to monitor But come, but think carefully, there is really no better way.

"Master, I have always had a problem. The robbery... Was it not been broken by the wind and other people more than a decade ago? Why haven’t you really passed?"

Red Emperor said: "In the beginning, everyone thought so, thinking that the robbery had already broken, but in fact, Ye Shaoyang and others just delayed the robbery and postponed the robbery for more than ten years. After all, the Promise Ghost King did not die. Wang Houqing is indeed dead, but the son-in-law has not died, has been crouching for more than ten years, and now it is just around the corner, plus the status quo of the Styx... If all this breaks out together, it will bring devastating disaster to the Three Realms. Why do we have to go out and find the human master to fight against the robbery? The most important thing is the world!"

Li Muxuan nodded slowly and said: "It is a pity that we can't unite. I, Yuan Chen, and Jianming, we will never really unite."

The Red Emperor sighed and said: "I hope that the real war will come, you can unite at least once, even once."

At the same time, Yuan Xi was in his room, after taking a shower, and went to the room to dress very well. A little brother who looked very handsome had already dressed and sat on the sofa and watched Yuan Xi. Come over, the desire is coming up again, but he is trying to restrain himself. He knows his identity. In this game, Yuan Xi is the dominant.

Yuan Xi, wearing his face in front of his face, put on makeup and said: "Say business, how is the matter going?"

"Wang Xiaobao lived with Lao Guo. Recently, Lao Guo seems to help the police to do a psychic case. Nothing else, no movement."

"Is it important to find out why Lao Guo has moved to Spring City to live?"

"This is really unclear, but Lao Guo recently received an apprentice and taught him every day that this kid is currently an alchemist."

"Alchemist." Yuan Xi’s nose snorted and said: "I heard about it before. At the last meeting, this kid came with Wang Xiaobao. I thought I had a special life. Since it is an alchemist, then don't Check it again."

The young man came up and said respectfully: "Miss, we investigated this person, his name is Ye."

"What's wrong with the surname leaf."

Yuan Xi is looking at the eyebrows, and casually returned a sentence, suddenly remembered what, looked a glimpse, turned his head and looked at him, said: "Name of the leaves?"

"Yes, and he is exactly sixteen this year. I will show you photos."

The teenager opened the mobile phone photo album, Yuan Xi suddenly frowned, but did not say anything, watching him find a photo, is a teenager walking on the road, watching the angle is a sneak shot.

"This is the kid!"

"The long is pretty and pretty." Yuan Xi smiled.

The boy said: "I have found out that my uncle has identified him. He has seen Ye Shaoyang, saying yes, this kid is a bit like him..." He looked very carefully at Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi’s expression gradually became dignified. He wanted to say something, but he held back. He took his mobile phone and turned it to the end. It was a video, and the boy’s face was white.

Yuan Xi points to play, the picture is two people entangled, the female's various screams, the camera is fixed at one side, indicating that it is a sneak shot.

The young man slammed down at the foot of Yuan Xi, and he was in pain: "Miss, I just want to be a memorial..."

Yuan Xi extended a filigree hand and stroked his head. He said softly, "Let's go, in the future, don't appear in the magic world again." After that, one hand suddenly grabbed his wrist and firmly buckled the vein. The door, the infuriating moment poured into his body's meridians, rushed into his Dantian hole like a flood, and instantly broke Dantian.

The young man snorted, his body was soft, and he sat down on the ground, but he quickly tried to climb up. He rushed to thank the Yuan Xi, and then walked out of the door.

The meridians are abolished and cannot be practiced in this life. It is an ordinary person in the future.

Just for a video, the practice of more than ten years was all in vain. The boy’s heart was awful, but he did not dare to resist. He knew that this was his best destiny. amount

The boy’s heart was terrible, but he only nodded and went out.

This punishment is the lightest.

After the teenager left, Yuan Xi continued to make up, put on clothes, and came to the conference hall. See Jianyang, Li Muxuan, Ren Luoan, Zhang Yu, Sun Yuxi, Qiu Feng, Ye Chen, etc., all of which are later selected. The other masters of the spell guild that came out were all members of the Double Eight and Three Alliances. The two sides held each other and secretly competed, but most of the relationships on the surface were quite good.

"Hello everyone, I slept, just got up." Yuan Xichong a few boys laughed, someone cooperated with her, but both sides knew that this was a joke. Although Yuan Xi’s private life was a bit awkward, but most of the sleep was outside the circle. Even if it is a mage, it is also unknown. This is the rule she has set for herself. She will never engage in anything with the same level of the Master to avoid leaving hidden dangers.

This meeting was convened by Li Muxuan. He said the situation once again. Everyone has a good way. They can only inform some sects and take care of them. They observe the past and discover that they are going to invade the ancestors of the river. Things, although everyone pays attention, but the look is a bit excited.

She herself is the same. After all, everyone is a young person. In the past ten years since they grew up, the magical world is generally calm, and hate not to get something big, so that they can show their talents. Just like the group of Ye Shaoyang who greeted the Promise Ghost King, he did something earth-shattering and wrote his name into the history of the magical world.

"When is your brother going out?" After the meeting, Yuan Xi went out with Li Muxuan and heard him ask.

"It’s still a few months. I’ve been working hard for Lee recently.” Yuan Xi rushed at him.

"I don't want to work hard, I have to work hard. I have to retreat. I will only go out after three months."

Yuan Xi’s heart was shocked and said: “How are you all closed, my brother, Jianming, Yang Yu, now you are also closed, are you making an appointment?”

"No appointment, maybe everyone feels that there is a big battle, so I want to upgrade it finally, so I can cope with the war."

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