Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3252: 3254 Sumiyama 2

Four people who are so strong?

Ye Shaoyang couldn't believe it. He just took a look at it and he didn't even see who the four were.

I have no time to look back. He was dragged along by the mysterious figure and quickly came to the ground, still not doing any stay, running wild in the desert.

"There is a space crack in the vicinity, but there is still a distance, we are writing!"

"Where to go!"


"No amount of bounds?" Ye Shaoyang stunned for a moment, turned his head and looked at it, the Promise Ghost King has actually caught up.

"Oops, the four of them are afraid of being fierce and less!" The mysterious character sighed.

"There should be the ability to protect themselves." Li Haoran said, "It’s just that we have to be caught up."

"Go to the yin, he dare not go to the yin!" Ye Shaoyang shouted.

The two of them glanced at each other and immediately understood that there was a capital in the capital of the capital, even if it was the Promise Ghost King. In the past, they could not find any cheapness. Even if she really dared to go, she could not find any cheap.

"Yes, this is not her world, she dare not forget it!"

Li Haoran broke open the void, and the three immediately drilled in. After a while, they appeared near the capital city.

They did not enter the city, but rushed toward the entrance of the boundless world.

In the blink of an eye, the Promise Ghost King came down, chasing after him, until he entered the boundless world.

This is the site of the Tibetan Bodhisattva. Ye Shaoyang has come once, but in his own world.

Passing through a maple forest, there is a temple opposite, not a temple, but it is also ancient and different from the human world.

A few monks were meditating outside, and they saw Ye Shaoyang and others, and they were taken aback and turned around to look at it.

"I am Yu Qian, behind the ghost king, I will avoid it!"

Yu... Qian?

Ye Shaoyang’s heart was shocked, the national hero of the Ming Dynasty, the protection of Daming’s mountains and rivers, and Yu Qian’s death after being loyal to Fu Tianjun.

A few monks also stumbled, let them go, and intercept the Promise Ghost King together.

They are qualified to practice in this boundless world. They used to be the top of the world's Buddhist temples. Their strength is not bad. As a result, they just rushed to meet and they were knocked over by the Promise Ghost King. Several of them were directly killed by yin and yang... ...

However, their sacrifices also slightly blocked the Promise Ghost King, and Ye Shaoyang fled away. Li Haoran and Yu Qian were familiar with the road and took Ye Shaoyang to a river and jumped.

There are still a lot of monks guarding the river. I wanted to block it. I listened to Qian’s introduction and blaspheme the gods. Let them go, wait for them to react and intercept the Promise Ghost King. The result is death and injury.

Endless void.

Not far away, the sky is filled with chaotic clouds, deep and terrible, but below is the endless ocean, blue waves are clear, the most amazing thing is that there is no gravity here, you can float without any help in the middle, and there is no cold The feeling of heat.

The water below is atomized into clouds, and the sea and sky meet. It looks very mysterious. It seems to reveal some profound truths, but Ye Shaoyang can't see it, and it is too late to refer to it, because the Promise Ghost King has been behind the scenes.

"Where to go!" Ye Shaoyang asked urgently.

"A mountain in front!" Li Haoran replied.

Between the talks, in front of the sea and the sky, there really appeared a mountain, so lonely, the land is extremely broad, the upper half stands in the clouds, the lower half sinks in the sea, in the middle of the position, there are clouds and water overturn Rotating, forming a place like a whirlpool and a cave, can't tell whether it is a cloud or a water.

"This is a time-space tunnel. From here, we can return to our own world." Li Haoran explained to him, "We came over three days ago and have already disturbed the balance of yin and yang here. We are watching the tunnel close, but fortunately we Found you!"

"Time and space tunnel, won't you?" Ye Shaoyang almost can't believe it.

What they said, the Promise Ghost King also heard it, and immediately cheered up and gave up the killing of Ye Shaoyang.

After all, for her, returning to the world of her own is the first.

Ye Shaoyang, they watched the Promise Ghost King over them, rushed to the whirlpool, and in a hurry, Yu Qian shouted: "You seniors, please help me, stop the Promise Ghost King!"

In the clouds, suddenly a large piece was pulled out, and countless waves appeared in the sea. Together, they were in front of the vortex. In the middle of the clouds and the waves, it seemed that many figures could be seen, and nothing seemed to be there.

"You are all former people, and later became gods. You are high above, away from the Three Realms. Do you think this is the ultimate practice? Well, in my opinion, it is only the energy body of the corpse meal, the energy body of the past."

Her hands and hands, the yin and yang two gas spread from the front, constantly spread the clouds and the sea, and squeezed from the middle.

Ye Shaoyang and others looked stunned.

These ancient gods are not the opponents of the Promise Ghost King?

"Look at what, go!"

Li Haoran took Ye Shaoyang and flew forward. When the Promise Ghost King was around, the Promise Ghost King ignored them and still struggled against the mysterious and powerful forces.

"The most fear of energy imbalance here. We came over three days ago and have already fluctuated. Now that we have so many people coming, we can’t hold it anymore. Seeing that this whirlpool is going to close!"

Yu Qian pointed to the vortex in front, and Ye Shaoyang fixed his eyes. As a result, the rotation of clouds and splashes was getting faster and faster, and the range was shrinking, so the three quickly flew in together.

At the same time, the Promise Ghost King also broke the final constraint and kept on.

"Can't put the ghost king back, we are standing!"

Li Haoran and Yu Qian glanced at each other and turned around together to intercept the Promise Ghost King.

"It's too late!" Ye Shaoyang yelled at them.

"That would be sixty years later, seeing that the colorless days overlap with the illusory world for sixty years, it will open the time crack! Go away!" Li Haoran threw the injured road to Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang hesitated and went to the crack.

The Promise Ghost King and Li Haoran fought together, and soon the two were also shaken, and the Promise Ghost King once again chased Ye Shaoyang.

It’s really a ghost!

Ye Shaoyang really wants to collapse. From the ancient tomb, there are so many defenses on the road that they have not really stopped the Promise Ghost King. This strength is terrible...

The Promise Ghost King touched the edge of the vortex. Suddenly, a golden light fell, spread into a face, and stood in front of the Promise Ghost.

"The ghost king is coming, there is a far-reaching welcome."

An old voice rang in the distance. In the next second, as soon as the figure suddenly appeared in the clouds, Ye Shaoyang couldn’t help but look up and was a Tibetan Bodhisattva!

(Shaoyang is coming back, everyone is going to tell me!)

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