Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3257: 3259 God of War returns 4

Thinking of his original heart, but also want to lead the rise of the magic circle, reproduce the magical age, but now it is the end of this, it is embarrassing.

His biggest mistake is to overestimate his strength and heart, and to narrow his mind and reject aliens. After all, this is a hateful and sad person.

Lin Sansheng went on to say: "But his corpse is not good. Everything has to listen to the son-in-law. To be fair, he is just the face of the son-in-law, and the son-in-law is now much stronger than it was then. Now they I heard that the ancestors of the Styx River are going to enter the prison, and they are also eager to move.

The two men talked for a while, Lin Sansheng asked Ye Shaoyang's plan, and then gave him the latest address of Lao Guo, and then he also went back. After all, he is now the King of Zhongshan who has the right to empty the world. Usually there are many things, and he can't leave the air for a long time. boundary.

Two people say goodbye, Ye Shaoyang looks at him, a look of words and stops.

Lin Sansheng was moved and said: "Don't be sad, just a momentary difference. You should go to Lao Guo first, remember to be careful, don't let people find you, I will go to you after a while."

"No, I want to say... Do you have money? Give me some money, I am penniless now, but I am hungry." Ye Shaoyang pulled out two pockets and touched a pile of broken silver, and a few Block silver dollars are used in the Republic of China.

Lin Sansheng laughed and cried.

"I am a ghost, where is the money, you can find a way to earn some money first."

"I am hungry!"

Since the tomb, Ye Shaoyang has never eaten anything, but also played with the Promise Ghost King. After that, he was chased after another road. His energy consumption is huge. Now he is really hungry when he returns to the world.

Lin Sansheng scratched his head and said: "Otherwise, you will go to the Ye Chen again. He must have money on his body. Do you want to grab the mat to eat?"

"I am not a robber!"

Ye Shaoyang waved his hand. "Forget it, it's useless to tell you. I'm going to pick up some **** iron on the way, find a place to sell it."

Lin Sansheng sneaked a smile, and the world's celestial body, Ye Shaoyang, actually fell to the point where he was going to pick up waste iron.

Two people separately.

I used to just say that, but Ye Shaoyang went hungry, the mobile phone didn't, didn't have a penny, and couldn't really grab it. When he found a small town, he was already hungry and dizzy, but in desperation, really Go to the mineral water bottle.

An old lady was shopping with her grandson. She saw Ye Shaoyang licking the bottle on the ground. She was still wearing a ragged gown. She quickly went away and warned her grandson: "If you don't see it, you will pick up the garbage at a young age. If you are not good, Learning, the future is this end!"

"I am Cao!"

Ye Shaoyang threw all the bottles he had picked up on the ground, but after venting, he smashed up and asked about the location of the local waste collection station. Hungry, I sold the bottle and scrap iron for a few dollars, and quickly went to a Lanzhou noodles and asked for a bowl of noodles...

After eating, I have a lot of energy. Ye Shaoyang has four cents left in his pocket. Thinking of his own penniless, from Shangrao to the spring city, there are thousands of kilometers. If you walk, it is really old, even if you go to Shicheng. Not easy.

Four cents on his own body... Ye Shaoyang sat in the ramen noodle restaurant, ignoring the eyes of the owner and thinking about what he should do.

I have to call and find someone to pick me up.

Although it has been more than ten years, but everyone remembers the number, but touched his pocket, four coins, and there was no public telephone in his own time. This era is estimated to be even worse.

"Boss, can the mobile phone be borrowed? I can give money." Ye Shaoyang squinted and went to the boss to borrow a mobile phone.

The boss looked at him up and down and asked uncomfortably: "Where is it?"


"Oh, it’s out of the province, long distance."

"I can give you money."

Ye Shaoyang used a dirty hand to touch out four hair coins.

The boss turned his eyes and said: "My phone has no power."

"You just lend me, come back and pick me up, I will give you ten dollars."

"You are a smashed one, who will pick you up, the shelter?"

"Boss, this mouth is not so poisonous!" Ye Shaoyang is also angry.

"Little brother, I have a mobile phone." Sitting in the corner, a young man eating a meal puts his mobile phone on the table.

Ye Shaoyang walked over and felt the spiritual power of the young man. When he thought about it, he understood, "You are a disciple of Sanqingshan."

The Master is very rare in the crowd. It is so close to Sanqing Mountain, and the eight achievements are disciples of Sanqingshan.

The young man looked at him with surprise and said, "How do you know?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "I have seen you on the mountain."

"Oh." The young man smiled and took the phone to him. He said, "You are not eating enough, come back to a bowl of noodles?"

"Thank you!"

Ye Shaoyang picked up the phone, smiled at him and turned to go out.

The young man hesitated, but still sat. The store owner said: "You are going to chase, he wants a meal, just run with your mobile phone!"

"It shouldn't be, I don't think he is like this kind of person."

Ye Shaoyang heard, his heart was a little moved. When he got outside the door, when he pressed the number, he remembered the words of Lin Sansheng. They were afraid that someone would stalk, or they would not look for him first. If they wanted to go, he dialed Zhou Jingru’s number for more than ten years. The number does not know that she still uses it.

The phone actually passed...

Ye Shaoyang’s mood was suddenly excited.

At this moment, Zhou Jingru was in a meeting and listened to a subordinate report. The mobile phone rang. She took it and looked at it. It was a strange number. I didn’t know if it was sold. She gave it and the call came over.

Zhou Jingru set an example by himself. When he was in a meeting, he would never answer the phone. This is also a respect for his subordinates. He then handed it to the secretary, let her pick it up, and then listened to the report.

It is a very important business activity. When she returned to China, she mainly dealt with this matter, and naturally she could not be distracted.

Two minutes later, the secretary came over and whispered, "I am looking for you, I want you to listen to the phone."

"I have a meeting."

"He said... looking for something that matters to you -"

"I have a meeting, what is more important than this!" Zhou Jingru waved his hand and the secretary went aside.

"Polite, ask who he is, just say I will go back."

The secretary nodded and said: "He said, his name is Ye, called... I forgot, you are an old friend."

Zhou Jingru concentrated on listening to the report, initially did not pay attention to Fan, suddenly realized what, asked: "What is it?"

The secretary asked again on the phone and replied: "He said, he is Ye Shaoyang."

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