Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3329: The 3,361, just baked, called the Chaffinch 3

The hanging hearts of everyone were put down.

Su Yan took the chicken in his arms and choked.

The chicken looks like a suede, and squeezes the body out of the shell that is scorched from the outside. The heat is constantly coming out from the inside.

"Don't say, it looks like a chicken." Wang Xiaobao smiled and touched his nose.

After the whole chicken peeled off the coke from the outer layer, the physical condition made everyone stunned:

Compared with the former one, it grows a lot, and the yellow fluff on the body fades. Instead, it is golden yellow with red hair, and the head has the same long hair as the wheat. A dark brown mane grows on the tail.

This change is like... a chicken grows up to become a hen, and this change is done in a short time with a thunder, which has to be surprising.

And his voice changed, he became a bit thicker, not as sharp as before.

"Let's rise to three levels, great, thank you."

Lao Guo also came over and said very proudly.

Su Yan gave him a sigh of relief, and once again held the chicken in his arms, and touched his head with one hand, said with a distressed heart: "Great, our chicken is the best, can triple strength The thunderstorms are falling down..."

The chicken was very embarrassed to hear this. He said: "That... I can’t help it. I want to use that water gun several times..."

"But you are still useless, indicating that you are strong enough, really great!"

Ye Xiaomu also praises it as a child.

The chicken gave him a look, then looked at Lao Guo with a roar, and grievously shed tears in his eyes. He said, "If I didn't hear you, I used it, but I heard it. It is actually inside." Urine! This king loves to be clean all the time, let me spray myself with urine. I can't stand it several times. I want to pick up the water spray, but I think it is urine! How can I bear this!"

Everyone laughed.

"Yes, so my approach is still very good, or you have failed the thunder, now there is the prestige!"

"Screw you!"

The chicken suddenly picked up the water gun and sprayed it against Lao Guo.

Lao Guo was unable to prevent a urinary squirt, and shouted loudly when he rushed.

Ye Xiaomu and Wang Xiaobao laughed happily. As a result, the chickens came to them separately. The two quickly took the hand to stop, and the result was also sprayed on the hands.

"Ha ha ha!" Chicken seems to have found something fun game, the original wilting emotions suddenly cheered up, spread wings and flew up, the water pistol continued to spray three people, the three big men sprayed screaming.

"Hey, you give me down, but that... that's my urine, don't mess!"

Su Yan rose his face, chased the chicken, and shouted loudly.

Back home, all four people fell into the soup, and the three men were still in the urine. They went into the bathroom to wash. When they came out, Ye Xiaomu was exhausted. The big words were lying on the bed, but my heart was very happy. .

This time, the chickens experienced thunder, but they have raised the triple realm. Now, it is afraid that even Suyan is not its opponent. Ye Xiaomu remembered his heart and was very happy.

Wang Xiaobao lay down beside him and let Ye Xiaomu smell that there was no smell on his body. Just when Su Yanhong came in, Wang Xiaobao deliberately sniffed the sleeve and said to Ye Xiaomu: "There is still a taste, I finally know now. The original beauty of the urine is the same as ours..."

When he hadn’t finished speaking, he was hit by a face of Su Yan’s head.

At this time, Lao Guo came in and looked a little dignified and said: "Don't make trouble, I have a business. Listen to me."

Then he sat down on the edge of the bed and said to Ye Xiaomu: "I have a friend who just called me and said that he is in the land..."

"Your friend called you from the landlord?" Ye Xiaomu could not help but insert a sentence.

"Oh, he commissioned a friend who was on earth to call me, said that there is a very cow, and he was wounded. The soul is still sealed, but he has a secret, which is very important for the Yinshi. So, I want to go to you, use your talent to extract his memory, get that secret... Probably that's it, understand?"

Ye Xiaomu knows nodding and his face is dignified.

His talent... He also recently learned that he had the talent to peek into the memory of evil things in his dreams. At first he was treated as a kind of confusion. He told Lao Guo about this, and Lao Guo did several experiments. This is to make sure that this is a very rare talent, let him keep secrets, not to talk to anyone.

"I may not be able to do it..." Ye Xiaomu is a bit uneasy.

"Try it, this is really no way to find me, don't shirk it."

Ye Xiaomu naturally promised to come down. Su Yan and Wang Xiaobao are also very curious about this matter, looking for Lao Guo to inquire, Lao Guo is not willing to reveal too much.

So that night, after everyone finished eating, Lao Guo asked them to go first, and they came to the bedroom with Ye Xiaomu. When they entered, Ye Xiaomu saw that there was more person in the room, a long gown and a temperament. The elegant old man, the figure is a bit illusory, with a faint ghost.

Ye Xiaomu knew that he was a ghost.

The old man shook his hand in a folding fan and looked at him with a smile. He said: "Ye... Xiao Tian Shi is good."


Ye Xiaomu scratched his head and said with embarrassment, "I am not a master, and you are calling me Ye Xiaotian?"

Old Guogan coughed, and the old man sighed and smiled: "Because I used to deal with a singer named Ye, you are younger than him, and you will call you Xiaotian. The old man is Xu Wenchang. The master of the reincarnation department. ""

Xu... Wenchang?

Ye Xiaomu looked at him sillyly. As a college student, especially a history buff, he certainly knows who Xu Wenchang is. He just can't believe that this old man is Xu Wenchang, who is in the history.

After the inquiry confirmed this point, Ye Xiaomu’s inner heart was so excited that he didn’t know what to say. He swept away to see Lao Guo and he was infinitely admired for Lao Guo. Although he admired so much for Lao Guo, He always thought that he was the kind of person who had no talents, and he had no fame in the magical world. He did not expect that he still had such a strong friend.

"Ye Tianshi, if you have no problem, let's go?"

"Okay. I cleaned up, my instrument is in the room."

"We are going to the yin, don't need to bring the ritual." Xu Wenchang actually wants to say that as far as his strength is concerned, he really encounters the enemy, and there is no difference in bringing the instrument.

(Today take a day off, send a chapter. Please tell me, if any other platform can not see, the channels are closed, try to read qq)

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