Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

: 3361 unbeaten giant 1

The scene was very miserable for a while.

However, just after the crisis had ended, the stone statues suddenly collapsed, and then the broken stones rolled on the ground and gradually gathered together. Under a package of black liquid, they gradually piled up and became a huge stone statue. , or that sly face.

It seemed to make a sound, everyone trembled and then fell asleep in an irresistible way.

Even the chickens fell asleep in the arms of Su Yan.

No one knows what they dreamed of.

Only a little farther away from the stone statue, escaped and rushed back to the drug lord.

There is a dead silence within the scope of the drug lord.

There is only one exception.

Chen Xiaoxu.

He saw the breath of oozing from the huge stone statue, bunches of vines, constantly growing around, grabbing the crowd, and then the tip of the vines swept in their noses or mouths.

There are also a few bundles to come and catch yourself.

Chen Xiaoxu exhibited the Maoshan Tianqi step, dodging the attack, and then... still save people and drag people to the distance. The "touch whisker" of the stone statue has a range, as long as its attack range is

After saving a few people, he suddenly thought that he could not save a few people because of his exhaustion and tiredness, so he turned his attention to the huge stone statue, and probably just solved it by killing it.

So he flew over to the huge stone statue, and used the spirit to fight the evil vines along the way, finally coming to the foot of the stone statue.

When he got to the front, he didn’t know what to do.

This thing in front of me is a pile of stones piled up together and made up this giant, but I am a mage and not an iron man. In the face of such a huge monster, he has no choice.

Just thinking about it, the giant had bent over and waved an arm toward himself.

Chen Xiaoxu hurriedly evaded. After hiding, I discovered that the stone's arm didn't move at all. What was it... illusion?

The arm waved again, and the strength was much stronger than before. From the far-off Chen Xiaoxu, I could feel the compelling spirit and quickly avoid it. At this time, the black gas formed by the beard was more, Chen Xiaoxu struggled, slightly Inadvertently hit by a vine, just landing, the giant's arm is down, this time is not sweeping, but directly to him.

In the process of falling, Chen Xiaoxu has no way to escape, and the defense is not considered.

In combat, sometimes the fatal danger comes so suddenly.

Although I know that this is an illusion, Chen Xiaoxu struggles to find a way to crack. At this critical moment, a cold light suddenly came, hitting the front end of the stone arm, the arm broke, and the illusion disappeared.

Chen Xiaoxu fell to the ground and turned over and stood up. He saw the man who helped him, actually Ye Xiaomu.

Ye Xiaomu flew over and smashed the nail from the ground. The hand that had done the previous practice had a great pain. Just when he saw Chen Xiaoxu’s distress, he made a full effort to throw out the dying nails. Great hope, the result actually shattered the illusion.

Chen Xiaoxu adjusted it. He pulled Ye Xiaomu forward and first moved to a relatively safe area and asked him to wake up.

"Ghost Gate has gone away."

Thinking of the face-to-face experience with the demon, Ye Xiaomu still has a bit of shuddering. Finally, the mysterious demon stayed in front of him for a long time. It seems to be hesitant. He finally did not eat him and gradually left.

Ye Xiaomu did not know why he woke up gradually.

But now is not the time to say this, Ye Xiaomu pulls Chen Xiaoxu, who is still cleaning up the invisible vines nearby, and said in a hurry: "I have observed for a while, this guy has something on his neck, like a switch, as long as he One way, the thing will light up, maybe there is a switch there, what do you think?"

Chen Xiaoxu was tired of coping with the offensive. He did not carefully look at the stone statue. After listening to Ye Xiaomu’s words, he tried to temporarily clear the nearby vines and looked up at the stone statue. Indeed, there was a group behind the stone’s “neck”. A translucent gum-like liquid that looks a lot like a sarcoma on the neck.

In the practice of this, the same thing as "sarcoma" does have a dark light flashing.

"This is too high, we can't reach it. If it is a thrower, the head and the injury are not enough." Chen Xiaoxu gave a disappointing judgment.

"Chicken, find a chicken!"

Under the urging of Ye Xiaomu, Chen Xiaoxu had cut off the invisible vines that reached into his mouth. Then he saw that Su Yan, Cao Weibo and Chen Youbin were also in a coma, and they were a little embarrassed. They saved many people outside. But a few small partners have been lying here, so they smashed the vines in their mouths and pulled them into safe areas.

Several people, a bird, gradually woke up.

No time to say anything else, Ye Xiaomu immediately said his plan and asked if there is any problem with the chicken. The chicken looked up and down him and said that he could try it.

"Don't try it. If it fails, he will kill him." Su Yan said.

"Well. Come on!" The chicken went out.

Ye Xiaomu arranged the tactics, and said that the order was clear. After that, he glanced at everyone and asked if they had any opinions. Everyone said that they can do it.

"What's wrong?" Ye Xiaomu saw Suyan staring at himself and subconsciously touched his face.

Su Yan smiled and shook his head, did not tell him, just now he made tactics, analysis of the situation that may be encountered, very handsome.

Chen Youbin rushed to the first, Cao Weibo followed.

Chen Xiaoxu is the third, but after the first arrival, while reminding them to avoid the vines, while helping them to clear the obstacles on the road.

After rushing to the front, facing the giant's powerful offensive, the two immediately separated, one attracted a part of the stone statue to pay attention, in the left and right directions, Wang Xiaobao appeared from the side, the hand constantly lit a firecracker-like thing to the stone statue Throw it in. This is the "smashing bullet" of Lao Guo. It is full of flammable medicine. Something will explode in it, and the sulfur inside will burn.

Any evil thing is afraid of the flames of the world. Because the flame is a strong and rigid material in the human world, it can continue to absorb the nearby evils when burning, whether it is from the evil or the air.

In this way, the attention of the stone statue was divided into three or four, and then the Su smoke suddenly rushed out and attacked the stone statue behind.

The reaction of the stone statue was obviously slower than half a shot, and then she launched an offensive.

"A bunch of idiots, what's the use of this!"

In the safe area, many mages have seen this scene.

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