The ultimate power of time and space...

Ye Shaoyang stood up and took a deep breath. Cui Cuiyun smiled and said: "Thank you, my sister. You are my lucky star. When you come, I will be enlightened."

Although it was only a short moment, Ye Shaoyang did not directly cross the next realm, but Ye Shaoyang has vaguely found a way. Since he was promoted to the Promise, he has been searching for the method of promotion of Taiyixian, and he has practiced hard. For more than a decade, he has made great achievements in spells. This is not an adjective, but a real peak that can be cultivated by manpower and cannot be improved.

He did not know what conditions were needed to promote Taiyixian. Later he learned the rules of the power of the universe and knew that there is an eternal power in this world. Different people have different sources of power.

For example, the strength of the yin and yang of the Promise Ghost, the congenital number of the Emperor of the capital, the light of the other side of the Bodhisattva, the ultimate will of the moon and the wrath, the natural power of the Emperor Dongyue, the power of the Emperor of Xuanyuan ......

Ye Shaoyang only realized this level after being promoted to the Promise Realm, and realized that he is also a human power, but after practicing the World spells, he can't find anything to do, and he has a real bottleneck. .

However, just in this moment, he opened up, although there is no real breakthrough bottleneck, but the direction of cultivation has been made, it is two words: time.

He realized the power of time.

"Cui Yunjie, thank you very much!" Ye Shaoyang grasped her hand and fell a little bit of Cuiyun.

The two said inexhaustible thoughts.

Finally, Cuiyun saw his own body, and he was a little embarrassed. He said, "Shaoyang, I will go back to my body first, otherwise the time will be bad for the body."

When I said that I was going back, I was stopped by Ye Shaoyang and said, "Sister, I used a spell for you. When you go back to the body, you will forget everything, you can't remember everything, otherwise... you remember all the past and present. When you get up, the fun of life will be much less. What do you think?"

Cuiyun stunned and immediately understood.

People always want to know that they have been dry for the rest of their lives. In fact, the best thing is not to know that every life is fresh and a new beginning. This is the meaning of Meng Po Tang.

If a person can see his past and present life, then he will know that this life is only one of the countless reincarnations. There will be a sense of emptiness, and knowing that it will become a ghost, and will not be so passionate about life... In short, there is no benefit in the worst.

Cuiyun looked at Ye Shaoyang with some sadness and said: "The Taoist sister understands, but the sister is reluctant to forget you."

"Next time, I have added your WeChat. Next time I will re-apply and find you to chat." Ye Shaoyang clenched her hand. "We are in a world anyway, we have time. Sister, I finally Waiting for you!"

Cuiyun thought about it too. He smiled at him and married him a lot as his sister. He paid attention to the fact that he didn’t want to eat fat or not at night. Ye Shaoyang listened to this long-lost and caring language. Ye Shaoyang felt that he was not Out of warm heart.

"Right, what about nine children?"

"Amount, she... recently returned to Qingqiu Mountain, and next time I took her to see you."

"Sure, I miss her!"

After a few more chats, Ye Shaoyang sent her soul into the body, and then erased her memory.

Liu Wei woke up and looked awkward. Ye Shaoyang explained that she was just too sleepy and fell asleep on the sofa.

Liu Wei felt a little unbelievable, but found that his clothes were in good condition, and that Ye Shaoyang was not like a bad person, he did not think about it, and reluctantly accepted Ye Shaoyang’s statement.

The two went on to talk.

Liu Wei is not a loss of Cuiyun reborn, and his martial arts is also first-class, Ye Shaoyang listens, thinking that this reincarnation is also fun, actually brought this habit to this life.

After eating rice Ye Shaoyang sent her home. Liu Wei is a poor working, living in the village of the city, Ye Shaoyang has been sending her downstairs.

"I can go back."


"Really." Liu Wei looked back at him and deliberately raised his eyebrows. "You don't want to sit up? I am alone."


Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "It's too late, change the sky."

Liu Wei then stunned and walked a few steps in front of him and said, "Hey, you really don't want to take advantage of me?"

"Whoever wants you to be cheap!"

"Do you not have a sister for this purpose?"

Ye Shaoyang laughed and cried.

"So, are you also aiming for this purpose?"

"Of course not, just tempted you!" Liu Yiyi said in words, then frowned and said, "I am also very good at seeing you, I want to be friends with you, so I will test you, um... you are passing, and later It’s a good friend.”

Ye Shaoyang is a bit speechless. She said that her behavior is smart or naive. After she has made an appointment with her, she will talk on WeChat so that she can find herself if she has any trouble.

After the separation from Liu Wei, Ye Shaoyang returned to the hotel and couldn’t wait to start to vomit. He carefully learned the latest rules of time and quickly entered a wonderful world.

This feeling is indescribable, and it is not even a cultivation. It is a kind of exploration of the essence of the world, a super-sense experience.

When I came out of this experience, Ye Shaoyang looked at the phone time, it was more than three in the morning...

He recalled this process carefully, feeling a bit like a word often mentioned in the spell classics: God is too empty.

His own experience is somewhat similar to this. It is more like a "god tour" than a cultivation, but he is not too imaginary, but time... but it is not directly seeing the past and the future, but a kind of The network structure, which embraces the entire chaotic void, seems to have produced corresponding changes in the past and the future.

This kind of change...indescribable and inductive, if it is to be described, it is ever-changing, changing all the time, and he himself, what he has been doing before, in addition to visiting this mysterious world, is summing up these changes.

This kind of rules and changes has been mastered by him.

Do you have the rules of time, even if only a little?

This thought made Ye Shaoyang feel chilling. Although he has been trapped in the eternal void for more than ten years, he has seen various timelines, but there is a time machine there, mainly for himself. He has studied it for a long time, but he has nothing to gain, and the timeline is only presented. A result is like a math problem. The eternal void presents the result of a problem, and the topic itself is too complicated. It is basically impossible to reverse the process of disintegration based on the result.

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