Yuan Xi smiled right, "Xuan brother is threatening me?"

Then, without waiting for Li Yuxuan to open her mouth, her look suddenly became serious. She said: "I can only tell you that what I want is to completely defeat the Three Alliances. When you and I divide the spells!"

What Li Xiaoxuan wanted was her frank announcement, and she was too honest and stunned for a while.

The nine-day mysterious woman has already decided that it is a good start, but there are still many things that need to be done. Yuanchen has retired. Everything is taken care of by the New Year’s Eve, with several big men with eight sons. Stabilize the situation.

The world will be neutral.

In the face of Jianming’s blame, Li’s attitude is simple: he recognizes Bai Wei’s nine-day mysterious identity, but does not participate in the whole matter and does not form an alliance with the eight.

Jianming suspected that he had privately conducted a certain transaction with Yuan Xi, but there was no evidence. When he determined that this was Li Yuxuan’s bottom line, he no longer insisted on anything.

At least the world will be nominally neutral, which is a bit of comfort for the Three Constituencies.

However, from now on, we will fight alone.

Jianming convened the three major leagues to meet in an emergency meeting and finally reached a consensus: the current situation is very unfavorable to the three borders. Yuan Chen Yuan Xi this pair of brothers and sisters got a good card, hit them a surprise, the biggest variable, they successfully broke their alliance with the world, will pull the world. The development of things in the future.

They don't believe that Bai Wei will be a nine-day mysterious woman - even if it is, they are not willing to believe.

Everyone agrees that the next step is that Bai Wei will represent the nine-day mysterious woman to Sumiyama to perceive the gods, and then choose the person's priest - the big probability is Yuanchen, or it may be Yang Kuan Zhang Yushu Xin Shude, in short, it will be the eight sons. . In this way, the nine-day mysterious woman and the human priest are from the eight sons and the world, and the three worlds have no right to speak.

Jianming looked around at everyone, his eyes fell on the autumn wind and Ye Chen, saying: "Excuse me, if you will gain power today, you two... Why are you still here?"

Qiu Fengdao: "Although everyone belongs to the yin and yang disciples, but the Yin and Yangmen are the world's meeting, although my name is second, but the influence is far worse, who does not want to be the first. This is the reason for public. In private... You Jianming Shishu has been carrying me, I know Entu newspaper, I used to be good with Li Yuxuan, that is everyone is good, now I need to stand up, I will come here."

Ye Chendao: "I am the same."

Jianming did not speak, and he understood that the so-called private reason was simply nonsense. The former said that it was the main cause. The so-called outsider must first be inside, and sometimes the internal contradictions are more fierce than the class contradictions.

If you are in their position, you will be firmly bound with the world, first completely push down the three alliances, and then ponder over the fight. These two short-sighted fools...

However, since it is an ally... Jianming expressed his gratitude for the choice of these two idiots, and they vowed each other.

Jianyang said: "I will analyze it. Now we have to face three problems. First, the world will completely fall to the side of the eight sons, with two dozens. Second, the nine-day mysterious woman and the gods, the gods, Everyone knows that if we come hard, we can’t stand morally, we’re afraid that we will be besieged by the world... Third, it’s still said before, the Ghost Alliance and the Maoshan’s big factions, their team is very important, currently They have Chen Xiaoxu, we have Su Yu, it is a tie--"

Ye Chendao: "What is the tie, you don't forget that Xuansu hydrangea is Wu Jiawei personally gave Yuan Xi, this is a signal."

Jianyang waved: "Who is Wu Jiawei who knows her Yuan Xi? I have said that the biggest possibility is that Wu Jiawei gave Xu Xiaosu a hydrangea to Chen Xiaoxu, and then Yuan Xi smashed him from his hands."

Everyone was silent for a moment and thought about good strategies.

For a long while, Jianming said: "The three points that Jianyang proposed, the first point, we have no way to control, now we can only show weakness, and tomorrow I will personally find Wu Hai's father."

Jianyang Road: "That is an old fox."

"Yeah, if my three alliances plus Wanmatang and Qinghongmen let go, even if they fail, they can upset the magical world. This is our capital, and they are absolutely unwilling to see it. I guess they will eat away step by step, at least until the election of the gods, the scene is still balanced... The third point, Jianyang, you come out, through Su Yu, to contact the Maoshan several sects, if possible, then find a way It’s unrealistic to touch the ghost-picking alliance and find out their attitudes and let them stand on our side, as long as they remain neutral."

Jianyang Shen Shen said: "What to talk to them?"

"That depends on what they want, as long as we can give it, we can talk!"

Jianyang nodded.

"The hardest part is the second point. What is the meaning of the nine-day mysterious girl, and there is no standard. We can’t jump out and oppose it. They are also sure to eat this in the evening.... autumn wind, hard work, go yin See the several big sisters of the undergross, they are also concerned about the nine-day mysterious woman, ask their views, and then say."

"Good. I will go later." Autumn wind promised.

Then Jianming made a lot of deployments. However, the situation is still very passive. They are unwilling to support Bai Wei, who is a nine-day girl, but there is no public opposition. There is not enough evidence to prove that she is not.

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