Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3496: No. 3524 Yu Yousheng 6

Before returning to the square, Ye Shaoyang asked Ye Xiaomu to bring everyone together. He first selected five people with the strongest strength. Ye Shaoyang swept over and found that they were all familiar faces, but they could not name them. They are still elite disciples of the Three Constituents or the Eight Sons. They have jumped out before and opposed themselves.

Under his gaze, several people bowed their heads a little.

"Nothing, you can come to the action of the magical world, that is, you are a human being. Now the spell guild is a whole, there is no double eight and three alliances."

Several people nod their heads and did not speak.

Ye Shaoyang asked Ye Xiaomu to go among the five people and told them about the whole plan, so that they each brought some people to bless the law, and Wang Xiaobao was responsible for the assistance.

At the request of Ye Shaoyang, Wang Xiaobao used to divide all the masters into six groups, and handed them to Ye Xiaomu, who walked around the reservoir and came to the array of different positions.

In front of each, they built a high-rise glazed tile, which was filled with runes by a cinnabar, and various kinds of medicinal herbs were piled around. These were the results of Ye Shaoyang’s busy midnight with a group of agents.

After a while, hundreds of Masters have been scattered around the reservoir. Ye Shaoyang shouted with a big horn and told everyone how to do things and practices. For a Master with a certain foundation, this is not difficult, just choose one. As a medium, the instrument is placed in the middle of the rune engraved on the altar, and then the blessing of the practice, guiding its own mana into the instrument, and then transforming it into the power of the law through the role of the rune on the altar...

Ye Shaoyang’s plan is to create a powerful legal array that seals the entire reservoir and cuts off the water that flows to the river ditch—since the source of the permeate in the river, as long as it can intercept, the rest of the “contaminated” water source If you don't get enough supplements, the chilly gas can't accumulate and it will gradually dissipate.

This step is actually not difficult to do. As long as there are enough instruments and medicines, and there are enough Masters to work together, you will be able to do it.

The second step is the hardest thing - even if the entire reservoir is sealed, it is only a palliative. First of all, the ritual requires the Master to continue to practice, and the manpower is limited. It is impossible for hundreds of people to remain nailed. Here, as long as this loophole still exists, the chilly atmosphere of the Yinshui River will continue to infiltrate. If you want to cure the problem, the best way is to repair the loopholes, followed by the suppression of the device, the isolation of yin and yang, and the water of the Yinshui River. Can not penetrate upwards.

Although the first method is good, Ye Shaoyang does not know what to do. After all, this kind of thing is the first time for himself (for others), there is no precedent to follow, no one can negotiate, so I can only ask for the second. First, the idea is to block the cracks. After the winds come, they will come together to find a solution.

This is already a compromise, but there is still a problem in the middle, that is, before I encountered the powerful evil in the water... I sealed the cracks, and this thing will come out to block, this is really a trouble, but apart from this There is no other way.

The first step was quite smooth. All the people concentrated on the mana. It took nearly twenty minutes to start the circle and shine brightly in the gray air. The six altars shot the light. Through the lake, it hits the opposite altar and forms a shape like a six-pointed star, covering the entire reservoir.

Xie Yuqing had been on the edge of the largest tributary that the reservoir was flowing out. At this time, she got the signal of Ye Shaoyang. She quickly came to the water and observed the flow of water. At first, there was no change, but as the law continued, it could be seen clearly. There is no more black air on the water, and the water that flows out seems to be clearer.

Xie Yuqing quickly ran back to Ye Shaoyang, the main line, and told him the situation happily.

"There is really yours, so I will get it." She sighed out with a sigh of relief. "You are so frustrated, I thought it would be very easy to be bold."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her with a disgusted look. "Who told you that this is all done?"

"Hey, isn't it sealed?"

"Then we didn't go anywhere, have been doing this?" Ye Shaoyang was speechless. "This is the first step."

He turned around and looked around. At this time, I saw Xue Qi drilling out of the tent and saying, "Don't find me here."

"Don't you go?"

"Eat something, I will not eat it when I get into the water." Xue Qi put a large piece of biscuit into her mouth and patted her hand toward Ye Shaoyang. She glanced at the reservoir sealed underneath and said, "Is it going now?" ?"

"Wait, let's remember what you said before."

"Know, look for cracks."

Ye Shaoyang believes that the existence of cracks should not be too large, the shape may be a cave, or it may be a gap, in short, it must be at the bottom of the water.

His plan is to find a perfect implement, and use the rune to bless it in advance, and suppress it in the vicinity of the crack to isolate the water of the yin and yang.

So this requires someone to dive to the bottom of the water, find the crack, and place the blessing device there.

Under the deep sea, Ye Shaoyang is not going to go down. Even if it is barely strong, the strength will be greatly reduced. The most suitable orange for this task is of course orange, but the orange can't come, that is, it can rely on Xueqi this day.

Ye Shaoyang took out the yin and yang mirror, scratched his fingertips, drew it on the mirror surface, and the blood was printed on it, and it was immediately absorbed by the mirror.

Xue Qi saw this scene next to it and said: "Do you want to use it as a seal?"

"Not enough?"

"How come, I mean... this is one of your personal instruments, use it as a seal for what you use later."

"No need to worry." Ye Shaoyang looked at the Yin Yang mirror in his hand and sighed secretly.

It is true that he is reluctant to bear this baby. After all, it has been Maoshan Zhibao for many years. He has been with himself for more than 20 years, but it is because he is a rare treasure in the magical world. He was selected by Ye Shaoyang. Sealing the yin and yang cracks, common law The device is definitely not enough to see, and there are three pieces of the instrument that can be used to get the hand: the seven-star Longquan sword, the yin-yang mirror, and the Taiyi whisk.

Longquan sword is used by itself. It must not be lost. Although it is not commonly used, it can be received in some situations. Therefore, it can only abandon the yin and yang mirror, and if you find a way to fill the crack in the future, the yin and yang mirror can still be used. Take it back - at least Ye Shaoyang is so comforting himself.

"You can go down, don't eat it, can you eat it again?"

"If you die below, you won't have to eat it."

Xie Yuqing replied: "Don't talk nonsense, you are going to go back soon."

(When I finished writing, I forgot to send it. I suddenly remembered it before I went to sleep... I can’t help you.)

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