Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3524: 3550 The Dusk of Sky 2

"First try to hold on! Not necessarily!" Wu Jiawei said.

"I'm afraid I can't keep it ..." Lin Sansheng looked around at everyone and said, "Everyone try it. If you can keep it, just go away. Hurry up and go back to earth."

Xiaoqing said in shock: "What do you say, military division, if you can't keep it here, it will be all over."

"Everyone's life is more important. As long as they don't die, there is hope."

During the talk, the ghost soldiers were almost killed, and the rest of the pieces were no longer interesting to Chi You. He looked up and looked over the wall.

Standing upright, he was almost as tall as the city wall.

Sibaoyigan guarded the duokou, overlooking the war **** from ancient times.

Chi You felt the strong breath from the many creatures behind the city wall, which inspired his killing heart more, but this time he changed his method and no longer used the fist and rude method to kill. The effect is the strongest, but his vent in this regard is enough, and now he just wants to destroy the world in front of him.

He raised a hand against the city wall with five fingers to hold, palms up, and his arms trembled slightly.


Not from the palm of his hand, but from all around ... Every place, the air moved slowly, converging towards his palm.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and after a short time, it rose to a terrible point. Sibao estimated it according to the standard of typhoon in the world. This wind had at least a dozen levels.

The storm is still intensifying ... And this wind is weird. It can not only blow the living beings, but also the spirits of the ghosts. For a time, everyone is trembling and almost blown out.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Lin Sansheng took the initiative and gave up the idea of ​​defense or resistance, but it was too late. The ubiquitous hurricane blew many soldiers into the air on the city wall. All kinds of struggles and escapes were superfluous. All of them were shredded and flew into Chi You's palm.

They were not blown away and hurried to run in the opposite direction of the city, but the wind was everywhere, they exhausted their mana to resist, and they were still blown out and crossed the city walls (there are also lower ones, and they hit the city walls directly. Smashed), smashed by the storm in the air ...

The remaining ones saw this terrible scene, and dared to run. They found nearby fixed objects such as bricks or flagpoles and grabbed them for a while. As a result, the storm further strengthened, and the entire city wall Began to crumble.


Lin Sansheng was well prepared, and his practice opened a crack in the void that leads directly to the world, greeting everyone to hurry in.

Xiaoqing and Xiaobai flew hand in hand. They have been mana fighting the storm. Although it is okay for the time being, it will not work.

"Don't keep the city?" Xiao Qing said a little unwillingly.

"Can't hold it, life-saving matters!"

Lin Sansheng urged them to fly in, and then Wu Jiawei and Sibao also entered.

"You go in too."

Lin Sansheng said to a dozen personal guards who were protecting him behind him.

"Marshal, you first!"


Under the strong demand of Lin Sansheng, they also went in. Lin Sansheng held a handsome flag stuck in the ground with one hand to support and looked around. Except for Li Linlin, who was holding his arm, nearby soldiers went in.

He began to greet more distant soldiers to come over, many of them were taken away by the hurricane on the way, but some of them had more mana to reach the end.

Further ... Lin Sansheng couldn't help it.

"You go in too!" Lin Sansheng turned to Li Linlin and said.

Li Linlin just left, remembered something, and said, "Together."

"No, I won't go."

Facing Li Linlin's shocked gaze, Lin Sansheng quickly said, "This is my territory and my country. I can't go."

"But ... to stay is to sacrifice for nothing."

"There are many fortifications in the rear, and my army. I can't leave them."

He stopped and said, "I know what you want to say, even if many people don't necessarily stop Chi You, but he can't leave his soldiers alone, at least take them to try, if all the fortifications They were all destroyed, and they lost their admissions, and then tried to escape.

Besides, the army behind was completely unaware of the change over here, and it was too late to send someone to notify the incident that it was too sudden. All of his men had fled, except for himself. No one nearby was able to withstand it. The hurricane evacuated to the rear, and if no one was to inform them, the army would suffer heavy casualties.

The coaches who left behind the army and fled are all present, but his King Zhongshan is obviously not such a person.

Through Lin Sansheng's eyes, Li Linlin felt his determination and said, "I'll stay with you!"

Without giving Lin Sansheng a chance to persuade, she reached out and pressed it against the crack in the void to stop it. Then she smiled at Lin Sansheng, "I don't have time to make another one, let's go."

Lin Sansheng looked at her, said nothing, pulled her hand strongly, and flew towards the rear together.

Just then, the wall fell.

Numerous living creatures were mixed with mud, sand, masonry, and flew up to the sky together, and then smashed by the storm.

Space began to distort.

Chi You's tall body stands in the wind, like an ancient demon. Evil and powerful.

Guagua found Ye Shaoyang and told him everything.

Ye Shaoyang and his party were rushing to the buried land. After hearing these things, several people were surprised that they couldn't say a word.

"Little wooden little treasure, you go back to the spell guild first ..."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a long time and gave this order.

"Why! At such a crucial time"

"It's when it's critical that you only go back. Be sure to stabilize the spell guild and relay the news. Everyone is ready for the decisive battle."

"Who is the decisive battle?" Wang Xiaobao asked.

"Ghost King, or Chi You." Ye Shaoyang smiled bitterly, and they couldn't beat either of them.

"Go ahead, to be honest, staying here won't help you much. If these two really come here, you wo n’t be much more than you, and you may be less."

What else did Ye Xiaomu want to say, Ye Shaoyang grabbed his shoulder with one hand and said, "Listen to me."

"I don't trust you." Ye Xiaomu looked at his father's eyes.

Ye Shaoyang smiled slightly. "I'm not old yet, so in the future, there will be a time when you can hold the magic world."

The future ... Is there a future for the magic world or the world?

Ye Xiaomu thought blankly.

Ye Shaoyang gave them the car, watched them leave, and sighed. At this time the phone rang, and picked it up to see that it was actually the four treasures, and quickly answered.

Sibao spoke on the phone as they escaped from the air, and at the end asked him what to do.

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