Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 837: Sister carrying a doll

"What makes me call me!" Ye Shaoyang was very upset and turned to see the pony. "Pony goes."

"What do you call me!" The pony is even more unhappy.

"Can't let him wash," Xie Yuqing rushed to pick his eyebrows. "There is a underwear that my sister just changed."

The pony smiled and looked at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang stayed for a moment and her eyes moved to her chest...

"Look at what!" Xie Yuqing understood and yelled. "Sister is wearing underwear, and bought a new one on the way! Rogue!"

Ye Shaoyang’s scratching his head.

It’s enough, Xie Yuqing started to talk about business:

I have said it once before that there is an irresponsible single mother who left home and locked two children under three years old in the house and eventually starved to death. Since then, the building has started to sneak out. The psychic event, the case went to their Psychology Incident Investigation Section.

"Now that mother has been arrested, I will not hate it when I am late!" Xie Yuqing was filled with indignation. "You don't know how bad the two children are. Hey, do you want to listen to the details of their starvation?"

"I don't want to hear!" Ye Shaoyang didn't think about it. Just hearing the child starving to death, my heart was already very difficult to listen to. I was afraid that I couldn't sleep after listening to the details.

"You have nothing to do now, nothing, let's go now, this incident has been delayed for too long, and it has been solved well soon."

Ye Shaoyang looks at her, "You... not tired?"

"Fortunately, I am not the main force below, just hit it, and it will be your contribution. I will accompany you, let's go."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged helplessly, and wanted to call the pony, but the goods were so tired that they fell asleep on the sofa.

Xie Yuqing drove the car and told the details of the spiritual event again. After talking about Ye Shaoyang: "What do you think of this?"

"What do you think, how you look at it, find a way to find these two devils, and you can't do it to the yin. The key is... Is there a bonus?"

Xie Yuqing picked up an eyebrow. "No bonus, you want it, you can award me to you."

"Hey... what do I want you to do, I am waiting for money to buy furniture, and you can't use it as furniture."

"What furniture?" Xie Yuqing glimpsed.

Ye Shaoyang told her about buying a house. Anyway, she would have to tell her. If she knew it, she would not be good.

After all, Xie Yuqing is a girl, but also has delicate feelings. After listening to the story of Lin Sansheng, it is also sad for a while, then it will slow down.

"Does Miss Zhou Da say that I will send you a car?" Xie Yuqing glanced at him and snarled.

"Why send me a car?"

"All sent to your house, the next step is not to send the car?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "I pay 200,000, and I will help her see Feng Shui for free. This is also...not to be sent."

"Just kidding, look at what you care about."

Xie Yuqing drove the car to an old town, parked outside a residential area, and then got off and walked into the community.

Ye Shaoyang looked up and saw that several rows of buildings in front of him were really broken, just like the ones that he had rented before.

"This community has been in existence for 20 years. Most of the local young people have moved away. Some old ladies are living, and there are other migrant workers who work here and rent it because the rent is cheap."

Xie Yuqing walked and said, "The mother in this case is a renter."

"Do you live in the house now?"

"Who dares to live? If something goes wrong, no one will dare to live."

Said to walk to a building.

Sitting downstairs is a bunch of old people, playing cards, chatting, and a few purely sunbathing times.

"The same is true when you are old in the future." Ye Shaoyang casually made a joke.

"I am not like this when I am old. I play games every day, lol. If I don't have the energy to play, I can't play anything. I can't play anything. I will kill myself. I can't help myself."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and smiled: "You are talking about chic, you are so old that you can live freely."

Xie Yuqing looked at the unit number, and took Ye Shaoyang to go in, along the dark corridor to the top floor.

Although this is not a package, it is also an apartment-style building. Each floor is a long corridor with residents on both sides.

Due to the poor lighting, the corridor was dark and sinister.

The two walked all the way to the innermost side. Xie Yuqing pointed to a security door with a yellow envelope. "It is this household. The spirit is said to be the landlord who asks the high-ranking person to post it. Is it a real charm?"

Ye Shaoyang took off the charm and looked at it. He said: "It's a real charm. You see a red line on it. You cut the gallbladder, indicating that this charm does not contain the ghost in the house. It has already been broken."

Xie Yuqing heard a little nervous, saying: "The two little devils are very powerful?"

"Ning killing ghosts, not killing ghosts. Any child who dies is bound to be because of illness or accident, and the grievance is very heavy.

This pair is starved to death, and the murderer is a biological mother. The resentment is extremely deep. Although it is not a long time, it is also powerful enough.

Like Lao Guo, you should be able to deal with one, the general mage, or rest. ”

Ye Shaoyang pointed to the magic symbol in his hand. "If this priest has a way to accept it, it will not be suppressed in this post, but it is completely useless."

Xie Yuqing said: "It is said that a pair of monks and priests came, the landlord spent a lot of money for this."

"I don't know who to target, but these two are simply a waste of money."

Xie Yuqing touched a key and said: "This is the key given by the landlord. Would you like to prepare?"

"You just opened the door. Hurry and take it back to sleep."

"What is the look!" Xie Yuqing rolled his eyes and opened the door. He retreated to the side. "You are advanced."

The room is very dark and almost nothing can be seen.

Xie Yuqing wanted to touch the light switch, and Ye Shaoyang stopped it. He took out a small lamp from the backpack and lit it up in his hand.

Looking up, the opposite is a very large living room, at the end of which is blocking an opaque floor-to-ceiling curtain. The two sides are pulled to the end, no wonder the room is so dark.

The kitchen and bathroom doors are open and there is nothing unusual at first glance.

The two walked to the middle of the living room. Xie Yuqing pointed to a concrete staircase on the left and whispered, "This is the attic."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the long lamp, only to see that the fire was pulled long, straight up, and a green glow in the candlelight.

Then he pointed his finger upstairs and didn't wait for the opening. There was a series of footsteps on the ceiling of the head, very light, like a person pacing back and forth in the room.


It is a happy laugh of a child.

At this time, a child was uploaded from the building to sing a nursery rhyme:

"Sister is carrying a doll,

Go to the garden to see cherry blossoms

The baby cried and called her mother.

The bird on the tree is laughing haha..."

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