Spirit pet creation simulator

Chapter 1127 The Test from Zulong

"What you said makes sense, but Zulong's great test is really difficult. Throughout the ages, many people who claim to be the best in the new generation have tried it, but in the end they all failed. →"

"Some of them were even injured during the test. Why don't you think about it again?"

Ying Huanhuan continued to persuade.

Ye Qianxing could see that this little girl was sincerely advising them.

Ying Huanhuan was simple-minded and very kind, so Ye Qianxing planned to continue to explain.

Little Taixu immediately became impatient.

"Why do you care so much? Boss said he should choose the ancestor dragon inheritance, so he should be chosen. Boss, let's go in!"

After that, Xiao Taixu took Ye Qianxing and walked towards the vortex in the center of the passage.

Ignoring Ying Huanhuan's persuasion at all.

Ye Qianxing could only smile helplessly at this.

The two of them had no intention of splitting up. Although Ye Qianxing was selected by the Dragon Tomb, he was not a dragon and would definitely not be able to obtain the dragon heritage.

Therefore, he entered with only one mission, and that was to help Little Taixu obtain his inheritance.

After the two of them entered the whirlpool passage, their eyes only felt blurry.

When they regained their sight again, they appeared in a dead desert.

The desert stretches as far as the eye can see, with no flowers, grass or trees around and is lifeless.

Looking around, you can even faintly see white bones emerging from the ground.

He was clearly still in the palace just now, and suddenly appeared in the desert?

"Is it an illusion, or a small independent world?"

Ye Qianxing asked aloud.

But no one answered him, and Xiao Taixu didn't know where this place was.

The only thing they know is that they should have entered the ancestor dragon's inheritance test.

"Is the test for us to pass through this desert?"

Little Taixu asked unexpectedly.

Ye Qianxing shook his head slightly.

"I don't know, but I can't rule out this possibility. There's no point standing here dumbly anyway. Let's watch while we walk."

Ye Qianxing said, and Xiao Taixu had no objection.

The two of them walked forward cautiously.

At this time, they suddenly appeared in the desert and could not tell their direction at all.

So we can only choose to move forward.

Not long after the two left, the ground suddenly shook.

At the same time, a picture appeared in Ye Qianxing's and Xiao Taixu's minds at the same time.

A behemoth that turned into a skeleton at his feet suddenly rushed up.

The prediction skill was triggered.

The prediction skill is a skill that Ye Qianxing shared with Xiao Taixu, so both of them naturally possess this ability.

Therefore, almost as soon as the prediction skill was triggered, they dodged to both sides.

Bang! ! !

Just as the two of them dodged, the ground where they were standing suddenly opened up with a thick opening.

Immediately, the two saw a white skeleton beast emerging from the ground.

When the giant skeleton beast was revealed, Ye Qianxing and Xiao Taixu finally saw clearly that it was actually a bone dragon.

That is, a dragon with only bones left in its body.

"It seems that this is Zulong's real test."

Ye Qianxing said, but he had already been mentally prepared.

Now that I have said it, Zulong's test is the most difficult, and it cannot be as simple as just letting them pass through the desert.

There will definitely be a fight and a big battle.

Obviously, this bone dragon is their opponent in this level.

I don’t know if this thing is real or if it comes from a virtual illusion.

Ye Qianxing subconsciously opened the system eye to check.

Somewhat unexpectedly, I was actually able to see the other party's information.

Name: Bone Dragon (dead object)

Attribute: Dragon/Undead

Rating: None

Level: Second level of mid-level god realm

Introduction: The dragon bones turned into dragon bones after death are controlled by external forces and become puppets. They are unconscious and have no intelligence, and only rely on instinct and instructions to act.

"No evaluation? Puppet? Unconscious and without intelligence?"

Ye Qianxing immediately withered.

I originally thought I could earn some recycling value, but it turned out that the bone dragon was nothing more than a dead thing, just a corpse.

It was just controlled by an external force and turned into a puppet, so it could fight and act.

The one who controls it must be the great heroic spirit of Zulong.

"I didn't expect that just by controlling a dragon skeleton, I could make it reach the second level of the mid-level god realm. It is indeed an ancestral dragon."

Ye Qianxing sighed and lamented.

He was still affected by the restriction here and was unable to exert his divine strength, and the first enemy that appeared at this time was the second level of divine realm.

It seems that his help to Xiao Taixu can be almost ignored.

"Little Taixu, be careful. This guy is just a puppet, but he has the strength of the second level of the median god realm. You have to deal with it carefully."

Ye Qianxing shouted towards Xiao Taixu.

Little Taixu didn't take it seriously at all.

"You're only at the second level of the middle divine realm, so I'm afraid of a dick."

Xiao Taixu said with disdain.

However, he also has arrogant capital. Even though he has just broken through to the divine realm and only has a level of cultivation in the divine realm, he is still a high-ranking god.

The gap in strength between the upper gods and the middle gods is huge.

Not to mention the second-level intermediate god, even the fifth-level intermediate god, Xiao Taixu is sure to be invincible.

This is the gap.

But Ye Qianxing felt it was not that simple.

This bone dragon should be just an appetizer, the real difficulty is yet to come.


The bone dragon would not sit by and watch Ye Qianxing and Xiao Taixu chatting. It let out a dragon roar, then opened its big mouth full of serrations and rushed towards Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing was helpless about this. Who said that this guy was unconscious and had no intelligence? He only picked on the weak.

But he was not worried.

Although his cultivation was limited, Ye Qianxing was not sure about dealing with the opponent in the God Realm, but he was more than enough to protect himself.

Facing the attack of the bone dragon, Ye Qianxing slapped it with one palm.

"World-destroying God Thunder."

With a roar from Ye Qianxing, a nearly black lightning bolt suddenly shot out from his palm.

The speed of the lightning was beyond words. Before the bone dragon could get close to Ye Qianxing, the World-destroying God Thunder slammed on the head of the bone dragon.

The World-destroying God Thunder was not inferior to the top-level God Thunder of the Sun Golden Flame. It was known for its violentness and could destroy the world.

Ye Qianxing dared to face the bone dragon of the second stage of the middle god level, and his confidence came from these means.


The world-destroying thunder struck the bone dragon's head, forcibly stopping the opponent's figure rushing towards Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing could clearly see that there was a hole of medium size on the forehead of the bone dragon.

The reason why it is said to be medium size is that compared with the huge body of the bone dragon, this hole is not big, just like a pimple on the head of an ordinary person.

But if it is not compared with the huge body of the bone dragon, it is still quite big.

It is as big as Ye Qianxing's head.

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