Spirit Plant: I have an entry panel

Chapter 106 105 Stay up late and work

Chapter 106 105. Stay up late and work

The process of cultivating two kinds of spiritual plants was very easy for Song He. While cultivating them, he directed his consciousness towards the fungi that were busy in the cave.

I feel uncomfortable if I don't stay up late at night, and besides, it's quite boring here, so why not take advantage of this time to do something.

It is outrageous to say that those colorful sacred deer clearly agreed to the task of helping Senior Brother Lu build the Moonlight Absorbing Formation for Song He, but as a result, they all became excited when they saw Soul Rice.

Then... I forgot about it.

However, Song He was very concerned about whether his soul rice could open up sales, and he also had to worry about the Dongtian Trial, so he forgot about it...

It wasn't until this afternoon that Senior Brother Lu sent someone to deliver the array disk and array map, which also came with a "foolish installation tutorial."

So Songhe's bacteria had to stay up late to install it.

"After all, aren't you still growing up too slowly? If you had a little sense of existence, I couldn't forget you." The bacteria body sighed helplessly.

He confidently placed the blame on Lanyue Yinhe, who could neither speak nor resist.

If Yinhe was conscious, he would definitely be helpless.

Standing in this cave, the surrounding walls were filled with flowing moonlight - the clear moon moss had grown all over the cave, and a lot of it had been transplanted by Song He.

The small silver lotus leaf located in the center of the cave is only the size of a football at most, but a drop of silver dew has begun to condense and roll on the surface of the leaf.

There were faint wisps of bright moonlight in the dewdrops, and there was a clear water aura, which seemed real and illusory, just like a complete moon.

This is the first drop of moonlight it forms.

When he saw it, it was obviously a mushroom body, but Song He was inexplicably excited with tears in his eyes, and the joy of harvest lingered in his heart.

The panel emerged——

[Embracing the Moon into the Lotus (Exclusive for Red and Carrying the Moon Silver Lotus)]: The lotus leaves of this spiritual plant will continue to absorb the brilliance of the bright moon, and with sufficient water aura, they will regularly breed moonlight dew.

The breeding speed depends on the number of entries and moonlight.

Current incubation time: 1 drop/36 hours.

Current reserve: 1 drop.

It takes thirty-six hours to give birth to one drop... This time is compared to one drop per hour in Heyun Cave Heaven. The gap is really ridiculous.

I just scrimped and spent more than half of my savings to upgrade it from orange to red...otherwise it would have taken forty-eight hours to upgrade.

However, he also knew very well that compared to the one in Heyun Cave Sky that had existed for who knows how long, and the Moon-Walking Silver Lotus that was directly illuminated by the moon, his own was just a seedling.

There's no way to compare.

This speed is actually pretty good.

Besides, the quality of this moonflower dew...


Song He walked closer, took the only drop of moonlight in front of his eyes, looked at it carefully, and felt a vitality from it that was not found in the moonlight in Heyun Cave.

No, rather than speaking of vitality, Song He always felt that this moonlight was more "complete". Compared with this, the moonlight dew in Heyun Cave Sky seemed to lack something.

The guess is that it is related to the situation in Dongtian.

After all, the gap between the caves of the Great Thousand World and the Small Thousand World must be extremely huge.

"I've got a drop, it's time to give it a try."

Putting this drop of moonlight dew into a bottle specially designed to store this kind of spiritual liquid, Song He activated the formation he had just arranged.

Outside the cave, the jade array built around the hill began to move and rotate, surrounding the entire hill, just like the formation that cultivated the Lumen Flower, forming a funnel shape.

It began to attract the power of the moonlight falling from the sky.

The strands of moonlight even formed silver threads visible to the naked eye in the formation, which fell into the cave one by one, and were trapped inside the cave by the formation rising in the cave, making it impossible to dissipate.

Just after operating the formation, Song He felt that the lunar power around him had increased significantly. Even this bacterial body can feel a very comfortable power flowing through the body, and it is ready to take root here.

It’s not surprising that most fungi and mushrooms like the power of Taiyin.

After the formation was activated, the panel suddenly changed from producing one drop in thirty-six hours to one drop in twenty-four hours.

Cut the time by one-third.

As the formation continues to be activated, it is expected to continue to shorten.

Totally a good thing.

"It's not like I spent so many high-quality spiritual stones in vain and owed another debt."

With a smile on his face, Song He took the bottle containing moonlight dew and left the cave shrouded in moonlight, which was as bright as day even at night.

The steps are extremely brisk.

It was bright outside the cave - he had dug a small river under the road, planted clear moon moss inside, and covered it with a layer of transparent glass.

Yes, it's glass.

He was actually stunned for two seconds when he saw this thing.

This kind of glass fired from the sand produced in the Eternal Dark Abyss is thin and transparent, as if it is nothing but very strong. Walking on it feels like walking on a river flowing with moonlight.

The luminous grasses on both sides of the road that lit up with his footsteps (spiritual consciousness) added a touch of fairy spirit to his whole person.

"It's still not enough for this small area. Let's buy more luminous grass after we make money...and see if we can modify some spiritual plants to use as decorations."

Song He looked around, thinking in his mind.

He plans to slowly renovate his cave and plant night-bright grass all over it. When night falls, all he needs to do is sweep through it with his spiritual consciousness, and the entire cave will become bright.

That kind of scene is really comfortable to think about, and it will definitely satisfy his vanity greatly.

He is not an ascetic monk, so he is still happy to do things that can improve his quality of life and make him feel happy.

Of course, it’s not just about looking good.

Qingyue Moss will still gather the power of the moonlight outside, and the power will flow into the Moon Cave along the water channel dug by the Song River.

Both beautiful and practical.

‘It’s just me who can come up with such a method. ’ Song He thought with pride.

Walking along the Moon River, he turned a corner and came to the spiritual field where Heyun Purple Lotus, Sea Talisman and Na Yuanhai Soul Branch were planted.

The large sea orchid is swaying in the wind and is about to mature.

It stands to reason that after Hai Fulan's sect mission is over, there should be someone dedicated to collect the seeds, but for some reason, no one has mentioned this matter until now.

On the contrary, the Deacon Palace has been sending people to collect Hai Fulan, giving him a stable source of income.

He stood in front of the spiritual field and looked east.

This spiritual field is divided into four areas - Heyun Purple Lotus, Sea Fulan, Yuanhai Soul Branch and... Zengling Lotus.

Loring corals grow underwater, and this is their growth range. Naturally, there is no need to divide them.

The place Song He was looking at was the planting area of ​​Zenglinglian.

That's right, those lotuses with the entry "flower as a tripod" have been moved here by Songhe, and they have not been picked even if they are mature.

After several long months of growth and cultivation, there were only thirty or so Spirit-Enhancing Lotuses with this magical entry.

Each of them has been reserved by someone, some are alchemists from the sect, and some are uncles who came here because of their reputation.

When Senior Sister Ye was still in the sect, she would come every now and then to check on five of the lotuses that had the "soul body" entry added to them.

This lotus still maintains its nature of needing water spiritual energy, but it also needs to provide soul power to grow healthily. The lotus seeds inside are alive and dead - the seeds are born and the elixir is dead.

Well, the lotus flower, which is obviously composed of Yin Qi soul body, can actually breed a seed representing vitality. I can only say that the entry is really magical.

Senior Sister Ye valued these lotuses very much, and even provided a formation to ensure that these soul lotuses would not be directly illuminated by the sun, and also had the effect of gathering Yin Qi.

It's just that every time Song He asked her when she planned to pick them, she would shake her head. She probably thought that the elixirs inside the lotus were not effective enough.

So Songhe could only let them continue to grow.


‘The novels I read in my previous life were full of elixirs that lasted for hundreds or even thousands of years. Isn’t Senior Sister really planning on letting me plant them for hundreds of years? ’

Muttering in his heart, Song He came to the Yuanhaihun branch, divided a drop of moonlight dew into half, and then dropped it on its branch.

"Tick tock~"

I saw that the drop of moonlight burst out with a halo of light the moment it fell, but it was completely absorbed in the next second. A layer of moonlight circulated on the surface of the branches, and the soul inside seemed to be slightly solidified.

After sensing the strength of the soul body and calculating the amount of moonlight required, Song He turned around decisively.

"I can't afford to see you again...you'd better be half-dead for now."

With these words behind him, he came to the side of the Heyun Purple Lotus that was already in full bloom - this flower was smaller than the ones seen in Heyun Cave, but it was overflowing with aura. Just standing next to it, the aura in his body was... There is a tendency to accelerate.

A formation has been built around it to help gather spiritual energy - although it is only a third-level spiritual plant, Song He attaches great importance to it.

How could a flower named after Patriarch Heyun be so simple?

"You have to grow up quickly... Your petals have been reserved by many people." Song He gently stroked its petals, which felt warm to the touch.

At the same time, inside Guangmingyuan Cave.

Chen Yao is leading the little warlocks to open up wasteland in a barren land - each little warlock has a jade bottle-shaped magic weapon hanging around its neck, and clear and moist liquid is sprayed out with their footsteps.

The liquid formed a faint jade color after falling to the ground, which represented that the land was transforming into a spiritual field.

This process will be long, but reclaiming the land itself is not an easy task. As spiritual beasts, the food must be spiritual plants or flesh and blood that are rich in spiritual energy.

Flesh and blood... is difficult to deal with, but Song He still has some stocks of the three-color spiritual rice, so the big cats can only cultivate their own fields.

In addition, Song He wants to cultivate fighting spirit plants in this cave. In fact, their task is still very heavy.

They almost took turns in the battle, and no one was able to ward off evil spirits and take a rest.

It is worth mentioning that Xiaobai was also running inside, and there were several magic weapons in the backpack behind him.

After having a group of new friends who were very similar in appearance and personality to him, Xiaobai decisively abandoned the gourd and had fun in the Guangming Plain every day.

The gourd was left feeling dejected and at the same time he became more and more addicted to all kinds of classics and immersed in the ocean of knowledge.

"This guy, that poor gourd still gives you spiritual energy every day."

Song He, who was far away in the thunder fire cave, sensed all this through the ring, couldn't help but laugh, and then placed the jade slip between his eyebrows.

The long night was long, and he could only spend it with a green lamp. It would be boring if he didn't read something.

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