Spirit Plant Immortal Clan

Chapter 109 Plan to purchase Baodan (Subscription required)

Moreover, the cultivators of the Old Liu family also saw a lot of good things through the spiritual objects promotional brochure of the auction.

And what they value most is a second-level healing treasure called Wuxia Ziyang Pill.

It is said that this item not only has the effect of regenerating muscles and bones, but also has some effect of restoring broken meridians.

This can be of great help to Liu Haohe, who has lost an arm.

As long as he has this item, his broken arm and the main meridians contained in it can grow back in nine out of ten cases.

In this way, Liu Haohe's foundation can be stabilized and he can embark on the road again.

And his foundation is particularly good. As long as his injuries recover, he will have a chance to impact the late stage of Qi training.

And if this can succeed, with his physical training methods, his strength will surely increase greatly.

This is a great thing for both Liu Haohe himself and the entire Old Liu family.

After all, if there is a cultivator in the late stage of Qi training, it will be safer for the Old Liu family to sell high-quality spiritual rice.

Moreover, if the Liu family could really participate in the chaos of the Jindan forces, the Liu family would have a high chance of getting the fiefdom.

In addition, Liu Fenghan and others had been supported by Liu Haohe in their early years.

Therefore, Liu Fenghan and others immediately made up their minds to buy the elixir.

Then, the group talked about collecting spirit stones, as they could not afford it by themselves.

However, Liu Haohe himself did not agree with this.

"You are thoughtful."

"But this second-level Wuxia Caiyun Pill is a healing treasure that will never appear under normal circumstances."

"Its efficacy is good, and its target is a foundation-building master. It can be used to save lives at critical moments."

"I'm afraid that many forces or foundation-building masters have already set their sights on this item."

"In this case, the final transaction price of this pill will probably reach an extremely high number."

"And even if I really buy this thing, it will only be useful to me."

"Don't forget that half a month ago, we heard that there was a powerful righteous golden elixir force in the nearby Tianfeng country that was fighting against the evil way, and now the righteous way is also recruiting casual cultivators to help."

"We planned to go there after the auction."

"In addition, Feixing Valley seems to have changed. If we don't get a few high-level talismans on us as soon as possible, it will be particularly dangerous."

"In my opinion, we should still follow the original plan and buy some high-grade talismans through the auction."

And Liu Fenghan and others had already thought of this.

"Grandpa, even if Feixing Valley is changing, as long as we are in Feixing Market, nothing will happen. This place is the hinterland of Feixing Valley."

"There are also high-level spiritual talismans at ordinary times, but the number is relatively small, but as long as you spend time, you can buy them."

"But the Five Clouds Colorful Cloud Pill is extremely rare and can only be encountered by chance."

"In addition, the war between the two major forces is not overnight, so it doesn't matter if we go a little later."

"In this way, we can wait until the end of next year. During this period, we have enough time to slowly earn spiritual stones with the help of the Four Directions Grocery Store, and it won't be too late to buy high-level spiritual talismans at that time."

Liu Fenghan said.

The others also thought so, and they all started to persuade them.

In the end, the old man Liu Haohe had no choice but to agree, but he was particularly happy with Liu Fenghan and others' actions, and his face was full of smiles.

Afterwards, everyone estimated the future transaction price of the second-level treasure Five Clouds Colorful Cloud Pill.

In the end, everyone thought that the highest estimate of this thing was only a thousand spiritual stones.

If the price is higher, it will be a bit beyond the normal price of this item.

After all, ordinary second-level healing pills are only about 100 or hundreds of spirit stones.

Then everyone took out some spirit stones in their hands and put them together.

But what surprised all the old Liu family cultivators was that among all the clan members, Liu Fenghan, a junior who had only entered the Tao for a few years, had the richest.

Moreover, he currently has as many as 100 spirit stones on hand.

"Fenghan, don't you usually spend spirit stones?"

The old man Liu Haohe was also a little surprised.

Liu Fenghan scratched his head and said with a smile.

"I get a lot of dividends from the spiritual rice and spiritual dates at home, so I don't need to buy any cultivation resources from outside."

"Besides, I am good at magic and mainly use magic, so I don't need magic tools too much, so I can save spiritual stones for this."

"Plus, I started saving spiritual stones a long time ago to buy healing treasures for grandpa."

"So, I have so many spiritual stones on hand."

The old man Liu Haohe felt warm in his heart when he heard this.

"This child is really filial."

Liu Fenghan's parents and others felt a little ashamed. After all, they only had the idea of ​​saving spiritual stones to buy healing spiritual objects for the old man Liu Haohe after they had become rich from the store dividends recently.

Because the time was short, they only had 20 to 30 spiritual stones on hand.

But this is actually not a small amount, enough for ordinary cultivators to practice for a year.

It's just a little less than the spiritual stones Liu Fenghan has on hand.

In the end, everyone collected a total of 213 spiritual stones.

"This is difficult to deal with."

"For safety reasons, the store only sells about 10 to 20 kilograms of high-quality spiritual rice every day. As a result, the store's monthly profit is only about 100 spiritual stones."

"Now there are only six months left until the end of the year, and the store is estimated to only bring in about 600 spiritual stones in profit."

"Adding the spiritual stones that my father and I have on hand, it will be about 800 spiritual stones in total, and there are still 200 spiritual stones short."

"And it would be better to add another 200 or 300 spiritual stones. It would be safer to save 1,200 or 300 spiritual stones to prevent the price of Wuxia Caiyun Dan from rising."

Liu Fenghan frowned slightly as he looked at the spiritual stones on the ground.

Others also considered this matter.

At this time, Liu Guangxuan, who rarely spoke but had the most murderous intention in the old Liu family, proposed.

"How about we go to the demon tribe for a few rounds?"

"A month ago, Feng Han's explosive spirit fruit tree just produced a batch of mutant explosive spirit fruits. With these spirit fruits in hand, we can also deal with some crisis situations."

"And our two white rock bulls have a very strong ability to conceal their breath. As long as we can be steady, it should not be difficult to earn 200 spirit stones in the remaining six months."

"It is possible that we can earn more spirit stones."

Everyone was a little moved when they heard this.

Hunting demons is what they do most often. They haven't gone there in the past six months just because the store makes more money.

Moreover, the two white rock bulls with spirit bodies have a good ability to conceal their breath.

As for increasing the amount of high-quality spirit rice sold in the store, the cultivators of the old Liu family did not mention it.

After all, not long ago, the old Liu family was targeted by the white jade grocery store of Hualin because of this matter.

If they continue to increase the sale of high-quality spirit rice, they may be targeted by the stores opened by the big forces on the main street of Dongwai City.

Those forces are not comparable to the forces behind the White Jade Grocery Store.

Therefore, the old Liu family had agreed a long time ago that before the appearance of a late-stage Qi training cultivator, the amount of high-quality spiritual rice sold daily could not be increased.

At once, everyone agreed to the monster hunting move.

However, as before, Liu Fenghan stayed at home to take care of the spiritual plants.

Zhong Xiuqin looked after the store.

Xiao Fenghu was too young and his cultivation was too low, so he also stayed at home. Anyway, he was currently tempering spiritual iron in a store in the outer city of the market to earn spiritual stones.

Li Yi, the female cultivator who had just married Liu Guangxuan, was also planned to stay at home.

After all, Li Yi had left the mortal world because she didn't want to do the dangerous work of hunting monsters and monsters like ordinary casual cultivators.

In addition, she had just married into the old Liu family not long ago, so it was not appropriate for her to hunt monsters.

As for letting her manage the store business, it was not appropriate either, as there were too many secrets.

However, Li Yi, who did not participate in the negotiations, surprisingly said that she also wanted to go after learning that her husband Liu Guangxuan was going out with his family to hunt monsters and collect spirit stones for the auction.

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