Spirit Plant Immortal Clan

Chapter 121 Various resources brought by Xiao Fenghu (Subscription Request)

(There are guests at home today, so the number of words is a little less. I will make up for it tomorrow with 12,000 words)

After waiting for a while, they did see Xiao Fenghu.

Although they had not seen each other for only two or three months, Xiao Fenghu's cultivation level had improved from the first level of Qi training to the second level of Qi training.

This also surprised the old Liu family cultivators.

However, Xiao Fenghu, a young child, took the initiative to mention this matter and stated that his basic level of fire spirit body had awakened.

His cultivation speed was also accelerated by 50%.

In addition, the great elder continued to supply a large amount of resources every day, and his cultivation progress was very fast.

That's why he entered the second level of Qi training so quickly.

After learning the news, Liu Haohe and others felt relieved, and at the same time, they were happy for Xiao Fenghu.

However, what surprised them was that Xiao Fenghu had not been idle in Feixing Valley these days.

"Brother Fenghan needs earth fire and natural crystals. I have inquired about them. There are quite a few in the General Affairs Hall in Feixing Valley."

"Although those things can only be bought with contribution points, Master will give me 50 contribution points every month."

"Therefore, in these three months, I have also bought a first-level low-grade black flame earth fire and a piece of natural crystal."

"And I also got a few plants of the golden blue grass that Grandpa Haohe and Uncle Guangyao need."


As he spoke, Xiao Fenghu smiled and kept summoning spiritual objects from a brand new storage bag.

"By the way, this storage bag was given to me by Master. The space inside is very large, with a full ten square meters."

"But Master didn't give me magic tools or the like. He said that my cultivation was still low and let me practice with peace of mind."

When talking about this, Xiao Fenghu had some complaints.

Seeing this situation, Liu Haohe and others felt warm in their hearts, and they all praised secretly.

"He is really a good kid."

Then, they all rejected Xiao Fenghu's kindness.

However, Xiao Fenghu was very stubborn, so Liu Haohe and others had to accept those things.

And they also took out the 100 spiritual stones they brought this time and asked Xiao Fenghu to put them away.

Liu Haohe looked satisfied and told Xiao Fenghu.

"Fenghu, don't do this in the future. After all, those contribution points are given to you by the elder. If he knew that you used them to buy spiritual objects for us, he would definitely have an interest in it."

"You just need to practice well in the future. We will find ways to get what we need. Now your own resources are urgent, so you should put yourself first."

Xiao Fenghu said nonchalantly.

"I know, I know."

Then, everyone chatted for a few more words.

Xiao Fenghu also talked about the factions of Feixing Valley.

According to him, there are a total of four Jindan Zhenren in Feixing Valley.

The entire Feixing is also divided into four factions.

On weekdays, these factions often have small conflicts.

However, there is only one exception, which is the lineage of Xiao Fenghu's master, the elder.

His master has a backer, Feixing Zhenren, who is strictly speaking his master.

And their lineage is mainly to coordinate the other three factions to prevent Feixing Valley from splitting.

This situation surprised Liu Haohe and others.

And it was the first time they knew the secrets of Feixing Valley.

At the same time, they also told Xiao Fenghu not to get involved in such factional disputes.

Xiao Fenghu agreed to this, and Liu Haohe was very worried about it. Therefore, he found the elder who was in the inheritance hall outside the Feixing Mountains and asked him to take care of Xiao Fenghu.

The elder was also very cautious about this matter, so he immediately expressed his understanding.

Afterwards, they chatted for a while, and Liu Haohe and others left this place.

In the inheritance hall.

The old elder of Feixing Valley kept looking at the direction where Liu Haohe and others left.

He seemed to know what happened between Liu Haohe and Xiao Fenghu just now, and his face showed some satisfaction.

"These people's actions are good, they don't suck the blood of Fenghu all the time."

Then, he retracted his gaze.


Another half a month passed.

Feixing Valley suddenly stopped opening the quasi-fourth-level inheritance formation to the outside world.

Counting it down, this formation has only been open for about half a year.

And this kind of thing is also a bit strange. Everyone in the old Liu family guessed that Feixing Valley probably collected a certain inheritance from the inheritance formation, so there is no need to rely on the power of ordinary casual cultivators.

This is indeed the case.

But not long after that.

Feixing Valley actually destroyed a foundation-building perfect demon clan "King Kong Tiger Clan" near the border of the Wolf County with the force of thunder, and occupied the only second-level upper-grade spiritual vein of this clan.

Even set up a high-level defense formation in it.

However, the foundation-building perfect demon clan was the subordinate of the nearby Jindan demon clan Yueying Wolf Clan.

In addition, it was a taboo for Feixing Valley to occupy the spiritual vein.

This also made the Moon Shadow Wolf Clan particularly angry.

Immediately, this clan summoned countless monsters in the tens of thousands of miles of territory ruled by the Moon Shadow Wolf Clan, and surrounded the Diamond Mountain with the second-level upper-grade spiritual vein.

It is said that this battle even alarmed the Jindan Zhenren.

Several Jindan battles took place.

This also made Feixing Valley a little overwhelmed.

They also began to call on the scattered cultivators in the entire Feixing Valley to come and help.

At the same time, it was reported that they intended to open up the remaining 20,000 miles of land near the second-level upper-grade spiritual vein and build a new county city to expand the territory.

Feixing Valley also intended to give away the new county city.

And it was stated that as long as a certain amount of merit was accumulated, the spiritual vein of the new county city could be purchased.

For a while, the entire Feixing Valley was in turmoil.

Countless scattered cultivators were immediately excited.

After all, as long as they had a spiritual vein, they would have a foundation.

Even the family forces in Stepping Eagle County and Stepping Wolf County, which already had spiritual veins, were somewhat tempted by this, after all, no one would dislike having too many spiritual veins.

However, this matter was a confrontation between the two major Jindan forces of Feixing Valley and the Moon Shadow Wolf Clan, which was extremely dangerous.

It was like a meat grinder.

Therefore, only about 50% of the scattered cultivators in the Feixing Valley responded to the call of Feixing Valley.

The rest of the independent cultivators either hid in the deep mountains and old forests, or fled to other places.

Although Feixing Valley had guessed this long ago, it did not stop them.

Anyway, there are many independent cultivators in Feixing Valley, and 50% of them are enough.

Most of the family forces are unwilling to participate in this matter, but because Feixing Valley issued a death order later, these family forces must be present and must send a certain number of cultivators.

If they do not obey, they will be destroyed.

In desperation, those family forces that depend on Feixing Valley had to leave.

At the same time.

The old Liu family is also discussing the expansion of Feixing Valley.

"I didn't expect Feixing Valley to move so quickly."

"But according to this rhythm, it is estimated that there will be a result by the end of the year."

"What the elder of Feixing Valley said is stable."

During this period, Liu Fenghan also sighed inwardly.

At the same time, he and the other cultivators of the old Liu family are particularly looking forward to whether the elder will give the first-level lower-grade spirit vein and 30 miles of land as agreed.

At this time.

The gate of the courtyard of the old Liu family was knocked.

The visitor was also an acquaintance of the old Liu family. He was one of the Feixing Valley monks who was sent by the elder of Feixing Valley to escort Liu Fenghan and others home when Liu Fenghan and his family went to Feixing Valley to inherit the formation.

His name was Zhang An.

"Senior Zhang, what is the important matter this time?"

Liu Fenghan asked curiously.

"It's you, little friend Fenghan."

"I came here this time to deliver a letter under the order of the elder."

"Please be sure to hand this letter to your grandfather and others."

Old monk Zhang An smiled kindly at Liu Fenghan, then took out a yellow envelope from his arms and handed it to Liu Fenghan.

When Liu Fenghan took it and looked at it, he found that there was a ban on the envelope.

"I guess this is a small precaution to prevent others from seeing the contents of the letter."

"I don't know what's inside the envelope."

Then he planned to invite Zhang An into the house, but he didn't know whether he was cautious or for some other reason, so he just waited outside the yard.

And said.

"The elder said that after your grandfather saw the letter, he asked me to take him to the demon clan's sacred mountain, Jingang Mountain, which my valley had just occupied."

Liu Fenghan was even more curious, and immediately he returned to the house and handed the mysterious letter to the old man Liu Haohe at home.

And Liu Haohe looked at it, and a bit of joy appeared between his eyebrows.

"Grandpa, what did the elder say in the letter?"

Liu Fenghan asked.

"The elder of Feixing Valley wants me to go to Jingang Mountain to do some pretend work."

"During this period, there is no need to fight desperately with ordinary cultivators to win military merits. At most, in one or two months, he will slowly get some military merits for me, so as to help our clan get a first-level low-grade spiritual vein and a 30-mile territory."

"I guess the elder doesn't want to be caught by other factions in Feixing Valley."

Liu Haohe said with a smile.

Liu Fenghan's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"According to this calculation, the time to get this spiritual vein is several months earlier than the end of the year agreed by the elder of Feixing Valley."

"The elder is really reliable."

The other old Liu family cultivators are the same.

And they understand the elder of Feixing Valley's approach.

After all, when they went to Feixing Valley to visit Xiao Fenghu some time ago, they also heard about the factional disputes in Feixing Valley.

After that, Liu Fenghan and others asked Liu Haohe if he needed more manpower.

However, Liu Haohe shook his head, saying that the elder said no, fewer people are better, and too many people will be difficult to arrange.

Seeing the elder's consideration, Liu Fenghan and others also felt that this matter was safer, and then Liu Haohe followed Zhang An, the elder's direct subordinate, to the Jingang Mountain that Feixing Valley had just occupied to participate in the expansion of the territory.

Liu Fenghan and others began to prepare various spiritual objects at home in preparation for the day when they had a spiritual vein.

For example, they gathered spiritual stones to buy a better defensive formation.

At the same time, they were also looking forward to the day when the spiritual vein was obtained.


Thanks: Book friend 10090105145180, Universal Knowledge, Book friend 20220827073350972, I love to read Book friend 1, Book friend 201708102337569, Book friend 20210818104947604, Book friend 20230712014813686 for the monthly ticket

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