Spirit Plant Immortal Clan

Chapter 144: Various spiritual plant changes (4000 words, long chapter, please subscribe and vote)

After the old man Liu Haohe teased Xiao Liuyou for a while, he said goodbye to Liu Fenghan and Zhong Xiuqin and went to the Tahu Market.

After a few days, Liu Guangxuan, who was originally in charge of the Guiyuan Grocery Store in the Tahu Market, returned to Guiyuan Valley in a hurry to visit Xiao Liuyou and his Taoist partner Li Yi who had just given birth.

When he saw that the mother and child were safe, the smile on his face never stopped.

He even kissed Li Yi hard in front of Liu Fenghan and others.

This also made Li Yi blush.

In addition, Liu Guangxuan was particularly fond of Xiao Liuyou, his first child in this life. In addition to eating and practicing, he held him in his hands and teased him all day long.

Liu Fenghan and others could not intervene at all.

The midwife hired by Liu Haohe to take care of Xiao Liuyou was very comfortable because of this, and sighed in her heart all day long.

"With a lot of money but not much work to do."

"Moreover, you can live in such a spiritual place."

"This is a life like a god."

"It's really comfortable to follow the ancestor of the family."


On the other side.

Deep in Guiyuan Valley.

Inside a cave.

Liu Fenghan transferred a trace of spiritual power to the storage talisman in his hand, and in an instant, a large number of common medicinal materials and various rare spiritual objects appeared on the ground.

There were even many complete corpses of rare fire-attributed monsters in the late stage of Qi training.

When Liu Fenghan saw this, his face also showed a little more joy.

"It seems that the Tahu Market opened in the border area of ​​Feixing Valley is indeed closer to the territory of the demon clan, and thus it is used as a temporary base by countless cultivators who hunt demon beasts."

"Otherwise, Uncle Guangxuan would not be able to get so many fire-attributed demon beast corpses in the late stage of Qi training in just nearly three months."

"It's a pity that the Tahu Market only has more demon beast materials, but rare spiritual objects such as natural crystals are pitifully few, far less than the rich Feixing Market."

"But fortunately, my family has shops in Feixing Market and Tahu Market, so they can complement each other."

The spiritual objects here were purchased by Liu Guangxuan, who was in charge of Guiyuan Grocery Store in Tahu Market, three months ago.

However, the role of this batch of spiritual objects is quite special. They are all used to brew various medicinal materials to improve the qualifications of spiritual plants.

For example, the corpses of fire-attributed demon beasts in the late stage of Qi training can be used as the main medicine for the superior prescription to improve the qualifications of the explosive Yuan Ling fruit tree.

Natural crystals can be used as the main material for formulas to improve the qualifications of spiritual plants such as the Jade Spirit Apricot Tree and the Blue Cloud Spirit Date Tree.

In addition, Liu Fenghan also found an unexpected surprise among the spiritual objects.

There were 23 Spirit Mist Stones among them.

"In this way, together with the few Spirit Concentrating Grasses that I have cultivated to maturity recently, it is enough to make enough ordinary prescriptions for Qianxunhua."

Liu Fenghan was slightly distressed and secretly happy.

Spirit Mist Stone is a special ore, nurtured by heaven and earth.

As long as it is crushed, a spiritual mist that can conceal the divine consciousness will emerge from it.

The concealing formations on the market basically use this as the main material.

It is precisely because of this that the price of this stone on the market is also relatively expensive, and one is worth two spiritual stones.

After careful calculation, the Spirit Mist Stones here cost Liu Fenghan at least dozens of spiritual stones.

If the Spirit Concentrating Grasses that he bought seeds to cultivate are counted,

The common recipes that can improve the aptitude of Qianxun Flower cost more than 100 spiritual stones in total.

And this is what ordinary cultivators need to spend several years to earn.

"I hope that Qianxun Flower will give me a surprise after taking all the common recipes."

Liu Fenghan prayed secretly.

Qianxun Flower is the spiritual plant that is particularly sensitive to spiritual energy.

Because it showed its excellent detection power when the Black Yuan Five Evils invaded Guiyuan Valley.

Therefore, Liu Fenghan also focused on cultivating this flower.

In the middle of the year, Taichu Daobei deduced basic and common recipes for this flower that can improve its aptitude.

These two recipes are the same, with only 36 prescriptions.

It's just that the basic recipes are not expensive, so Liu Fenghan let it finish it early.

And Qianxun Flower's aptitude has also been slowly improved a lot because it has taken more and more recipes.

In addition, Liu Fenghan has continuously used various spiritual plant techniques on it in the past one or two years.

Its growth rate is not slow.

By the end of the year, this flower should have a 50% chance of reaching the first-level intermediate level.

In addition, the Qianxun pollen of this flower, which contains the effect of exploring spirits, has also become much stronger, and the pollen that this flower can disperse to the outside has also increased.

Originally, this flower could only spread pollen around three miles, but now it can cover nearly four miles.

Moreover, according to Liu Fenghan's test, even if he had comprehended the Black Yuan Breathing Technique of the Black Yuan Five Evils to a small level of success.

But as long as he stepped within two miles of this flower, this flower could also detect it in detail.

And this is not something that ordinary Qianxun flowers can do.

In this way, with this flower in Guiyuan Valley, this place can be made a little safer.

For this reason, Liu Fenghan immediately began to rely on the Lingwu Stone in his hand and some leaves of Ningshen Grass as the main materials, and then combined with some ordinary herbs to brew a common prescription for Qianxun Flower to improve its qualifications, and gave it to it to take.

Then, he looked at the other spiritual objects that Liu Guangxuan had collected in the past three months, and he had gathered three spiritual materials that could be used to brew the superior recipes to improve the Explosive Spiritual Fruit Tree.

And two spiritual materials that could be used to brew the ordinary recipes to improve the qualifications of his pseudo-natal spiritual plant, the Concentrated Spirit Grass.

As for the ingredients needed for the recipes that could improve the qualifications of other spiritual plants, they were all relatively precious, so Liu Fenghan's uncle Liu Guangxuan did not gather them.

He also worked again.

After the medicine was boiled, he first walked into the fire room of the cave, and then found the king's Explosive Spiritual Fruit Tree bathed in flames. After giving it a dose of medicine, Liu Fenghan also carefully observed its changes.

"Although the ingredients needed to improve its qualifications are precious, the effect is obvious."

"It is estimated that in about a year, by the end of next year, this tree will have the opportunity to enter the middle stage of Qi training."

Some time ago, the Explosive Spiritual Fruit Tree had consumed the first 120 of the 360 ​​superior recipes to improve its qualifications.

Now, it is taking the 120 prescriptions in the middle. This medicine needs to be made with the corpses of fire-attributed monsters in the late stage of Qi training and other materials as the main materials.

Therefore, it is difficult to find and costs a lot.

So far, this tree has only taken a dozen prescriptions.

Then, he went to the spiritual plant hut in the cave again.

Then he gave it the ordinary liquid medicine that can improve the aptitude of the Concentrated Spirit Grass.

At present, this grass has also taken the basic prescription.

For this reason, its aptitude has also been improved a little, and there is also a 50% probability that it can enter the middle stage of Qi training by the end of the year.

In addition, the spiritual consciousness contained in its body has also been refined by several times, and its ability to increase its amplification is therefore stronger.

However, the ordinary prescription that can improve the aptitude of this grass. Because the main material of natural crystal and spiritual water that can increase spiritual consciousness are too precious, this grass has not taken much.

Then, Liu Fenghan looked at the other spiritual plants here again.

His other pseudo-birth spiritual plant, the Purple Moon Bamboo, has improved a lot since taking the middle-level aptitude improvement prescription at the end of last year, and has reached the edge of nurturing earth spiritual roots.

Its cultivation speed has therefore increased again.

At the end of next year, this bamboo will have a chance to enter the middle stage of Qi training.

In addition, with the help of Liu Fenghan, the spiritual plant husband, a batch of extremely sharp Purple Moon Spirit Bamboo can grow on its bamboo branches every two or three months.

Although these bamboo leaves are difficult to match the same-level magic tools, they are better in number.

If there is the help of the Purple Moon Spirit Bamboo, it is also easy to control.

For this reason, these bamboo leaves can also exert power far beyond the first-level lower-grade magic tools in Liu Fenghan's hands, which can be of great help to him.

At the same time, these bamboo leaves are also good materials for refining magic tools.

Xiao Fenghu has not given up on refining tools in Feixing Valley, so Liu Fenghan also gave nearly half of the bamboo leaves produced by this bamboo every year to Xiao Fenghu as a training item.

The remaining 50% of the bamboo leaves were sold in the store.

The most important thing is that by the end of the year, it is estimated that this bamboo can be used to deduce a superior recipe that can improve its qualifications.

It is precisely because of this that many contents of the superior recipe are shown on the Dao Monument.

According to Liu Fenghan's observation, this recipe also has 360 sets of medicines, and the materials are particularly demanding.

The first 120 sets of medicines are made of three main materials, namely the first-level middle-grade Moonlight Dew, Spirit Iron Powder, and Natural Crystal.

And these things are particularly rare.

Spirit Iron Powder is relatively easier.

Moonlight Dew is also easy to say. Liu Fenghan has recently planted a lot of Moonlight Grass. It is estimated that it will take less than two or three years to cultivate a few of them to the first-level middle-grade realm.

It will be easy to get Moonlight Dew at that time.

Moreover, it can also pave the way for the future.

In addition, Liu Fenghan has not stopped purchasing this item on the market.

After careful calculation, there are two sources of this item.

However, it is difficult to find a natural crystal of the first-grade middle grade.

This thing can only be produced by a middle-grade wood spirit vein.

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