Spirit Plant Immortal Clan

Chapter 172 Powerful Rejuvenation (Subscription Request)

One month later.

This day.

Deep in Guiyuan Valley.

There is a cave where a large number of special spiritual plants are planted.

Among them, there is a weird almond tree.

Its leaves are all jasper-shaped and crystal clear, just like jade carvings, with extremely beautiful appearance.

Moreover, the body of this tree is now constantly emitting a mysterious green light, which in turn flows into the body of Liu Haohe who is sitting quietly at the side.

Liu Haohe did not stop this, but instead tried his best to refine it.

However, if you observe carefully, you can find that as Liu Haohe refines more and more cyan light, the roots of the white hair on his head gradually turn into a bit of black.

Even his skin is better and his breath is more energetic.

This is a sign of a great increase in longevity.

It's just that the growth rate is slower.

After absorbing it for a while, when the green light in the strange apricot tree was exhausted, Liu Haohe reluctantly ended this opportunity.

Liu Fenghan on the side asked with some expectation.

"Grandpa, can the rejuvenating power of this tree restore the missing small meridians in your left arm?"

Liu Haohe, an old man who has always been steady, said with rare excitement.


"And the speed of restoring meridians is relatively fast. It is estimated that within ten years, all my missing small meridians will be completed."

"In addition, the power of rejuvenation is also particularly powerful in warming the meridians and nourishing qi and blood. It even has the effect of prolonging life."

"If I practice with this power for a long time, I can increase my life span by at least three years."

"This is comparable to the benefits brought by those first-level spiritual objects that restore life span."

"And, if I read it correctly, this power comes naturally. I guess after being enhanced by this power, I can still take those life-enhancing things."

"There is no conflict between the two, unlike those things that increase longevity, which are mutually exclusive, making it difficult to take too much in a lifetime."


Liu Haohe rambled on about many great benefits, and then he thanked Liu Fenghan.

After Liu Fenghan heard this, he was immediately overjoyed.

"Ten years is not a long time for Grandpa. At that time, Grandpa's cultivation had probably just reached the ninth level of Qi training or reached perfection, so it would not delay his foundation building."

"Furthermore, the rejuvenating power of this tree can nourish Qi and blood. In this way, Grandpa's gradually declining Qi and blood will probably be restored to its peak state in a short time. This will actually reduce the cost."

"As long as we wait two more years, when the Taoist Monument of Taichu has condensed the Great Taichu Qi, and has been refined by grandpa to consolidate the foundation, even if grandpa is nearly a hundred years old, he will definitely be as good as forty or fifty years old. People generally have the opportunity to attack the foundation."

Thinking about it like this, he couldn't help but feel a little expectant, and at the same time a little sad.

"But based on my current cultivation progress, I estimate that I should be able to catch up with grandpa within ten years. By then, we will both be foundation-building seedlings at the same time."

"If my family fully supports me in building the foundation, and grandpa does not have the help of foundation-building spiritual objects, even if he is a physical cultivator and has a strong body, there is only a 20% chance that he can refine a piece of Taichu Qi in the future."

"The probability is quite small."

The next-level spiritual object can probably increase the probability of success by half, and is generally worth five thousand spiritual stones on the market.

Normally, the probability can be increased by about 10%, and it is worth 10,000 spiritual stones on the market.

The best foundation-building pills, or excellent foundation-building spiritual objects such as Five Elements Pills can increase the probability by 30%, and are worth at least about 30,000 spiritual stones on the market.

It is said that foundation building is divided into two levels, one is the spiritual level, and the other is the physical level.

Only if these two are strong, the probability of impacting the foundation is relatively high.

There are even rumors that foundation-building spiritual objects are actually spiritual objects that can greatly increase the strength of spiritual consciousness and physical body in a short period of time. They are only more expensive because they are rare.

And if one's own body or spiritual consciousness is strong, it will also be beneficial to attack this matter.

For example, physical cultivation like Liu Haohe can bring half or 10% chance of impacting foundation building.

The Qi of Taichu has the effect of tempering the meridians and sea of ​​consciousness. Indirectly, it can barely increase the probability by 10%.

However, the 20% chance is still too slim.

Generally, when a monk attacks the foundation, he will at least increase his probability to about 30% to 50%.

Although this will cost more, the probability of success will also be greater.

"According to a careful calculation, Grandpa still needs at least 10,000 to 30,000 spiritual stones."

"And because various natal spiritual plants can increase my spiritual consciousness, I have an advantage in the way of spiritual consciousness. When the time comes, I will probably be able to use this advantage to increase my probability by only 10%."

"The Taichu Qi that I refined in the early years can also increase the probability by 10%."

"But my physical body is relatively weak, so this method has no advantage."

"In this case, like grandpa, I only have a 20% chance of entering the foundation building. I still need to collect 10,000 to 30,000 spiritual stones and buy one or three ordinary level foundation building spiritual objects to help me."

"In total, we need at least 20,000 spiritual stones."

"And according to the method that my grandpa and I discussed to collect spiritual stones for the whole family, we should be able to collect this amount of spiritual stones."

"But if you want to succeed, you still need more foundation-building spiritual objects."

"Therefore, you still need to work harder to earn spiritual stones."

Liu Fenghan secretly made some plans.

As a spiritual plant husband, the fastest way for him to make money is to plant spiritual plants.

In addition, his cultivation has improved a lot recently, and his spiritual power and consciousness have also increased.

He plans to rely on spiritual stones as a source to open up two acres of spiritual fields to plant white pottery spiritual rice.

Although this matter costs a lot, he is practicing the superior spiritual plant inheritance, which greatly increases the growth of spiritual plants, and Guiyuan Valley has a wood spiritual vein, and even has a recipe to increase the yield of this rice.

Adding various factors together, this matter can also make money.

"But it's still too little."

"It seems that I have to urge the Qingxia spiritual date tree to cultivate another spiritual vein as soon as possible."

"In this way, I don't need to spend spiritual stones to open up pseudo spiritual fields when cultivating spiritual plants."

Liu Fenghan secretly planned.

As for Liu Haohe not knowing about the Taichu Qi, he didn't think so much for the time being.

Liu Fenghan didn't tell him about this because the Taichu Qi involved too much, and he planned to talk about it later.

Time passed slowly.

Four months passed in a blink of an eye.

It was the middle of the year.

On this day.

Old Chu Ran and Chu Xinyue from the old Chu family came to the outside of Guiyuan Valley together.

Because both parties were very familiar with each other, and they were about to get married, and even some time ago, Liu Fenghan's family asked the other party to do a big favor.

Therefore, no matter whether everyone was in seclusion or doing something else, they put down their work and hurried out of the valley to welcome him.

After everyone exchanged some polite words, they found that old man Chu Ran had entered the late stage of Qi training.

However, Liu Fenghan and others were not surprised.

Old man Chu Ran was only a little younger than Liu Haohe, and his aptitude was not low. As early as ten or twenty years ago, his cultivation had entered the sixth level of Qi training.

More than ten years of polishing had already allowed him to step into the late stage of Qi training.

And the old Chu family also participated in the grocery store business in Feixingfang City and gained a lot from the silver-scale spider group.

Under such circumstances, old man Chu Ran could also get some special resources.

It was actually completely normal for him to enter the late stage of Qi training.

Even with the support of the old Chu family, it was possible to go further.

Afterwards, Liu Fenghan and others congratulated him and politely invited him into Guiyuan Valley.

And this approach made Mr. Chu Ran feel particularly comfortable.

In the past, he did not have this treatment. Generally, the old Liu family would receive him in the reception hall outside the valley.

As for Chu Xinyue, the future granddaughter-in-law who was about to enter the old Liu family, she only felt that her family was accepted by the old Liu family, which also made her feel more intimate with the old Liu family.

At the same time, she looked at Liu Fenghan with a little more longing and friendship.

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