Spirit Plant Immortal Clan

Chapter 220 Mission Impossible (Please subscribe. Thank you for your monthly votes)

Liu Fenghan was slightly surprised.

"This senior is really generous."

"However, these three formations should all be made from Chongyuan Yellow Sand. It seems that the Fang family has really encountered the opportunity of Chongyuan Yellow Sand, or found this kind of mineral vein."

"It is said that there are some special methods in the formation that can search for mineral veins. The formation method of the old senior Fang is extraordinary. It is normal for this family to find this kind of mineral vein."

And the fact is exactly so, and the Fang family has made a lot of profits from this mineral vein.

It is even enough to support the family's foundation-building seedling to impact the foundation-building, which is why the old patriarch Fang was crazy before.

The value of the first-level middle-grade defense formation on the market is extremely high, at least up to 300 spirit stones.

The three formations total more than 900 spirit stones.

This is not a small amount.

The other benefits mentioned by the old patriarch Fang are also valuable.

For this reason, everyone's anger is less.

Then, considering that the old patriarch Fang was too powerful and suspected of being in cahoots with the powerful foundation-building power Fuyun Kuang family, they could only endure what the old patriarch Fang had planned before.

But the master of Xingjian Temple, who was no less powerful than the old patriarch of the Fang family, threatened.

"This formation is good, but if it happens again, my Xingjian Taoist Temple will definitely be the enemy of the nobles."


The old patriarch of the Fang family greeted him with a smile, put his face very low, and kept apologizing with a smile, which made Liu Fenghan and others particularly satisfied.

Then, everyone chatted for a few more words, and the superficial relationship between the four parties was restored to its original state. Everyone also rushed to the mysterious valley in the deepest part of the wood domain, which was protected by the mysterious magnetic Daoyun.

Everyone saw that this valley was extraordinary, and the demon spirit king had jumped out of it before, so everyone came here first.

The rich mysterious magnetic energy in the valley here also made everyone look forward to it, hoping to find some good things from it.

But no matter how they searched, they only found dozens of immature spiritual plants and an empty first-grade superior spiritual pond.

The same was true for several places nearby where the spiritual energy of Xuanci wood was rich.

"What's going on?"

Everyone's face suddenly changed.

In theory, the Xuanci Wood Domain is a treasure land for the growth of spiritual plants. Even if no one takes care of it, the probability of ordinary plants becoming spiritual plants is high.

Moreover, the Xuanci Wood Domain, which was naturally nurtured by the Xiuxian World, contained a large number of spiritual plants when it was discovered.

Even if the monsters in the Wood Domain had a big appetite and ate the mature spiritual plants in the entire Wood Domain, in theory, the Xuanci Wood spiritual energy in the Wood Domain here would be left a lot, so as to cultivate more plants into semi-spiritual bodies, which is completely different from the scene here.

And the situation here gives people the feeling that it has been completely looted.

But this place was previously the territory of the group of Xuanci monsters, and it was difficult for ordinary people to get benefits from them.

Moreover, the people who entered the Wood Domain before had always gathered together, and no one left alone.

All eyes were on Zhang Wei of the Jinsha Sect for a moment.

The Star Sword Master spoke up.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang Wei, this wood domain was first discovered by your Jinsha Sect. Your sect should have entered this wood domain before. Now that this wood domain is in this state, why don't you give an explanation?"

Zhang Wei of the Jinsha Sect hurriedly explained.

"My sect did enter this wood domain."

"But you all know how powerful my sect is. If my sect had the strength to take away the spiritual plants here, why would my sect tell you about this wood domain and ask for your help?"

The Star Sword Master and everyone else felt that there was some truth in this, so they fixed their eyes on the old patriarch Fang.

"Fellow Daoist Fang, since there is nothing suspicious about the Jinsha Sect, and we have been together all the time, there is no doubt either. Apart from us, it is estimated that only the old thief Sima has been here. If there are other people here, there must be other cultivators in this treasure land."

"And the old thief Sima has extraordinary means of concealing his breath, which is beyond our ability to detect. It is possible that the treasures here were taken away by him in advance."

"Can you take out the storage bag on the old thief Sima?"

The master of Xingjian Temple asked again.

The old patriarch of the Fang family was reluctant to do so. After all, as the head of the family, the old thief Sima must have a lot of money. If these things were known to others, it is possible that there would be some conflicts, and he is not in a good state now.

But in order not to arouse public anger, he sighed helplessly and took out the storage bags on the old thief Sima, and even took out all his own storage bags to avoid suspicion.

And everyone immediately opened those storage bags one by one.

Although there were a lot of money and property, there were not many spiritual plants.

This cleared the suspicion of Sima Lao Thief and Fang Lao Clan Chief.

But everyone still felt a little confused.

"If it wasn't the Jinsha Sect that took it, and it wasn't Sima Lao Thief that took it, then who moved the spiritual plants here?"

After all the speculations, they still had no idea, and finally they could only blame the group of demons occupying the wood area here.

They also speculated that it was Zhang Wei and others from the Jinsha Sect who first discovered this place, thus alarming the demons in the wood area here, causing them to eat most of the spiritual plants and plants with half-spiritual bodies in the wood area here in order to avoid the crisis, so as to improve their cultivation and strengthen their own confidence.

And this matter does make some sense, so everyone believed this reasoning.

The master of Xingjian Temple also complained.

"It's really a loss. How come we met such a group of eatable demon spirits?"

The others all agreed.

Liu Fenghan on the side was secretly delighted when he saw this.

"Sure enough, as expected, the Qingxia Lingzao Tree took away the spiritual planting of the Wood Domain here. In the end, those demon spirits took the blame."

As early as when Liu Fenghan and others were fighting against the demon spirits, Liu Fenghan quietly commanded the Qingxia Lingzao tree deep underground to take away most of the spiritual objects in the Wood Domain and store them all in one place. Being in a remote place, Qianxunhua also demonstrated how to cover it with a special green earth miasma, concealing its aura.

In this way, as long as they don't get too close to them, it will be difficult for even Star Sword Temple Master and others who have perfected their Qi training to find those spiritual objects.

And that place was remote and did not have much black magnetic wood spiritual energy. This also made Star Sword Temple Master and others not pay attention at all. They just used the pupil technique to look at it from a distance. After seeing that there was no spiritual plant in it, they searched for the next place. place.

Liu Haohe, who also knew the details, was equally happy.

"In this way, those spiritual plants or other spiritual objects obtained from Qingxia Lingzao Tree can be worry-free."

"According to the information provided by Qingxia Lingzao Tree, those spiritual objects are worth nearly seven to eight thousand spiritual stones."

"And there is also an extremely valuable first-grade high-grade wood mysterious green grass. Once it reaches the quasi-second-order realm, it will definitely become a second-grade foundation-building spiritual object, and its attributes are the same as Feng Han's cultivation. If the law is consistent, as long as this can be accomplished, Feng Han will undoubtedly pave a short road to attack and build foundations in the future."

"Most of the other spiritual objects are raw materials. As long as they are handled by the family's alchemist Xiao Feng Yuan and the weapon refiner Xiao Feng Hu, they will definitely be turned into valuable elixirs or magic weapons."

"To put it all in perspective, the benefits that that batch of spiritual objects can bring are probably worth tens of thousands, and there are not many duplicates. It is estimated that they will be easy to sell."

"Even if we play it safe and sell it slowly, it will probably take two or three years at most to sell it."

"And at the end of next year, it happens to be the once-in-ten-year auction in Tahufang City."

"There are some spiritual stones at home."

"If there are foundation-building spiritual objects of ordinary quality in that auction, you can try to buy them. In addition, there should be some high-level natural crystals or other rare spiritual materials in the auction. By then, You can also buy some to cultivate the family's wood spirit veins and special spiritual plants."

Although foundation building is important, the family's wood spirit vein containing earth spirit roots is the foundation for planting spiritual plants. The benefits of those special spiritual plants are not small, and they also need to be paid attention to.

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