Spirit Plant Immortal Clan

Chapter 303 Feng Shui Compass Breaks the Balance (Subscription Request)

A few days later.

Taying County.

In an ordinary desolate valley, there is a hidden and simple cave.

"Finally, the spiritual imprint in the last storage magic weapon has been erased."

Xiao Yunchu, who looked tired, looked at the storage magic weapon in front of him with joy and murmured.

After that, he passed a spiritual power into it, summoned all the things in it, and threw them into a pile of spiritual objects beside.

Those were collected by killing Bai Shan and other casual cultivators in the early stage of Qi training some time ago.

After careful calculation, there are eight first-level low-grade magic weapons, and the spirituality is at least 70% to 80%. If they are put on the market, they can be sold for at least 150 spiritual stones.

The rest of the elixirs and other sundries, all in all, can also be worth about 50 spiritual stones.

The total value is about 200 spiritual stones.

And as long as all of them are put in the family's popular stores, they will surely be able to be cashed in in no time.

"This time, Grandpa and I spent only two or three days searching for the enemies of the scattered cultivators such as Baishan, and the process of killing them was relatively smooth. Even before I made a move, the group of people were killed by Grandpa and my green spirit ants. It was really easy to earn these two hundred spirit stones."

"And if we add the wealth of the twenty or so enemies that Grandpa and I killed before, we should have earned about 1,500 spirit stones from killing the enemies of the righteous this time."

"And according to what Grandpa and I agreed before, these benefits are split in half. After careful calculation, I can get about 700 spirit stones."

"It seems that I can cultivate two more Qi-training green spirit ants."

"Sure enough, killing people and setting fires to get a golden belt, which makes more money than killing monsters, and it is easier to make money. No wonder many righteous cultivators will risk being wanted to do the work of intercepting and killing."

Xiao Yunchu looked at the piles of spiritual objects, his eyebrows were full of brilliance, and he kept muttering in his heart.

However, he didn't plan to do this often.

The reason why the Old Liu family dared to kill those scattered cultivators so wantonly this time was because those scattered cultivators attacked the Old Liu family's territory directly.

Moreover, Liu Fenghan, who was stationed at the Old Liu family at the time, recorded the scene with a photographic method, and even preserved the breath of those cultivators.

Even if the Old Liu family's killings now make a scene in Feixing Valley, the Old Liu family is not afraid.

But on the contrary, if the Old Liu family really does the work of intercepting cultivators and the truth is revealed, it will be troublesome.

The business of the three stores under the family will inevitably be affected.

It is even possible that some big forces that have long been eyeing the opportunities of the Old Liu family will use this as an excuse, under the title of "demon slayer", to directly destroy the Old Liu family and snatch the opportunities of the Old Liu family.

What's more, if the movement is really big, Feixing Valley will probably intervene.

After all, this is the right way, and the matter of interception and killing is not allowed to be on the table.

Xiao Yunchu can still sort out which is more important.

As for the matter of using resources to cultivate the green spirit ants, it is more complicated.

Although the green spirit ant clan is a wood-attributed spirit beast, and the individual strength is not strong, this clan has a great advantage, that is, the more they eat, the more they reproduce.

Indirectly, there are more ants in this clan that can enter the realm of Qi training.

It is also because of this that this clan can survive in the world for a long time, otherwise, with their individual strength, it is estimated that they would not survive long ago.

However, the maximum number of Qi training ants in this clan is related to the queen ant, and it is not possible to continue to grow.

The queen ant can control the ants under her command in a special way, but if the number is too large, it will cause trouble.

For this reason, the queen ant in the early stage of Qi training will only cultivate ten Qi training ants at most, and will never cultivate ants that are far beyond her own cultivation.

As for the middle, late, or perfect Qi training, they will only cultivate twenty, thirty, and fifty Qi training green spirit ants respectively.

And Xiao Yunchu, the queen ant in the late stage of Qi training, currently only commands twelve green spirit ants that have entered the realm of Qi training.

And after all, Xiao Yunchu had brought him a small amount of Taichu Qi in his early years, so his aptitude was slightly improved, and his path was a little further.

According to Xiao Yunchu's estimation, within two or three years, this ant should be able to enter the realm of perfect Qi training, and then it can also cultivate this kind of powerful ant soldiers.

At the same time, it is also the main force to strengthen the Biling Ant clan. As long as there are enough resources, it can give birth to a litter every month, and the number is as many as hundreds.

In addition, there are three Biling Ants in the middle stage of Qi training as generals, and nine ant soldiers in the early stage of Qi training.

However, their aptitude is basically the end.

For this reason, the first thing Xiao Yunchu did after getting the resources was not to help them reach a higher level, but to cultivate new Biling Ants in Qi training.

At the same time, after Xiao Yunchu simply divided the batch of spiritual objects with Mr. Liu Haohe, he raised his hand and took out the Feng Shui compass of his own life from the storage bag.

However, this thing is very different from the previous one.

It now has a broken heaven and earth rhyme to protect and cover it, so that in the eyes of ordinary people, it is just an ordinary compass, nothing special at all.

Only by breaking it can we see its current situation.

But strangely, I don’t know if it is because of the broken heaven and earth rhyme, although this compass is still in the first-level lower level, its aura is extremely strong, even far exceeding the aura strength of ordinary first-level middle-level magic tools.

And as Xiao Yunchu continued to nurture this treasure with spiritual power in the next few days, it actually began to try to break through the realm.

Even the compass triggered a small pseudo-spiritual tide to help break through the realm.

Perhaps it was because of this that this treasure actually succeeded in reaching the first-level middle-grade realm.

This is really strange.

You know, Xiao Yunchu is still just a Feng Shui apprentice and has not officially entered the first-level Feng Shui realm. It should be difficult for his natal object to enter a higher realm.

This is linked to the realm of Feng Shui.

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Yunchu was extremely happy.

"Those few strands of the aura of creation are really mysterious. They can really help him break the balance of the Feng Shui Dao and enter a higher realm."

Whether it is the aura of the beginning nurtured by Xiao Yunchu's mysterious aura of the beginning, or the aura of the beginning nurtured by the Dao Monument, they are all extremely magical. They can be passed on to cultivators, spiritual plants, or monsters for use, and can also be passed on to magic tools and other spiritual objects for use.

For this reason, when Xiao Yunchu just refined this compass in his early years, his father Liu Fenghan, for the sake of his Feng Shui, asked him to transfer a small amount of Taichu Qi nurtured by his own Taichu body into the compass.

In this way, the compass not only gained some good fortune, but also increased its power by 40% to 50%, which was enough to be comparable to the natal compass of some ordinary first-level middle-grade Feng Shui masters.

And the potential of this compass has also been improved a lot.

Originally, because the materials for refining this compass were relatively demanding, the old Liu family only found some first-level top-grade materials as its main materials, so its potential was at most first-level top-grade.

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