Spirit Plant Immortal Clan

Chapter 323: Forcing the Emperor to Abdicate (Subscribe)

"Brother Zhang, the disciples in the sect are now very angry. If you still want to get away with it, I'm afraid it will damage the reputation of the sect."

"And this matter is related to our sect's recruitment of disciples, as well as important matters such as business in various places. Does Brother Zhang want to see the sect disappear and decline because of this?"

The old Taoist Hai Yun of the Xinghai lineage said to the great elder Zhang Qingqiu with a righteous face.

And Zhang Qingqiu saw that he was cooperating with the disciples in the sect to force the palace, and he couldn't help but look up to him a little.

"This person has played this method of taking advantage of the situation thoroughly."

If the old Taoist Hai Yun hadn't pointed out the secret of the tragic turn of the secret realm, the tragic turn of this secret realm trial would have sunk to the bottom of the valley. After all, the compensation given by the sect was not bad.

But according to the current situation, if the tragic situation of the secret realm trial is not reasonably resolved, it is indeed possible that the consequences mentioned by the old Taoist Hai Yun before will occur, and it is even possible that the surrounding forces will see that the high-level leaders of Feixing Valley are not in harmony and take the opportunity to cause some trouble.

For this reason, this matter must be suppressed no matter what.

It is naturally impossible to do it by relying on the great elder Zhang Qingqiu alone. It is best for the sect's Jindan Patriarch to come forward.

For this reason, the great elder Zhang Qingqiu still did not know anything and just said calmly.

"I don't know about this matter. I will report it to the sect master and ask him to make a decision."

After saying that, he cast a communication talisman.

When the old Taoist Haiyun saw this, a hint of hidden joy suddenly appeared in the depths of his eyes.

'The road to success is halfway through. Now it depends on whether the master and others can suppress the sect master. '

After a while.

A sudden shout came from the depths of Feixing Mountain Range.


Then, a purple escape light flew out from that direction and stopped above Feixing Peak, and finally the figure of Feixing Sect Master appeared.

All the disciples in the sect who shouted for justice were panicked when they saw this.

That was the Jindan Patriarch. Even in the entire Yuan Kingdom, he was the most powerful one.

If you anger such a person, you will definitely die miserably.

For this reason, no matter what they were thinking, they immediately stopped talking and became quiet.

And the old man Feixing said calmly.

"The Feixing Secret Realm is the foundation of our sect. Although its space is not large and the laws of heaven and earth are incomplete, it is difficult for second-level things to be born there, but the laws within it are extremely suitable for the growth of spiritual plants and monsters. Even more than 50% of the spiritual plants and monsters in the sect come from that place."

"That is why this secret realm has always been in the hands of our sect master, and how can ordinary people enter it casually."

"If the treasures in our sect's secret realm are endangered, I am afraid that the foundation of our sect will also be damaged."

"Therefore, our sect's great elder Zhang Qingqiu tried his best to prevent ordinary people from entering that place. After all, who knows if there are any bad people in it."

"However, please rest assured, disciples. I will guarantee that I will give you an answer within three days."

"Let's all disperse first."

Most of the cultivators in the sect were already onlookers, so when they heard the words of the Feixing Sect Master, they immediately gave up the idea of ​​watching this drama and returned to the right track.

As for the group of people arranged by the second elder Hai Yun Laodao, they also put away their thoughts.

In this way, the sect's dispute can be easily resolved.

Seeing this, the old Taoist Hai Yun, who was in the meeting hall of Feixing Peak, couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

'After spending so much time talking, you old monster want to resolve it so easily? '

Sure enough, the voice of Xinghai Patriarch suddenly sounded in the depths of Feixing Mountain Range.

"Although the Feixing Secret Realm is of utmost importance, Senior Brother Feixing, you also said that this secret realm belongs to the sect, and it has always been controlled by the hands of the sect master like you."

"In this case, how can we disciples of the sect know how much profit the secret realm produces?"

"If there is a mistake in a certain link during the process, won't we disciples of the sect suffer a loss?"

"And taking this trial as an example, if all of our factions have the right to enter that place, how could the truth of this trial have not been found until now?"

"Senior Brother Feixing, the sect rules are a bit old, and it's time to keep up with the times."

After a while, three beams of light arrived above Feixing Peak.

The visitors were the ancestors of the three factions of Xinghai, Xingjian, and Xingyan.

And the Xingjian and Xingyan ancestors looked like they were led by the Xinghai ancestor.

And this situation once again attracted the attention of the disciples in the sect.


Several familiar disciples gathered together to discuss secretly.

"The ancestors of the three branches of Xinghai are too bold to openly contradict the sect master."

"But this matter is really a bit strange. In the past, when the sect encountered tragic situations during trials, the other golden cores in the sect did not act like this. It seems that there is another secret behind this matter!"

Another person echoed.

"In my opinion, the ancestors of the branch lines are not brave. Although the Xingjian and Xingyan ancestors are on the opposite side of the sect master, they have not expressed anything now. If the situation is not right, they will probably find excuses to shirk responsibility."

"Therefore, this conflict is probably between the sect master and the powerful Xinghai ancestor."

"And Xinghai ancestor is said to have entered the middle stage of the golden elixir like the sect master more than ten years ago. With such strength, he naturally has the capital to be arrogant."

"And judging from the appearance of Xinghai ancestor, he should be planning to use the trial as a source to seize the management rights of the secret realm. At least he needs to carve out some benefits. Otherwise, according to the appearance of that ancestor, he will not give up easily."

"It is even possible that the split of the Thousand Medicine Valley next door to us will reappear."

"And then, it will be difficult for us disciples in the sect."

Everyone sighed when they heard this.

They are just ordinary cultivators who rely on the sect. If the sect collapses, their situation will naturally be difficult.

For this reason, they can't help but pay attention to what the sect master will choose.

Is it to give in, or to ignore it and still hold on to Feixing Secret Realm, an important source of resources?

Of course, there is another possibility, which is to suppress Xinghai Patriarch with powerful strength and intimidate the world.

And only in this way can the previous situation be maintained, otherwise Feixing Valley will inevitably be in chaos.

But this matter is extremely difficult. After all, Xinghai Patriarch is now very powerful, and he has the support of Xingyan Patriarch and Xingjian Patriarch.

Therefore, most of the disciples in the sect believe that the best situation now is to give in.

Only in this way can the sect be temporarily peaceful.

But to their surprise, Feixing Patriarch did not give in, but indifferently faced Xinghai Patriarch who wanted to divide the big cake of the secret realm.

"Junior brother, why don't you think about why the previous generation of the sect master passed the position of the sect master to me instead of to you? Isn't it because the previous generation of the sect master knew that I was devoted to the sect?"

"How could someone like me embezzle? If you don't believe me, just check the account book."

"Also, the rule that the sect's secret realm is only controlled by the sect master is old, but it doesn't make sense."

"If any Jindan ancestor can enter and exit the secret realm at will, wouldn't it increase the exposure of the methods of entering and exiting this secret realm."

"This will undoubtedly give some bad guys an opportunity."

"So, senior brother, I think it's not that the rules are old, but that you, Junior Brother Xinghai, are too young."

"If there is nothing else, I will go to the secret realm to observe the situation."

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