Spirit Plant Immortal Clan

Chapter 38 Live broadcast seeding method (3,000 words long chapter, thanks for the votes)

Then Liu Haohe followed Liu Fenghan's suggestion and spent five spirit stones to buy about a pound of white pottery spirit rice seeds.

These seeds are just enough to plant half an acre of spiritual land.

He planned to use the other half acre of spiritual land to plant the special spiritual plant he was about to obtain.

As for the seeds of Liu Fenghan's Explosive Spirit Fruit Tree, it will turn into seedlings in the future and can absorb spiritual energy normally. After practicing, Liu Haohe plans to plant the tree directly in the yard of the new courtyard.

Let him practice directly with the spiritual energy in the yard.

There is also a lot of spiritual energy in the courtyard, enough to sustain its normal cultivation, and there is even some spare time.

And with this spare spiritual energy, Liu Haohe also has some plans for the future.

Anyway, Liu Fenghan is the only monk from the old Liu family who is always at home.

Liu Fenghan is the key seedling of the old Liu family. He usually uses elixirs to practice. Even if there is enough spiritual energy in the courtyard, he will not choose to absorb the spiritual energy in the courtyard to practice. After all, this method of cultivation is slow.

Under such circumstances, after the seeds of Liu Fenghan's explosive spirit fruit tree turn into seedlings, the rich spiritual energy in the new yard will not be wasted.

At the same time, if the seeds are not planted in the spiritual field after they turn into seedlings, it can also indirectly free up some space in the spiritual field and plant more spiritual plants, which will bring some benefits.

It is also worth mentioning that while buying seeds in Liu Haohe, Liu Fenghan also spent time carefully looking at the pound of white pottery rice seeds to prevent these seeds from entering the body.

When he saw that there were no problems with the seeds, he asked Liu Haohe to pay the spirit stones.

The previous batch of white pottery rice from Lao Bai's family was infected by germs when they were still in the seed stage, and then they got smut, which is extremely dangerous.

As soon as this matter was settled, the two of them went straight to the new courtyard deep in the residential area of ​​the outer city.

Just in time, they bumped into their parents and others who were moving some furniture from the old courtyard to the new courtyard.

"Fenghan, go and deal with those spiritual rice seeds, and I'll help your father and the others."

Liu Haohe greeted Liu Fenghan, handed the pound of white pottery rice seeds he just bought to Liu Fenghan, and went to help.


After Liu Fenghan responded, he looked around the large courtyard of the new courtyard, and finally found a remote corner and walked over.

Then, he used earth magic to build a small earth pond about one meter wide and one meter high.

Moreover, he also used magic to create a large amount of water and poured it into it, filling most of the pool.

After all these preparations were done, he took out the pound of spiritual rice seeds Liu Haohe had just bought and threw them all into the pool for soaking.

"It's now the beginning of February of the new year, and it's already spring."

"The temperature has always been relatively low this spring. It is estimated that one pound of rice seeds will need to be soaked for 24 hours before they are ready."

Liu Fenghan felt the temperature around him and murmured.

The step he is taking now is one of the steps of "live broadcast" planting of spiritual rice seeds.

This planting method is rather special. You need to soak the seeds in clean water for a period of time, and then let the seeds stay in a relatively warm place for a period of time before the seeds can germinate.

Cultivating germinated seeds in this way is not only more convenient than the traditional method of planting rice seeds.

And the output will be higher.

The traditional method of growing rice involves sowing, transplanting, and then throwing out the seedlings, which is relatively cumbersome.

However, there are some troubles in planting seeds by direct seeding. It requires certain experience when soaking the rice seeds. If soaked for a long time, it will have an impact on the rhizomes that the rice seeds will grow in the future. In serious cases, the seeds may be damaged. Cannot germinate.

The most important thing is that this method can easily cause the seeds that have been invaded by pathogens to be invaded by more pathogens, making the spiritual rice more susceptible to disease during its growth.

In the early years, Lao Bai's batch of spiritual rice seeds that were already contaminated by germs were planted in a way that caused the number of germs in the body to increase and the body couldn't bear it, which led to widespread illness.

Otherwise, given the robustness of Bai Tao Lingdao, resistance would be no problem, and even if it gets sick, it won't appear in such a large area.

Then, Liu Fenghan saw that it would take some time to soak the seeds, so he went to help his parents, elders and others move.

Because the new courtyard and the old courtyard are already in the same area and not too far apart, and everyone is a monk, they can perform spells that speed up the process, and they have the help of stored objects and spiritual objects. In just half an hour, everyone Within a short period of time, some necessary furniture was moved to the new courtyard.

This also makes this new courtyard, which has not been inhabited for a long time, a little more lively.

As for dust, it is easier to clean it. You only need to use magic to create a breeze, and with some subtle control, you can gather all the dust, pack it up and throw it away to a garbage dump in the residential area.

After finishing these things, Liu Fenghan returned to the small pool in the corner of the yard, sat cross-legged, and practiced quietly.

At the same time, he also left a trace of his spiritual consciousness on the pound of spiritual rice seeds soaked in the pool to prevent the seeds from over-soaking.

Liu Haohe and others gathered in the new courtyard hall.

Then, Liu Haohe told the story of how he had chatted with Liu Fenghan when he went to buy seeds with Liu Fenghan and learned about his heaven-defying spiritual plant talent.

He also emphatically stated that he planned to ask all the monks in his family to increase income and reduce expenditure, stop taking cultivation resources, and save spiritual stones so as to purchase spiritual plants and inheritance for Liu Fenghan as soon as possible.

Upon hearing the news, Liu Fenghan's parents and others were immediately overjoyed.

As for the issue of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure, they did not refuse, and even agreed to it.

Even Liu Guangxuan, the uncle who had no direct blood relationship with Liu Fenghan's family and was from the same ordinary clan, agreed to this matter without any hesitation.

There are two reasons why they can be so decisive.

First, they all know the horror of Liu Fenghan's spiritual plant talent, and the spiritual plant inheritance is of utmost importance to spiritual plant husbands.

Second, although they entered the middle stage of Qi training with the help of the transformation pill, the transformation pill also brought a lot of side effects, which made their future bottleneck at least several times stronger.

Even if they spent countless resources and time to improve their cultivation to the fourth level of Qi training, it is afraid that it will be difficult to break through to a higher level in less than ten or twenty years.

Instead of spending time practicing slowly, it is better to do something more meaningful.

Anyway, they are satisfied with this cultivation, at least it is stronger than when they were in the early stage of Qi training.

The old man Liu Haohe was particularly happy to see that everyone agreed, and then he gave instructions.

"Remember, Fenghan's experience in cultivating two kinds of spiritual plants in succession must not be spread to others, otherwise... this is not a good thing for Fenghan."

After these words came out, Liu Fenghan's father Liu Guangyao and others also looked more solemn. They also knew the seriousness of the matter. Immediately, they all said that they understood.

Having a strong talent but no strong strength, and no strong backing behind, is not a good thing.

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a few more words and then dispersed.

One night passed.

In the early morning of the next day.

As soon as the sun rose, Liu Fenghan took the explosive spirit fruit tree seed that had refined a primordial energy and had a primordial black bead in his body in the yard, and attracted the power of the primordial sun from the sky into his body.

And Liu Fenghan's relatives also began to get busy.

Zhong Xiuqin, the only female member of the family, began to organize a small banquet for moving.

Because the new courtyard was rented, the old Liu family did not plan to invite some monks with good relationships to have fun, and only planned to have fun with their own family.

Liu Fenghan's grandfather Liu Haohe and his family went to the residential area and various places where notices could be posted in the market to post notices for renting the old courtyard with permanent property rights at the edge of the residential area.

In addition, in order to attract tenants, the old Liu family also made a special offer, reducing the rent of the old courtyard with an area of ​​200 square meters by half a spirit stone in the first month. Three and a half spirit stones per month are enough, but the rent starts in three months.

The houses that are rented in the edge of the residential area are at least 50 square meters. Such houses can be rented for one month with only one spirit stone.

The price is also accumulated according to 50 square meters. For every additional 50 square meters of the courtyard, the rent will be increased by one spirit stone.

Under normal circumstances, a large courtyard of 200 square meters requires four spirit stones per month.

And the old Liu family's method of reducing the rent by half a spirit stone is indeed useful.

In just one afternoon, two groups of people who were interested in renting the old courtyard came.

The old Liu family asked about the situation and learned that the two groups were two small families that were familiar with each other. They got together and planned to rent the old Liu family's big courtyard together.

After all, the courtyard was relatively large, with four houses. Because the old Liu family had a discount on the first month's rent, they planned to rent together.

In addition, the two groups of four young couples were also cultivators, and they had one or two children or relatives with spiritual roots.

It was precisely for this reason that the two groups planned to take root in Feixing Market and live a stable life. It is possible that their descendants with spiritual roots will prosper and develop for a hundred years, and they can also become a small family of casual cultivators like the old Liu family.

For this reason, the old Liu family also had a little more sympathy for the two small families who were interested in renting a house. Now, the old Liu family is actually the same.

However, the tenants still have to be carefully selected. In the end, the old Liu family rented the old house on the border of the residential area to two couples with higher cultivation.

There were four people in the two couples, and their cultivation was at least at the second or third level of Qi training, and there was even a cultivator in the middle stage of Qi training.

With such cultivation, they had more opportunities to earn spirit stones and were more likely to rent the house of the old Liu family for a long time.

The two couples were also trustworthy. After completing the handover procedures, they paid the rent for the first three months in advance to the old Liu family as agreed.

The rent for the first month was three and a half yuan, and the rent for the next two months was four yuan, totaling eleven and a half spirit stones.

This amount of spirit stones was also stored in Liu Haohe's own storage bag.

Once this matter was settled, Liu Haohe and other elders left home under the cover of night that night and went to the land of the demon clan to get the special spirit plant.

As Liu Fenghan saw them off, his worry became more and more intense.

It took a long time to recover.

Thanks to: Book friend 20231201531683, the online writer with a humble salary, Lantian Baiyun's promise, and book friend 20220827073350927 for their monthly tickets.

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