Spirit Plant Immortal Clan

Chapter 44: Good guy, exoskeleton? (Please read and save)

at the same time.

In the courtyard of Lao Liu's family.

Liu Haohe, who had been sitting quietly under the Qingxia jujube tree, felt that the countless eyes staring at his home gradually became less and less, and the solemnity between his brows also dropped, and he couldn't help but complain.

"It's really not good to live in this residential area."

"There are neighbors on both sides. Every time we do something big like this, we are always worried."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh.

But he had nothing to do about it. With the current financial resources of the old Liu family, it was considered good to be able to live deep in the outer city residential area.

As for the kind of spiritual land that belongs to the Lao Liu family alone and has no one else around, it is simply not something that the Lao Liu family can currently obtain.

Time passes.

In the blink of an eye, nearly two months have passed.

This day.


Liu Fenghan looked at the medicine stove in front of him that was burning under the fire, and the aroma of pork ribs with the flavor of herbs was constantly coming out, and he couldn't help but look forward to it in his brows.

"This aroma is probably due to the new medicine."

Immediately, he used the art of controlling objects to pick up the medicine furnace from the fire, and used some magic to quickly cool down the medicine brewed in the medicine furnace.

After he finished doing this, he opened the lid of the medicine stove.

Suddenly, a furnace of milky white liquid was seen.

"Using two kilograms of demon beast bones as the main ingredient, this medicine is really a bit like bone soup."

"I just don't know if its efficacy is as magical as the recipe for improving the seed qualifications of the Exploding Spirit Fruit Tree that has been perfected to the ordinary level in the Taichu Taoist Monument recently."

Liu Fenghan smiled, and the anticipation between his eyebrows became a little more.

Three days ago, Baoyuanling Fruit Tree Seed had finished taking the thirty-six basic prescriptions that could improve his qualifications.

But now, the medicine that Liu Fenghan brewed for him was made from the ordinary-level prescription that Taichu Daobei had spent the past four months perfecting the foundation-improving prescription.

It is also worth mentioning that this prescription was introduced by Daobei a month ago, but the basic prescription had not been used up at that time, so Liu Fenghan did not use this prescription.

And after nearly a month of continuous improvement of the Taoist monument, the content of this ordinary prescription has become much more.

It is even clearly recorded that this recipe can increase the qualification of Explosive Spirit Fruit Tree Seed by 30%.

And, just as Liu Fenghan expected, this ordinary prescription did come with a magical effect.

It can promote the explosion spirit fruit tree to mutate and move closer to the attacking tree.

At the same time, after the tree mutates, the tree's ability to breed the Explosive Spirit Fruit will not disappear, but will become somewhat stronger.

For example, the power of the pregnant fruit will be increased, and the efficacy of the explosive spirit fruit will also be improved.

However, the extent of the increase was not documented in detail.

But even this made Liu Fenghan particularly happy, and he was even more looking forward to the future development of this tree.

However, this ordinary recipe also requires more materials.

Not only did the original main ingredient, fire-attribute monster blood, double, it required a full two kilograms.

And there are two more pounds of fire attribute monster bones as the main material.

The dosage of other auxiliary materials has also doubled, and there are also many more common herbal auxiliary materials.

And this also makes the cost of each ordinary prescription nearly four times more expensive.

In the past, one spiritual stone could produce ten sets of basic prescriptions, but now, one spiritual stone could produce at most two and a half ordinary prescriptions.

An ordinary prescription also requires thirty-six medicines per process.

In other words, it requires an investment of fourteen and a half spiritual stones.

Fortunately, Liu Haohe gave Liu Fenghan the thirteen Qingxia Lingzao some time ago, so that he did not need to buy cultivation elixirs for nearly a month.

This saved the salary of the five spiritual stones last month.

This amount of spiritual stones alone is enough for him to buy the medicinal materials needed for ordinary prescriptions for a long time, and support him to refine a few more ordinary prescriptions to improve his qualifications.

In addition, he can save the remaining spiritual stones from his monthly salary.

Then, he went to the kitchen and found the seeds of the Explosive Spirit Fruit Tree that spent most of the time inside the stove fire, bathing in the blazing fire.

And threw it into the new medicine.

In order to avoid accidents in the refining of this new medicine, Liu Fenghan also promptly activated the Taichu Taoist Monument's ability to read the state of spiritual plants, and closely observed the changes in the seeds.

And at the next moment, his back began to feel cold.

Just because, as soon as that kind of seed enters this medicinal liquid, the state changes drastically.

[This seed feels like being pricked by thousands of sharp needles all over the body, and it is extremely painful now]


Upon seeing this, Liu Fenghan quickly used the art of controlling objects to fish him out of the new medicine.

He immediately transferred his spiritual consciousness into his body and carefully examined whether the new medicine had damaged him.

But after searching for dozens of breaths, he didn't find anything. On the contrary, he was able to notice that the speed at which this kind of spirit breath was absorbed was a little faster.

Moreover, that sub-state is also very good.

[The status is very good, and the qualifications have improved slightly in a short period of time]


Seeing this situation, Liu Fenghan also had an idea.

"Good medicine tastes bitter but is good for the disease?"

"Is this new medicine more painful to take?"

Out of curiosity, Liu Fenghan threw the seeds into the new liquid stored in the medicine furnace again.

Although after the seeds were put into the medicine, the ghosts started to cry and howl again.

But this time Liu Fenghan did not interrupt.

Of course, he has been using his spiritual sense to observe the condition of the seed. Once it is damaged, he will take the seed out of the liquid medicine.

Fortunately, this situation has not happened.

After nearly half an hour, the seed has completely refined the liquid medicine.

And the seed, which was almost fainted due to the pain, suddenly became very energetic, like a dead tree coming back to life.

Moreover, the speed at which it absorbs spiritual energy has increased a little.

Even Liu Fenghan has observed that a very thin but very hard red seed coat has grown on the surface of the seed.

Even Liu Fenghan, a cultivator, needs to mobilize spiritual power to increase it before he can destroy it.

After crushing the skin fragments in his hand, he studied it again and made an unexpected discovery.

"Why does the powder formed after the seed coat of this seed is crushed feel a bit like the bone powder formed by the bones of the monster used to make the new medicine before?"

As soon as this doubt came out, Liu Fenghan immediately had a guess.

There was also some heat in his eyes.

"Wow, an external skeleton?"

"Why does it mutate more and more outrageously the more it takes drugs?"

"If this skin is really caused by taking drugs, then I don't know if it will become harder if I take a few more ordinary-level new drugs to improve my qualifications?"

"Also, after this seed turns into a tree, I don't know if this effect will be inherited by the bark and make it harder?"


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