Spirit Plant Immortal Clan

Chapter 60 This feces is really a treasure (please read and collect)

"Brother Guangxuan, you don't know the pain in our hearts."

Liu Guangyao said with a painful look.

Liu Fenghan, who was standing aside, was already smiling.

The family also chatted lively.

After a while, after Liu Haohe finished handling the matter and came back, Liu Fenghan also took out a pound of white osmanthus cake that had been prepared and handed it to his parents and others to eat together.

This white osmanthus cake is made of spiritual objects, and it contains spiritual energy. Strictly speaking, it can also be regarded as a cultivation resource. The spiritual energy contained in a pound of white osmanthus cake is about the same as that of a Poria Pill.

However, sweet-scented osmanthus cake contains fewer impurities and is refining faster, just like spiritual fruit, so it is more expensive. One and a half spiritual stones can only buy one kilogram.

It is precisely because of this that Liu Fenghan's parents and others are extremely satisfied with his willingness to do so, and they all smile.

Of course, afterwards, as elders, Liu Haohe and others also told Liu Fenghan that they should buy less of this kind of spiritual cake in the future, as it was too expensive.

Liu Fenghan particularly agreed with this.

On weekdays, he himself would not be willing to buy this thing. He just thought that it was time to buy something to honor his parents after the monthly offering, so he bought some of these spiritual cakes.

After a while.

Wait until the chat ends.

Liu Haohe also handed Liu Fenghan a storage charm from the storage bag.

"This contains some cow dung that your father and I picked up while tracking the white rock cattle herd when they were still in the realm of the demon clan."

"It is said that this thing has many benefits for spiritual plants, and can even speed up the recovery of spiritual plants."

"See if this thing actually works."

Liu Fenghan has heard of this rumor, but has never tried it before.

After all, this white rock cow dung is relatively expensive due to its efficacy.

For this reason, he was particularly curious about the efficacy of feces.

Since there was no divine imprint in the storage talisman, he entered his spiritual consciousness and found that the storage talisman, which contained a square meter of space, was actually filled with feces.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

"so much."

Liuhao River Road.

"This is quite small. Dad and I specially picked out the dung of white rock cows that have reached the level of Qi training."

"Otherwise, if we collected all the cow dung from the cattle herd in the past month or two, it would probably pile up into a small mountain."

"By the way, your father and I are often away from home, so you will have to clean up the feces produced by the two calves at home."

"Remember, you must clean it every day, otherwise the compartment will be filled with cow dung in a few days."

Liu Fenghan had some doubts in his heart.

"Is it possible to pull it off like this?"

As for picking up feces, he didn't have any objections, it was just a matter of controlling objects.

What he cared about the most was the demon hunting that Liu Haohe had just proposed, so he asked about it.

"Grandpa, are you planning to go to the demon clan's realm to hunt demons again recently?"

Liu Haohe said helplessly.

"The old guy who owes me a favor went out to hunt monsters in the city a while ago. Who knows when he will come back, so your father and I can only wait."

"Otherwise, the two calves will be taken care of by the animal master."

"It happens to be the end of the year now. Calculating the time, you have not returned to the mortal world for two years. In a few days, I will take you back to have a look, so as to deepen the connection between you and your mortal relatives."

"Relatives should move around more, otherwise the relationship will fade away, and if someone with spiritual roots appears among those relatives, it will also have an impact on the future development of our Lao Liu family."

Liu Fenghan felt relieved to see that his grandfather and others would not be hunting monsters for a short time.

He also agreed to what his grandfather Liu Haohe said about returning to the mortal world to visit relatives.

At the same time, he was even more curious about the monk who owed Liu Haohe a favor.

People who master the means of controlling beasts go hunting monsters?

Could it be that he is not a beast master?

For a moment, Liu Fenghan was puzzled.

Liu Haohe also went back to the house at this time.

Liu Fenghan had no choice but to take the storage charm filled with white rock cow dung and go to the spiritual field at home.

And first touched the effect of reading the spiritual plant state of Taichu Dao stele in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Then, he took out some cow dung from the talisman and piled it at the roots of the Qingxia Lingzao tree, which had lost much of its vitality.

Just at this moment.

Liu Fenghan used the Taoist Monument of Taichu to notice that the Qingxia Lingzao tree became extremely happy.

[The countless nutrients in the feces are enough to speed up the growth of this tree, and this tree is particularly fond of]


Upon seeing this, Liu Fenghan looked at the smelly cow dung at the base of the Qingxia Lingzao tree, and couldn't help but smile a little on his face.

"I didn't expect that Lingzhi would really like this thing."

"It seems that the rumors really don't deceive me."

He also mobilized his spiritual consciousness and relied on his own experience to carefully observe the restoration of vitality of the Qingxia Lingzao tree.

After a hundred breaths, he suddenly had an unexpected joy.

The white rock cow dung at the level of Qi training is really helpful in restoring the Qingxia Lingzao tree to life, and it is of great help.

It can help it regain its vitality by 30%.

This is extremely important for the jujube tree, which can take anywhere from nearly two to three years to recover, and is enough to shorten its recovery time by about three to four months.

Under such circumstances, he was only willing to use some Qi-training grade white rock cow dung to water one or two white pottery rice plants grown at home.

Test and test the addition of these feces to those spiritual rice.

I don’t plan to use more of these spiritual rice.

But this test made him look even happier.

With these feces, the probability of producing medium-level spiritual rice can be increased by at least 30%.

"I didn't expect that the feces of the Qi-training White Rock Cow is so useful."

"No wonder the price of White Rock Cow feces of this level of cultivation is relatively expensive on the market."

"It seems that if the two calves at home can produce a Qi-training White Rock Cow."

"That cow, in addition to increasing the family's combat power and family heritage."

"I'm afraid it also has the benefit of being extremely helpful for the growth of spiritual plants."

"This cow is really an all-round spiritual beast."

Liu Fenghan was delighted.

However, compared with these benefits, Liu Fenghan still attaches more importance to the restoration of the jujube tree.

For this reason, he still plans to keep all the feces and give it to the jujube tree.

He also tested the appetite of the Qingxia Ling Jujube Tree with curiosity.

Fortunately, the tree has a relatively small appetite.

According to Liu Fenghan's estimation, the Qi training level cow dung in the storage talisman is enough for the Qingxia Lingzao tree to absorb for a year.

Then, he looked at the Qingxia Lingzao tree again and said secretly.

"With all the dung in the storage talisman, this tree has been blessed in the past year."

"Counting this cow dung, plus the thirty-six basic recipes that the tree has refined before, and the bonus of restoring vitality brought by the ordinary level restoration recipe, the tree is estimated to be able to speed up the recovery of vitality by 70% in the next year."

"After careful calculation, it is estimated that in the past year, this tree can be equivalent to sixteen months of natural growth recovery."

"If the middle-level restoration method can be deduced, it is estimated that this speed can be accelerated."

"Under this situation, it is estimated that by the end of next year, this tree can basically restore all the lost vitality and begin to bear fruit."

Thinking of this, Liu Fenghan's face suddenly raised a touch of joy.

The fruit of this jujube tree is the Qingxia Lingjujube of wood attribute, which is of great help to cultivators like him who mainly practice wood attribute skills.

It is also worth mentioning that three and a half months ago, Liu Fenghan used the Taichu Dao Tablet to deduce the ordinary-level vitality recovery recipe for the Qingxia Lingjujube tree, and this jujube tree also used it a few days ago.

This level of recipe can permanently speed up the recovery speed of the jujube tree by 30%, and it also comes with an additional effect, which is to allow it to recover its spiritual power at an additional speed, which is helpful for the matter of conceiving fruit.

The basic-level recipe that this tree refined before can speed up its recovery speed by 10%.

In addition, the bonus brought by cow dung.

This is a total of 70%.

As for the middle-level vitality recovery recipe, although it was deduced three and a half months ago, it is not ready yet.

According to Liu Fenghan's estimate, it will take about two months for this matter to be ready.

That is, February next year.

The time is not long, you can wait.


Thanks: Book friend 20230328140053183 for the 100-point reward.

Thanks: Book friend 20221005212839375 for the 500-point reward

Thanks to Yan Yuling, Book friend 20221005212839375, Reader 1206138405356011520, Troublemaker Panda, Xingchen Suiyuan, Mingyue Chaosheng, Book friend 20230415860, Universal Knowledge, Guo Dalu 1975 for the monthly ticket.

Thanks to everyone.

Let's talk about the two calves.

The two calves are aimed at improving the combat power of the old Liu family and helping the spiritual plants.

I won't take the path of taming beasts, please rest assured, there will be spiritual beasts to help.

The protagonist mainly takes the path of spiritual plants.

There will be a fight scene afterwards, but it will be more interesting and will not be like the fights between ordinary monks.

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