Spirit Plant Immortal Clan

Chapter 7: Parents and relatives return (signed)

That day.

It was noon.

Not long after he returned home from Master Lin Dan's house as usual, he sensed that the warning restrictions he had set up at the gate of the courtyard had been triggered.

Immediately, he stopped practicing, took out a small flying needle with a cold light from his arms and put it in his hand, then carefully opened the door and looked out.

When he saw that it was his parents and relatives who came back, he was relieved.

He also felt relieved when he saw that his parents and others were not injured.

Then, he went to greet them with a happy face.

His grandfather Liu Haohe was already eighty-five years old, but he looked like he was only sixty years old, with few white hairs on his head and only some wrinkles on his face.

Moreover, because he practiced a physical cultivation method and was a physical cultivator in the middle stage of Qi training, he had an extremely tall figure and was covered with bursting muscles all over his body, looking extremely strong and sturdy.

His father's name is Liu Guangyao, and his cultivation level is at the third level of Qi training, which means Guangyao family. He has a square face and looks ordinary, but because he and Liu Haohe practice physical training, he is very tall and looks very imposing.

His mother's name is "Zhong Xiuqin", and her cultivation level has just entered the third level of Qi training. Her appearance is ordinary, but her temperament is very dignified. This temperament was cultivated by his mother in her mother's family when she was still a mortal.

Her mother's family is relatively rich in the mortal world, and can be regarded as a small wealthy businessman. It is said that money nourishes Qi, and this sentence is just right for Zhong Xiuqin.

However, if you observe carefully, you can also find that Zhong Xiuqing's eyes are still a bit fierce, and you can tell at a glance that he is not easy to mess with.

Liu Fenghan's uncle is named Liu Guangxuan, and his cultivation level is at the third level of Qi training like his father. He is very thin and tall, with a calm temperament. He is usually taciturn and rarely speaks, but he is very good.

No matter to Liu Fenghan or other people in the old Liu family, there is nothing to say.

According to Liu Fenghan's father, his uncle Liu Guangxuan saved his life several times during the years of hunting monsters, risking his own life.

For this reason, Liu Guangxuan also suffered a lot of injuries, and those injuries became hidden injuries, which is also the main reason why Liu Guangxuan has not been able to enter the middle stage of Qi training.

Liu Guangxuan's cultivation aptitude is actually not much different from Liu Fenghan's father Liu Guangyao's physical cultivation aptitude, but physical cultivation is difficult to make progress, so in fact, Liu Fenghan's uncle Liu Guangxuan's cultivation speed is a few points faster than Liu Guangyao.

The family has not seen each other for three months. After the reunion, they also missed each other a lot. Whether it is Liu Fenghan's parents or the usually taciturn uncle Liu Guangxuan, they have more words in their mouths.

Everyone also chatted a little.

Liu Fenghan also asked about the situation of his parents and relatives going out to hunt monsters this time.

According to his grandfather, their monster hunting trip to the Eagle County on the border of the Upper Sect went particularly smoothly, and the group killed as many as fifteen monsters.

Although they were all monsters in the early stage of Qi training, the value of these monsters was not low. At least they could be sold for three spirit stones, and the more expensive ones could be sold for five spirit stones.

They sold the corpses of these monsters to a market near the monster hunting place, and they were all converted into spirit stones, about one hundred.

On average, his four relatives who hunted monsters earned at least twenty-five spirit stones in the past three months, about eight spirit stones per month.

The old man Liu Haohe was quite generous and had the intention of cultivating his relatives, so any gains were divided equally, and he would not take more because of his own efforts.

And such gains were already good. Among the casual cultivators, there were very few who could achieve a monthly income of five spirit stones.

The monster beasts in the early stage of Qi training are extremely difficult to kill. They are strong and proficient in magic. They cannot be killed by cultivators of the same level alone. Generally, only two or more cultivators can kill a monster beast of the same level together.

Only because Liu Fenghan's four relatives cooperated well, and their cultivation was above the third level of Qi training, and Liu Haohe, an old man of physical training in the middle stage of Qi training, was there such a harvest.

Liu Fenghan was particularly happy about this, and he also congratulated the four relatives.

Then, he also said that a month ago, he had successfully comprehended the core spiritual plant inheritance "Guiyuan Pregnancy Art" in the inheritance of Guiyuan Spiritual Plants and officially entered the spiritual plant path.

There was also the matter of seeking a salary increase from the old employer Lin Danshi.

"I didn't expect you to enter the path of spiritual plants so quickly. You are really a natural talent."

"The inheritance of Guiyuan spiritual plants in our Liu family, which has been covered in dust for nearly two hundred years, has finally come into play. It has paved a way for our descendants to enter the path of spiritual plants. This is a great blessing. It seems that my lineage will be listed in the family tree and praised by future generations, hahahaha."

"Fenghan, come with me to pay homage to the ancestor Liu Zhengyuan who found the spiritual plant inheritance that year, and thank him for obtaining this inheritance in his early years."

Although Liu Fenghan's grandfather Liu Haohe had expected this, he did not expect Liu Fenghan to enter the path of spiritual plants so quickly.

He thought that it would take at least ten years for Liu Fenghan to have the opportunity to enter the path of spiritual plants.

Even so, he estimated it because he thought Liu Fenghan's spiritual plant talent was unusual.

After all, the cultivation speed of normal spiritual plant husbands is much slower than this, and there are many who spend decades to enter the path of spiritual plants.

For this reason, after hearing the good news, Liu Haohe was immediately overjoyed, and tears of excitement appeared in his eyes.

Although Liu Zhengyuan, the first ancestor of the Liu family, had obtained the incomplete inheritance of the Guiyuan Spiritual Plant two hundred years ago, neither this ancestor nor the other ancestors of the Liu family had ever produced a truly spiritual plant practitioner.

There was indeed a spiritual plant apprentice, but that ancestor of the Liu family had not officially entered the Tao until his death.

This matter has also become a regret for the entire Liu family. After all, it is really the greatest frustration in the world to have an inheritance but no talent to learn.

You know, this kind of inheritance is something that some real cultivation families with spiritual veins do not have. It is a gold mountain.

And now, Liu Fenghan can learn the true meaning of spiritual plants and enter the way of spiritual plants, which is tantamount to letting the spiritual plant inheritance bloom with the glory it deserves.

Liu Fenghan's parents Liu Guangyao, Zhong Xiuqing, and even Liu Guangxuan, who always looks calm no matter what happens, are also very excited and exclaimed.

Liu Fenghan heard this and felt a little secretly happy.

As for what Grandpa Liu Haohe said about worshipping ancestors, he naturally would not refuse.

This is what he must do every day. Every morning he would burn incense to worship his ancestors. This is the tradition of the old Liu family.


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