Spirit Walker

Chapter 118: finally found you

The latest website: As far as the eyes can see, it is full of dense fog, and the granular fog moves with the airflow, like a stream, like a flying tulle.

Zhang Yuanqing did not walk around, but stood cautiously in place.

Li Xianzong summoned this fog, did he intend to give up? The longer he drags on, the less likely he will escape. Is this guy relying on something else, or is there something wrong with his brain...

In addition, although Fu Qingyang could not be contacted, the Public Security Bureau must have reported the matter. It is understandable that the deacon will not be able to make it in a short period of time. Is it possible that Elder Gou also cannot make it?

Next time I see him, I'll rub the dog's head...

Just as he was thinking, he heard a gunshot, and immediately froze in his heart, and instinctively fell and rolled.

"Bang bang..."

Two more shots fired, Zhang Yuanqing felt a pain in his lower abdomen and knew he had been shot.

Relying on memory, he rolled all the way to the public seat and used the information desk to fend off subsequent bullets.

"Da da da……"

Footsteps came from the depths of the thick fog, followed by a loose laughter:

"I still have two minutes, Yuanshi Tianzun, if you can stick with me for two minutes, then we will play next time. Otherwise, I will end the trial ahead of schedule today, and exchange your head for reward money."

Arrogant! ! Zhang Yuanqing was particularly irritable and irritable, and subconsciously raised his pistol to shoot at the source of the sound, and immediately suppressed his irritable temper.

He was provoking me to take action... Zhang Yuanqing recalled the details just now.

When the gunshots sounded, he stood still. If the other party had locked him at that time, his head would have bloomed long ago.

However, when he made a rolling motion, the bullet hit his lower abdomen.

Is it because a moving target hits better than a fixed target? Obviously not, but he was unable to stand still, and he did not reveal his position at that time, and was only locked when he rolled later.

The other party was probably judging my position based on the shaking of the fog. Zhang Yuanqing quietly summoned Xiao Doubi and manipulated him to climb up the information desk and knock over the potted plants.

"Bang dang... bang..."

The sound of the potted plant breaking and the sound of gunfire sounded in sync.

Sure enough, he relied on the vibration of the fog to determine the position... Zhang Yuanqing jumped out at the moment the gunshot sounded and shot at the source of the sound.

The sleeve slid, the muzzle spewed flames and gunpowder, and the warhead wiped a reddish trajectory in the thick fog.

The bullet missed the enemy and turned into a stray bullet and bounced between the walls.

This is his true shooting level.

Damn, missed... Zhang Yuanqing rolled continuously, entered stealth, and fled outside the waiting room.

There is no need to confront this guy head-on, the hostages have been rescued, and escaping is the right choice.

I have a partner, why do I want to fight with you?

Just as he made a move, the fog surged behind him, and the frenzy surged.

Zhang Yuanqing didn't even think about it, and turned around with a shot.

The attacker behind him seemed to have anticipated his action in advance. Before he turned his head and raised his arm, a light red streamer shot past the opponent's ear on the side of his head.

"In my fog, you can't escape..."

The distance between the two sides is close enough, and in the thick fog, there is a face with sharp edges and corners, a high nose bridge, sharp eyes like a knife, and a smile that seems mocking and provocative at the corners of the mouth.

When Zhang Yuanqing saw this face clearly, he also saw the dark red strange runes in the eyes of the other party.


The bewitching monster's signature skill in the extraordinary stage, long-term bewitching can reach the level of manipulating others, and short-term bewitching can impact people's spiritual power.

Zhang Yuanqing was indifferent, and when he raised the muzzle, a bullet hit him.

With the experience of fighting with Ou Xiangrong last time, he gave himself a purification in advance.

Li Xianzong's face was obviously stunned. He showed the responsiveness that a bewitching demon should have. He leaned back, drove his right leg, and kicked Zhang Yuanqing's wrist with a slap, and the bullet hit the ceiling.

The burst pistol in Zhang Yuanqing's hand flew out, spun out of the guardrail, and fell to the lobby on the first floor.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Yuanqing used his night travel skills to hide his figure.

At this time, he saw Li Xianzong raise the muzzle and point at himself who had already dodged aside.

Can he see me? He judged my position based on the flow of mist... Zhang Yuanqing froze in his heart.

Night tours can cover up sound, breath, and heat, but they are not really blurred, and there will definitely be airflow during the action.

To a certain extent, this ability of the bewitched demon restrains the sneaking of the night wandering god.


The bullet hit the ground, cracked the floor tiles, and Zhang Yuanqing, who avoided the bullet, wrapped his cat around Li Xianzong's waist, narrowed the distance, and did not give the opponent a chance to shoot.

He held the demon-busting pestle in one hand and the bloodthirsty blade in the other.

Li Xianzong raised the corner of his mouth, took a step diagonally to the side, turned his body, and flipped the five fingers of his right hand. The silver butterfly knife opened its wings in the process of flipping, revealing a dangerous blade.

Li Xianzong swept backhand, just slashed at the blade of the bloodthirsty blade, ding, sparks scattered.

Zhang Yuanqing's mouth was numb, almost unable to hold the handle of the knife.

Suddenly, in Zhang Yuanqing's vision, he saw that Li Xianzong's leg muscles swelled, and the muscles in his back tightened immediately, bursting out a force from top to bottom.

The Eye of Insight gave him the ability to predict the opponent's actions.

Zhang Yuanqing immediately pressed down with one palm.


There was a slight cracking sound, and his metacarpal was smashed by the hard knee.

Zhang Yuanqing staggered back.

The dense fog still somewhat blocked his sight, otherwise he could react faster.

Li Xianzong's knees ignited flames, burning through his pants; he burned his knees, but he didn't seem to be in pain, and launched the follow-up attacks without stagnation.

Butterfly knives stabbed or picked, chopped or stabbed, slashing bloodstains that were difficult to heal on Zhang Yuanqing's body.

At the same time, his spare hands and his legs were all terrifying weapons, and Zhang Yuanqing was defeated steadily.

Li Xianzong's melee fighting ability was several grades higher than Zhang Yuanqing's, and his level 3 physical fitness was also higher than that of level 2 Night Wandering God.

If it weren't for the "eye of the insight" giving him the ability to predict, and the thug glove giving him agility, Zhang Yuanqing would have been dead at this moment.


Li Xianzong opened Zhang Yuanqing's chest with a knife, and the blood gushed out in large quantities. The bewitched demon tasted the taste of blood, his eyes were scarlet, and his fighting spirit was high.

Dengdengdeng... Zhang Yuanqing stepped back while panting.

He is in a very bad state now, with severe pain all over his body, and the unhealed wound has gradually caused him to show signs of excessive blood loss, resulting in dizziness, fatigue and other symptoms.

Obviously, the butterfly knife in Li Xianzong's hand also has the function of bleeding.

Why haven't the reinforcements come yet, is the thick fog hindering them? I can't take it anymore. Fortunately, the Tianchan incense burner was not used, otherwise he would set himself on fire... Zhang Yuanqing's physical condition plummeted.

In the face of the enemy's heavy rain-like attack, he didn't even have time to take out the red hijab, and it took two to three seconds to "charge" the ghost bride before she would appear, which is not suitable for such a time.

Had to figure out a way to create time...

"Not bad, but much weaker than I thought." Li Xianzong stuck out his tongue, as if he wanted to lick the blood on the blade, but for some reason he held back and grinned:

"There's one more minute, don't think that reinforcements will come to save you. The thick fog will make them disoriented, creating an effect like a ghost hitting a wall. No one will come to save you a piece of meat on a cutting board."

As he spoke, his hands and feet didn't slow down, and he didn't give Zhang Yuanqing a chance to breathe, so he jumped at him.

Arrogant your uncle! Fire flashed in Zhang Yuanqing's eyes, he clenched his fists with both hands, and touched his chest fiercely.


Flames and air waves rolled and raged in the waiting hall.

Zhang Yuanqing's eyes were full of anger, and he didn't stop at all, hitting his fists one after another.

Boom boom boom!

The explosions sounded one after another, and the impact was like a sea tide.

Li Xianzong was stunned by the dense explosion, and the air wave pushed him on his chest and threw him out, forcing him to fold his fists and give up the attack.

The explosion lasted for more than ten seconds, and finally subsided. Zhang Yuanqing collapsed to the ground, bleeding from his seven orifices, and damage to many organs, but he finally created an opportunity.

Without hesitation, he immediately summoned the red hijab.

But at this moment, Zhang Yuanqing coughed violently, coughing up blood, blood from the tip of his nose, hallucinations in front of his eyes, his lungs were on fire, and his kidneys were rapidly failing.

He was poisoned.

Li Xianzong, who was curled up on the ground, laughed. The arrogant and happy laughter echoed. He slowly got up and raised the corner of his mouth:

"Yeyoushen's vitality is really strong. The poison I fed on the blade took more than a minute to take effect. Although the witch Gu Masters are humble and dirty, their methods really work."

He killed a level 4 Gu wizard, he has Gu poison... Zhang Yuanqing's vision became more and more blurred, his hands and feet were unable to exert his strength, his heart began to beat weakly, and his heart was full of despair.

Li Xianzong didn't talk too much, he took out the pistol inserted in his waist and aimed at Zhang Yuanqing's head:

"I'm sorry, your head, I took it..."

The next moment, he lost his vision.

The position of Li Xianzong's calf was tightly embraced by a small infant spirit, changing his vision.

Xiao Doubi... Zhang Yuanqing was stunned for a moment. He didn't convey an attack order to Xiao Doubi. On the one hand, he was tired of dealing with the enemy. On the other hand, the thug gloves made him reckless and mindless.

But seeing that the master is in crisis, Xiaodou is more than himself; having said that, he already has a lot of wisdom.

Seizing this opportunity, Zhang Yuanqing's hands were trembling; he put the red hijab on his head with difficulty.


Li Xianzong, who lost his sight, was not panicked, grabbed a foul-smelling coat from the inventory and put it on his body.

Then, he put his hands together and bowed to his feet.

Cut blessings, curse!

Witch and Gu Master's blessings and curses are not divided into physical and spiritual bodies. Although they are not as handy as illusionists, this saint-level item can play a good role in dealing with resentful spirits of low level.

The dirty coat was rippling with black light, and it washed into the baby spirit at the calf like a tide.

Xiao Doubi screamed, his body quickly dissipated, and became turbid and stained with filth, but he just didn't let go.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds...

After the visual exchange, Xiao Doubi persisted until the end, and fell to the ground softly, becoming lighter and lighter...

As soon as his vision was restored, Li Xianzong looked at Zhang Yuanqing and found that his head was covered with a red cloth, and a terrifying and majestic yin qi was overwhelming the sky, like a tide, like a tsunami.

Li Xianzong's hair stood upright, and the intuition from the bewitching demon began to warn.

He fired two shots at the enemy's head, and without looking at the results, he quickly took out a piece of chalk from his pocket and drew a circle on the ground.

The next moment, a light curtain of Huang Mengmeng enveloped the circle and enveloped him.

Li Xianzong disappeared into the light curtain.

At this time, Zhang Yuanqing's body was taken over by the ghost bride, his arms became black, his muscles were knotted, black blood vessels bulged, and sharp nails popped out of his ten fingers.

But the enemy has disappeared.

The ghost bride couldn't find the enemy and stayed in place.

Go, go save him... Zhang Yuanqing said silently in his heart.

The ghost bride felt his will and walked slowly towards Xiao Doubi, who was on the verge of dissipating.

Zhang Yuanqing influenced the ghost bride, knelt down slowly, opened his arms, and embraced the dying baby spirit in his arms, like something that was lost and found in his arms.

He put Xiao Doubi into his body, and finally lost consciousness in relief.



The sun sets in the west, in the spacious conference hall.

Fu Qingyang's face was frosty as he listened to the reports of his subordinates.

In front of the conference table were the captains of Kangyang District, including Bailong, Qingteng, Tengyuan, Dajiba, and the boxing champion, as well as some important members.

"In this attack on Pingtai Hospital, seven people were killed and twenty-three were slightly injured. The bomb has been defused, but it has caused a very bad impact. It has now been handed over to the Public Security Bureau..."

Li Dongze simply ignored the aftermath. These are not the responsibility of the Five Elements Alliance. Their main task is to kill the chaotic spirit walkers.

"Except for Li Xianzong, the main messenger, who escaped, all the other gangsters have been killed. Li Xianzong has been planning this time for a long time. He bewitched the fallen and deepened their belief in burning jade and stone, and made them launch suicide attacks. Li Xianzong himself has long been prepared. Retreat..." Li Dongze raised the remote control and turned on the projector.

A photograph appeared on the screen, showing a circle drawn with chalk.

"After on-site investigation, we found the means by which Li Xianzong escaped. According to the analysis of the colleagues in the atrium, this should be a prop for the 'earth monster' profession. Unfortunately, the monitoring was turned off at that time, and we did not see the specific situation." Li Dongze said.

Ling Jun, who rarely attended the meeting, said:

"Fortunately, this kind of attack is difficult to replicate. According to the moral value punishment mechanism, although people were killed by the fallen, but Li Xianzong bewitched them, a certain moral value will also be deducted. For a long time, he did not dare to do this. played."

The mechanism of moral value is divided into direct and indirect, indirect killing, that is, the spiritual world walker uses his ability to control others to commit crimes. It's just that compared to direct killing, the moral value deducted indirectly will be less, and the score control power will be weaker.

For example, if you directly control a "puppet" to kill, the deducted moral value is the same as that of direct murder, but for instigating and instigating others to commit a crime, the deducting moral value will be reduced or halved depending on the degree of instigation.

There are no bugs in the spiritual realm, just like a well-written program, the loopholes that people can think of are expected in advance.

At this time, Jiang Jingwei complained, "If the elders had arrived in time, the matter would have been resolved long ago."

She said what the captains were afraid to say.

They knew that Fu Qingyang had been attacked by the female protector Fa Yichuanmei, but they didn't understand why Elder Gou had not come.

Fu Qingyang looked around the table and said, "Elder Gou is going to the capital to do business."

Purify the pair of red dancing shoes for Yuanshi Tianzun.

After a brief explanation, he looked at Guan Ya and asked:

Guan Ya's mood was a little depressed: "I have injected him with the original liquid of life, and his life is fine, but after waking up, people are a little depressed."

The captains couldn't help thinking of the scene when they found Yuanshi Tianzun. He knelt on the ground, his hands seemed to be holding something, and he didn't move, and his vital signs were already very weak.

When examining the injury, it was found that he had more than ten stab wounds, two gunshot wounds, severe blood loss and organ failure.

It is hard to imagine what kind of blow he suffered in a short one or two minutes.

Fu Qingyang frowned slightly, then stretched out, and said, "It's a fluke to be able to survive under Li Xianzong's hands. Yuanshi's momentum is too fast, and it won't hurt to take some blows."

After a pause, he added: "No one should try to comfort him."

It only stokes his self-esteem.

Fu Qingyang went on to say:

"Next, your task is to search for Li Xianzong with all your strength in your own jurisdiction, and warn the subordinates in the team to guard against possible attacks."

"You 3rd-level walkers, don't work alone anymore, keep the phone open, Yi Chuanmei has been injured by me, and won't appear in the short term, Lingjun and I will be online 24 hours a day."

"Yuanshi's side, let him stay at home these few days, don't go out."

The trial mission of the evil organization was jointly initiated by the Psionic Society, the Soldier Bishop, and the Nihilty Sect. It was aimed at all evil occupations, and anyone could hunt down official walkers to get bounties.

It's just that most of the time, the fight between the little people, in the eyes of most people, is a small fight, a lack of attention, and the showdown between geniuses or powerhouses is the main event.

The captains nodded slightly.

They are seasoned official walkers who have been through this many times.

Every year in the middle and end of the year, the evil profession will launch a unilateral hunt against the official walkers.

Generally speaking, it is the official who takes more advantage. The only headache is that these rats in the sewer are good at guerrilla warfare, and their whereabouts are erratic, making the official traveler very passive. I'm not afraid of them being tough, but I'm afraid that they will hit a sap.

"Let's end the meeting!" Fu Qingyang looked at the mixed-race beauty: "Guan Ya stay."

Everyone exited the conference room, and in the huge room, only cousins ​​and younger brothers were left.

"You should enter the spiritual realm quickly, right?" Fu Qingyang asked.

"Within half a month." Guan Ya nodded.

Fu Qingyang opened the inventory and grabbed a rifle, about 1.2 meters long. The gun body was dark and painted with hot gold patterns, which was extremely gorgeous.

He pushed the rifle to Guan Ya: "I remember you applied to your family for this item,

But the clan elders will be dissatisfied with your laziness and without approval, in the future, it will be yours. "

Guan Ya raised her eyebrows: "Is the clan elder willing?"

Fu Qingyang shook his head:

"This is a reward given to me by the family. Celebrate my entry into the Presbyterian Church in advance, as long as I can be promoted to master in the killing dungeon in the middle of the year. You have been deliberately stuck at level 2 for a long time. This time, I hope you can upgrade to level 3. Level, this rifle, can qualify you to participate in the mid-year dungeon.

"It can't go on like this forever, Yuan Shi is level 2."

This time, Guan Ya did not refuse. She looked at the weapon she had longed for and fell silent.


Suburbs of Songhai, speakeasy.

The lights are soft, the air smells of smoke and sweat, and soothing music plays from the stereo.

Although it is a bar, there are no dazzling lights and loud noises here, because this is a black market where evil professions gather to exchange information, trade, and secret connections.

Indulgence is secondary.

The booth was filled with evil professionals, about 20 or 30 people. Some of them talked in a low voice, some bargained, and some did indecent sports in public.

Li Xianzong came to the underground bar along the stairs, sat down beside "Tian Lingling", and said, "Give me a bottle of wine, anything can be done."

The bartender pushes over a beer.

Li Xianzong swallowed it in one breath and burped comfortably.

"Murdering and drinking are the ultimate in the world." Tian Lingling patted the younger generation's shoulder and said with a smile: "We have all heard about what you did today. Your kid just came to Songhai and became famous."

Li Xianzong sneered: "I haven't killed Yuanshi Tianzun yet. I want to celebrate for me until I kill that kid."

Tian Lingling shook the wine glass: "Have you fought? How about that kid, is he as evil as the legend says?"

"It's really evil. There is a Saint Realm prop. As for me, it's not bad, but it's not difficult to kill him." Li Xianzong said casually.

"Just be sure." Tian Lingling nodded and said, "What kind of props?"

"A piece of rags, a night wandering god, Uncle Tian, ​​do you have a way to get an illusionist prop for me, if you don't restrain that prop, it will be very difficult to kill him."

Li Xianzong stated the purpose of coming here today.

Tian Lingling said with a smile: "You go to Yichuanmei, with your body and appearance, it would be good to have two waists."

Li Xianzong rolled his eyes.

Tian Lingling got up, looked at everyone, and said loudly: "Everyone, have you heard about the Pingtai Hospital today, and you can't help it?"

The evil professions stopped what they were doing, turned to look here, and shouted.


"Are you cool?"


"Let's welcome the big heroes, the drinks are free today."

The voices intensified.

"You kid is really not afraid of death, you can still get out of your body and do a good job. I like a lunatic like you."

"Hahaha, at the beginning of the trial, you gave the Songhai branch a disgrace, which is much more arrogant than those guys who went to the capital."

"Have you slapped that kid from Yuanshi Tianzun?"

"Big hero, we will follow you in the future, take us to kill the official walker, and earn some extra money."

Strange cries and laughter came and went.

The woman exercising deliberately made a high-pitched scream.

Li Xianzong grinned and said, "A bunch of idiots!"

When the noise subsided, Tian Lingling said:

"Isn't it being followed, have you dealt with the tail?"

Li Xianzong said casually:

"I have a count, and I took the time to leave before the saint and the elder arrived."

Among the walkers in the extraordinary stage, those who can follow him have not yet been born, and neither can scouts.

Just as he was talking, footsteps sounded at the entrance of the stairs.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The footsteps were weird, stopping for a few seconds at each step, like a toddler.

No one cared at first, but gradually, more and more people, frowning, turned to look at the stairs.

The footsteps descended methodically, maintaining a slow rhythm, as if deliberately trying to attract attention.

Finally ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they saw the appearance of the person who came.

It was a woman in a long red dress, embroidered with rich gold thread, and a silver mask.

She was holding a looming red rope in her hand.

Li Xianzong's face changed, he lowered his head suddenly, and saw that a red thread of the thickness of his hair had been tied around his ankle.

The woman in the red dress put down the red thread and let it dissipate. Behind her hands, she stood on tiptoes like a little girl and said with a smile:

"Hey, it's so lively, what are you playing, can you take me to play?"

The eyes under the silver mask flowed, looking at the bald man, she said in surprise:

"Ah, it's you, Tian Lingling. I finally found you~ Do you still remember the Chu family annihilation incident twenty-one years ago?

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