Spirit Walker

Chapter 130: Widow's Trigger Mechanism

There are two large houses in the backyard of the blacksmith shop, the one on the right is the living area of ​​the blacksmith, and the one on the right is the warehouse for stacking iron.

The thin middle-aged man took Li Xianzong and others to the warehouse full of ironware, pushed open the dusty warehouse door for a long time, and a rusty and dull smell came to him. Li Xianzong stepped over the threshold, entered the warehouse, and swept the warehouse with a calm gaze. .

I saw a variety of torture instruments in the warehouse, including razors, steel needles, shovels, soldering irons, Lijia, tiger stools and so on.

Li Xianzong narrowed his eyes. This is different from the "torture tool" of the perverted woman Yi Chuanmei. The things in the warehouse are used to torture people, real torture tools.

Most of them were dusty and rusted, and some were so new, they looked like they had just been made.

If you are not particularly interested in every word of his,

"A blacksmith, why are there so many torture tools in the warehouse"

Don't use the function of "following" people arbitrarily, because the person who pays attention to talk is a strong young man with ordinary facial features and a rebellious face. The fairy queen, all his posts and replies will be posted on the mobile phone in the form of notifications, but this kind of temperament is ordinary in the evil profession. The only feature of this young man is that his left ear is missing, which seems to be cut off by a sharp blade.

remind you! The skinny middle-aged man said:

"Not only that, look carefully, these torture tools are new and old, and the blacksmith Wang is still making torture tools." After speaking, the skinny middle-aged man picked up two razors, one was rusty, and the other was sharp-edged. .

"He is repeating, meaningless forging tools," Li Xianzong gave a final judgment.

The young man with missing left ear frowned and said, "What is the behavioral logic behind this PC? Or, this is just a meaningless setting, don't care about it"

At this time, a man in a suit and leather shoes said in surprise, "Look at what I found."

Everyone heard the sound and saw that he was holding a dark red steel nail, about two inches long, and the dark red was dried blood. Fu Qingyang's eyes flickered slightly, and he took the steel nail from his hand. After a few seconds, a message appeared [Name Cursed Nail] [Type: Consumables] [Functional Corruption] [Introduction that this steel nail once pierced through a The heart of the strong, before her death, her resentment wrapped around the steel nails to form a curse, all those who were injured by the steel nails: 949 people, their souls will be cursed and die. ] [Note I curse you, curse you to die like me. 】

"Very weak consumables." Fu Qingyang snorted, "That's reasonable, isn't it, after killing a weak elite monster, we should always add some powerful items.\"

He looked around the crowd: "I'll take care of this consumable, no problem." The team members shook their heads slightly.

Evil professions turn their backs on force, and the strong are respected. Once their identity is confirmed, they have a solid right to rule. Those who refuse to accept can launch a challenge, but they must pay the price of their lives.

In the lawful profession, it is necessary to vote, or to negotiate, and to be rejected by the discoverer himself.

Then, Fu Qingyang and others sloppily inspected every torture tool and iron tool, and found no props or consumables.

Zi Ran then left the warehouse and walked towards the house where Blacksmith Wang lived.

"Squeak~" There was a bed made of blue bricks by the window, a square table in the middle, and a wardrobe facing the bed.

Everyone rummaged for a while, and found a ledger in the wooden box where the clothes were stored.

As the captain, Li Xianzong opened the thread booklet, glanced at his teammates, and said, "Who knows traditional Chinese characters?"

The ledger was written in traditional, and the handwriting was ugly. Fu Qingyang found that his cultural level was not enough to support him to complete the reading. The traditional evil professions looked at each other and fell silent for a while. But the men in suits and ties came out and said, "Show me."

Fu Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief and gave the booklet to the other party. The man in the suit looked at it repeatedly for a long time, then smiled and said, "This is the income and expenditure details of the blacksmith shop. I know who those torture tools were sold to. It's a man named Zhang Yuanqing." He immediately said again.

"But the number on the ledger isn't quite right from what we saw. There are too many torture instruments in the warehouse, far exceeding the number ordered by Mr. Zhao." Fu Qingyang frowned.

He vaguely realized that this was a piece of information, the information that the copy revealed to the Spirit Realm Walker.

Fu Qingyang had experienced an A-level dungeon, otherwise, how could he be called a genius? There is a lot of information to dig out for yourself.

Li Xianzong told his teammates what he thought. The skinny middle-aged man thought for a moment and was not sure.

"I have a guess, but I'm not sure. The blacksmith Wang seems to be cursed. I smell a cursed breath from him." The thin middle-aged man explained:

"Curse is the ability of the witch and Gu Master at the saint stage. I haven't reached that level, so I can't guarantee it. Besides, this is a faction confrontation dungeon. It is very unusual to have a curse, so it's not surprising."

"Curse" Fu Qingyang combed the information and came to the conclusion "Curse him for constantly forging torture tools", he didn't struggle for too long, and announced

"Leave here and look for Zhang Yuanqing, he should be our next target. We have to finish the side missions before the lawful camp." "Xiu'er, Xiu'er"

Zhang Yuanqing was walking on the street in the west of the town, shouting "My Xiu'er, where are you." But Queen Guan Ya and a few others silently followed behind Li Xianzong. While looking around, Queen Jen asked the mixed-race beauty beside her in a low voice, "Has he always been this kind of bully?"

She has always maintained a strong curiosity about the legendary Yuanshi Tianzun.

After getting along for a short time, I found that this well-known guy does not have the arrogance and coldness of the proud, nor is he humble and irritable. Talking a lot, being rigid, you can talk about everything, and you can talk to anyone. And she didn't dislike such a character.

Guan Ya said "ha", "He just joined the Five Elements League, and within a week, he has become very familiar with his colleagues in the team, Fu Qingyang, you know." Ren "Of course he knows, that is the real favored man." Queen He touched the silver ring on his earlobe and smiled.

"It is said that he is handsome, but he is very cold and difficult to get along with. The female colleagues who admire him are not as talented as the Taiyi, but they are all loyal." Wang Po turned her head and glanced at the bright-looking female colleague.


"Just that member of Zhao, I hate him very much. When Yuanshi is by his side, Fu Qingyang talks a lot."

"No, Zhao Yuanwei just hates listening to Yuan Shi's flattery." At this moment, Huo Dexingjun said irritably, "Does Widow Xu really live nearby? Could it be Wang Po who is lying to us?"

They had been searching for half an hour, Zhang Yuanqing's throat was about to burst, but the legendary woman Xu Xi did not appear. If you can't find it, it means that the task is difficult to carry out. At this time, the sun is venomous,

Burning the ancient town, after walking for half an hour, everyone sweated and had to take a break in a dark alley.

With his back against the old white wall, Li Chunfeng fanned the wind with his hands and said, "Did we miss any information?"

Missing information Zhang Yuanqing lowered his head to think, went through the details in his mind, but found nothing missing. But um, I can't feel it, it doesn't mean I don't have it. If I have an old illness, I should be able to recall all the details, but it's not worth it. Wang Po next to Li Xianzong, Shen Ning for a few seconds, and said, "No, we didn't miss important clues, Widow Xu's information only appeared twice, once when Guan Ya mentioned her address, and once when it was the scarecrow.

"But this has nothing to do with the predicament we're in right now."

The round-faced young man eating lotus root frowned and said, "The weather is a little hot, which is disturbing. I'm thirsty, what about you?" I was also thirsty. Li Xianzong immediately looked at the queen and smiled, "Your Majesty, give me some juice. "What juice, you sound weird." The Queen muttered. But if you are Wang Po, I will stare at your chest and say Zhang Yuanqing's heart.

Driving with Mrs. Wang is what she likes, and Lao Siji is just fine. But driving to other girls makes him seem rude. Looking at the appearance alone, Bai, the queen, is a proper beauty and royal sister, with big earrings and smoky makeup, a single coat in a bean season dress and under the cropped trousers, she is a mature figure with embossing.

But unlike Wang Po, who hates driving, she is "clumsy" in this regard. "It's true that water demons can control water, but they can't make water out of thin air."

Seeing the unbearable heat of her teammates, she thought for a while, and said, "I'll go to the river to "carry" some water for you, and even the dirty water can be directly drunk after being purified by our water demon.

Wang Po reminded, "Don't go too far." The Queen didn't turn her head back, "Worry, before you finish the branch line, you won't meet the evil camp." Li Xianzong watched her recruit Tingting's back, and withdrew his eyes, said:

"I think that to find Xu Xiuer, it needs a specific method to trigger it. But there is too little information given so far, and it is difficult to figure out the trigger method." Wang Po suggested, "You might as well start from the background of the characters." "The background of the characters" Li Chunfeng He pondered: "She is a widow, and she is suspected to have cursed Guan Ya's son. It is very likely that the son of a witch and Gu Master Wang Po has hurt her, and most of them broke into the widow's door at night.

"But there is a logical bug here, since he is a witch Gu Master~www.wuxiaspot.com~, how could he be hurt by an ordinary man.

"Of course, we can't be sure whether Guan Ya's son is a special person, and this has nothing to do with the current predicament."

"What are you talking about? After analyzing a lot, it doesn't seem to be important. You scholars like to think wildly." Huo De Xingjun said dissatisfiedly, but "This matter is very simple, Guan Ya's son has slept with her. , she cursed Guan Ya's son, so she hates men."

"I hate men, so I avoided our reasonable and fat eat lotus and nodded.

"There is a fart reason" Li Liyuan Shangcao said lightly, could it be that the former spiritual realm walkers have not gone through this plot and there are no men among them?"

"This" the round-faced eating lotus root couldn't answer. Guan Ya pondered, "No, Huo De Xingjun's guess is justified. I have a guess, if, if this level, a female walker is needed to trigger it." Her words changed the expressions of everyone present.

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