Spirit Walker

Chapter 167: thrilling

Why is he here?

Damn, why did he appear at Songhai University?

Zhang Yuanqing's heartbeat inevitably accelerated, adrenaline secreted frantically, just like walking

Walking in the deep mountains and forests, I came across a white-fronted hanging eye tiger. He froze in place, crazy

Running wild.

——Is it a coincidence that the magic eye appeared in Songhai University, is it a coincidence?

If not, then he must have come after me. my age is here

Here, the Songhai natives in their early twenties have a high probability of going to university.

Songhai University killed Ou Xiangrong. Although this matter was not widely publicized, the Songhai Branch’s

Among the official walkers, they know a lot. With the status and ability of the Demon Eye King, they inquired about it.

It is not difficult to get this information.

I remember that the Demon Eye King has the ability to "recognize" spirit walkers.

It seems that Kou Beiyue was discovered by means.

It is very likely that the God of Demon Eyes has already hunted down Songhai without my knowledge.

University many times, fortunately, I haven't come to school very much these days, accidentally

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuanqing felt a cold sweat on his forehead.

"Calm down, calm down, the magic eye doesn't know me, Fu Qingyang analyzed it, he discerns spirits

The means of the Boundary Walker belongs to a certain skill, which needs to be actively displayed, not all the time.

Passive skills that exist all the time Pretend passers-by to pass by, then slip through the back door

Let's go, we won't be able to come to school in the future."

Zhang Yuanqing took a breath, took advantage of the magic eye and swept the floor earnestly, and felt the mouth from his pocket.

Putting on the hood, while maintaining a relaxed and casual pace, he took out his mobile phone and gave it to Fu Qing.

Yang, Guan Ya, and Li Dongze sent a group message:

"Help!! The Demon Eye is at the gate of Songhai University!!"

His eyes are calm, and his fingers are as steady as an old dog.

cover up in the heart.

After sending the message, Zhang Yuanqing kept calm and put away his mobile phone, without squinting or changing his eyes.

Changed the walking route and walked towards the Demon Eye King wrapped in a sports headband. one step, two steps,

Three steps...

Finally, he passed the Demon Eye King, who bowed his head and swept the floor earnestly.

The students who came and went, turned a blind eye and lacked attention. Zhang Yuanqing tried his best to slow down

Hold your breath, and don't show "relieved" and "relieved" micro-reactions


Going through the square at the gate of the school and turning into a secluded path leading to the teaching building,

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Huh is so scary, so scary, I can't sleep or eat without getting rid of the devil-eyed king for a day

Ah, this guy needs evidence to kill, I believe he has sent someone to investigate me, should

You should know that I am a good citizen who obeys the law, but he still came to Songhai University to visit,

It means you don't want to let me go.

An evil profession is an evil profession, with a flexible moral bottom line, what kills

Evidence is all bullshit.

While scolding mother in his heart, Zhang Yuanqing moved forward quickly, planning to get out of the back door of the school


At this moment, a soft voice came from behind, with a sunshine-like sound.

Smile: "Do you know me?"

Zhang Yuanqing stopped in his footsteps, his body suddenly stiffened, and then his neck seemed to be rusted.

The gears, a little, a little, are screwed over. On both sides of the trail, tree-lined,

The sun shines through the branches and leaves.

In this shattering and flickering light spot, the young man with a sports headband wrapped around his forehead,

Leaning on a broom, he looked at him with a smile. "You, are you talking to me?"

Zhang Yuanqing's heart exploded, but the more flustered he became, the more expressionless he became.

calm. The Demon Eye King leaned on a broom, clicked his tongue, and said:

"Your anomaly at the school gate is too obvious, of course, it's not your fault,

For our ancient gods of war, any bells and whistles on the battlefield are very fresh

Bright. "There are too many people at the school gate, and it is inconvenient to do it directly, so I followed all the way.


"Tsk tsk, how could a student from Songhai University know me? What a coincidence.

Yes, I'm looking for a guy named Yuanshi Tianzun recently, he is also from Songhai University

Student, it can't be you. "

Zhang Yuanqing didn't even think about it, he instinctively wanted to use the night tour as the best plan.

But at this time, the devil eye king took off the sports headband on his forehead, "I will confirm you first.

Is it a spiritual walker? "

As the sports headband slipped, one eye socket was red, and the vertical eye with pale gold eyes was exposed.

Come out, the eye is indifferent, full of evil and confusion, the "Gollum"

turning. "boom!"

The moment he saw the vertical eyes, Zhang Yuanqing's thoughts exploded into countless chaos.

Fragments, no pain, no fear, as if returning to the original dead silence.

But in reality, his face became hideous and distorted, and blood flowed from his eyes.

Tears, the power of the yin in the body is out of control, destroying the vitality of the body,

put this body on

Infernal transformation. "hold head high!"

Suddenly, a clear and passionate dragon roar echoed in Zhang Yuanqing's sea of ​​consciousness.

This dragon roar seems to have the magic power to cleanse the soul, bringing his soul from the depth of collapse.

Yuan pulled back, his thoughts were put together again, and his mind suddenly became clear. he got it back

knowledge. I saw the Demon Eye King a few meters away again, and saw the terrifying vertical


It's still scary and terrifying, but it doesn't seem so scary anymore.

What happened to Long Yin just now? Zhang Yuanqing was dazed and surprised, and he couldn't care less

Confused, quickly cast the night tour, enter stealth, and run away. "interesting!"

The Demon Eye King did not pursue, but raised the corners of his mouth: "Small Songhai University, actually

Of course there is a rain teacher. ""woohoo"

The shrill wind was raging, and the sky was covered with a layer of dark clouds at some point, like a fog.

On the black curtain, the world is dark.

The strong wind covered this area, and the green plants around the Demon Eye King, at the same time, moved towards a

When bending over, the trunk bends into a semicircle, showing a tendency to break at any time. far away,

The students nearby were turned on their backs, and the light-weight girls were even blown up.

The screams were incessant.

The glass of nearby buildings shattered piece by piece.

In this apocalyptic storm, **** tears flowed from the vertical eyes of the Demon Eye King's forehead,

Complete recovery, starting from the eye sockets, distorted black lines spread out, just like

Like tattoos, it spreads rapidly on the body of the Demon Eye King.

"Hey, hey," the devil-eyed king leaned on a broom, "A fight is a fight, and the innocent are affected.

Yes, I will be angry. ' He cracked the corners of his mouth, revealing a mad grin.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Zhang Yuanqing dragged his heavily wounded body and broke out to a limit he had never reached in his life.

He ran out of Songhai University and continued to run in the direction of Fujiawan.

His speed surpassed the speeding car, attracting the astonished gazes of passersby.

Yellingly, he took out his mobile phone to take pictures, but just after taking out the mobile phone, no one was there.

. Ten minutes later, Zhang Yuanqing, who did not know how far he ran, was in a secluded place.

Park stops.

He collapsed on the green lawn, his chest heaving violently, and he was swallowing oxygen.

Breathing out, gasping for breath. After two or three minutes, the breath calmed down a lot, Zhang Yuan

Finally, I gathered a little energy and looked at my own state.

It is the soul that is most traumatized, as if it had undergone a shattering, reorganization, and

The biggest feedback to the body is a headache, a headache like a split temple. no less than

The kind of headache that comes back from an old illness.

Then there are many injuries to the body's organs, and the body temperature is extremely low. This is the power of the yin out of control.

caused the riot.

"Just one look almost killed me, this is the bewitching demon of the **** realm

It's because he didn't plan to kill me, otherwise I wouldn't even have room to resist.

Zuo Huihui was horrified for a moment, and he recalled the dragon roar that saved him.

"Who helped me? The ability to cast spells to interrupt the Demon Eye King is definitely at the master level.

I remember Guan Ya or Fu Qingyang said that there was an elder at Songhai University.

"Guangfeng and Longyin, I don't know what profession that elder is, but it's definitely not

Fire division. "

At this moment, a sharp bell came from the trouser pocket.

Sooner or later, this broken ringtone was replaced by Zhang Yuanqing's instinctual cardiac arrest, and he took it out.

Mobile phone, caller display: Fu Qingyang!

He quickly connected, and a somewhat relieved voice from the son of the Fu family came from the loudspeaker:

"It seems that the elders of the Water God Palace took action in time."

This means that Zhang Yuanqing's heart moved: "Did the centurion inform him?"

Fu Qingyang said "um" and changed the subject without taking any credit, "You

Did you reveal your identity. "Yes," Zhang Yuanqing replied tiredly.

He used a night tour to escape from the scene, and he must have been seen by the devil-eyed king.

The student of the school, the **** of night wandering, can also think of him on the toes.

Fu Qingyang pondered, "Your student information, when you joined the Five Elements League, was

Has been destroyed and classified as classified. The magic eye thought about this channel to find out where your family lives

It's difficult, but I haven't disclosed my address to my classmates. "

Zhang Yuanqing recalled for a moment and shook his head: "No."

Even if the King of Demon Eyes knows that I am a student of Songhai University, he does not know me

It's Zhang Yuanqing, and there is no information about Zhang Yuanqing in the school's files. as long as not later

Going to school, it will be difficult for the magic eye to find me in a short period of time, but after all, it will not last long

The trick, so annoying this guy.

Zhang Yuanqing felt annoyed.

Obviously it was Li Xianzong who wanted to kill him first, and he killed Li Xianzong according to his ability.

The big bully the small, the stinky shameless. No, this pot actually has to be brought to the Palace Master of Stop Killing


The purpose of the magic eye to Songhai is to kill her

, while itself only incidentally, if there is no 1

Killing the palace lord to attract bees and butterflies, the devil-eyed king will not travel thousands of miles for him.

Luck came to Songhai. This stinky woman.

Fu Qingyang said:

"You have been caught by the magic eye, and with his style of acting, I guess one

Within a week, he will be able to touch your home. I will urge the elders to close the net as soon as possible,

deal with him. "A week later, Zhang Yuanqing felt a chill in my heart, "If

If the elders did not deal with him? "

I am afraid that it is the elders who will be dealt with. Fu Qingyang pondered:

"Then you are in danger, my plan is to find a way to block the breath and let the magic eye

Can not find you. If you are the night wandering **** of Saint Realm, you may be able to do it, but now

Only rely on props. "And these kinds of items are relatively rare, in the inventory of the Songhai branch.

No. I will apply to the headquarters to borrow similar props for you, if the headquarters has any


The carpet-like search of the Demon Eye King will find Yuanshi sooner or later.

The means of shielding the magic eye may be able to escape the catastrophe.

The application process is a lot, and it will take several days just to wait for the reply, and the props have not come yet,

I've already been touched by the devil's eye, and if the headquarters doesn't have it, Zhang Yuanqing can't help it

Make complaints. "Thank you, Centurion."

After thanking, the two ended the call, and Zhang Yuanqing immediately sent a message to Guan Ya and Li Dongze.

Information is safe. He looked around and saw that there was no one nearby, and quietly took out the demon pestle,

Stab lightly on the thigh.

Xunhe's golden light erupted, and he did an antivirus on his body.

Zhang Yuanqing's eyes flashed with two faint golden lights, and under the power of purification, his brain

It became extraordinarily clear that he suddenly thought of a person. Bill Tarantino.

This foreigner of the void profession came to Songhai to do trade, and he must have a lot of money on hand.

's stock.

Lingjun said that the inventory of the Merchant Guild is among the world's major spiritual walker organizations.

The richest variety. You can ask Fu Qingyang to come forward and buy props that can block the breath, but such a

Come on, in the next negotiation, the centurion fell into a passive position and was purchased by the branch.

Buy, the props belong to the organization, I borrow the most.

A prop that can shield the breath is very worthwhile to start with. It is absolutely worthwhile to buy it.

I don't need it anymore, I can sell it to the Songhai branch, or I'll find Mr. Bill myself.

Bar. Although this will let Mr. Bill know that he is a spiritual walker.

But Zhang Yuanqing felt that Mr. Bill had expected it in his heart. After all, he needed blue

Most of the injuries that can only be treated by small color pills are related to spiritual practitioners.

Void and Eros are both lawful occupations, based on the reason that Mr. Bill travels the world.

Nian, with his contacts and status, he must have made a wide range of friends. For him, I just

One of many friends.

Therefore, it is not a big problem for him to know the identity of the spiritual realm walker, um, but no

Reveal my spiritual realm id, after all, Yuanshi Tianzun's status in Songhai is extraordinary.

Too much gas. Think of it and do it, Zhang Yuanqing called Bill Tarantino.


After the bell rang for a few seconds, it was connected, and Anne's soft voice immediately came: "You

OK, who is it? "

She speaks a foreign language~www.wuxiaspot.com~Which one? Don't you have my phone number? A little bit of you foreigners

Don't pay attention to this Tianzun Zhang Yuanqing replied in foreign language: "Ms. Anne, it's me,

Chen Shu's son. "

There was silence over there for about two or three seconds, and Annie finally remembered this person with a warm smile.

Che: "What's the matter?" "I want to buy something from Mr. Bill.

West. "

"Have you thought about it, want to spend 10 million to buy pills using group information?" An

Ni was surprised. You are thinking about farting! Zhang Yuanqing neither denied nor admitted, Shen Sheng


"I want to meet Mr. Bill, right now, is it convenient?"

"Of course!" Annie agreed happily, "Do you need me to send a driver to pick you up?"

"no need.

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