Spirit Walker

Chapter 178: Top 20 list released

Invite Guan Ya to come to the house for dinner? I won't invite you. In a few days, you will forget about it... Zhang Yuanqing murmured in his heart. Zhang Yuanqing had to admit that he had a good impression of Guan Ya. Qiao's eldest sister, who doesn't love her! And her appearance is also very good. Since joining the job, she has taken care of him and helped a lot.

As a 21-year-old enthusiastic young man with a big head, it is normal to have a good impression of such a mature and charming sister Dajuan.

Zhang Yuanqing can feel it. Guan Ya also has a good impression of him. In fact, the relationship between men and women used to be a lover, and there is no need to go through any life and death test. It was played in Shen Chu's drama. Congenial, breeds goodwill, and it is logical to communicate with each other.

But he and Guan Ya obviously didn't get to this point. They always felt a little inappropriate to invite each other over to eat at home. What if they refused, although he was good at communication, he wouldn't face the problem...

\"Guan Ya's sports car is too ostentatious, she's beautiful, and I'm handsome and young, and I don't have the ability to make money. It seems normal to be suspected of being a little white face. Really, these old mothers lead their pensions to live leisurely. , if you don't do anything, you will know how to break your mouth....\" He complained and opened the post just now.

#The gameplay of the previous years' arena match predicts the mode of this year's arena match#

\"First of all, let's talk about the venue. In previous years, the venues were all in the exclusive copies of the five major gangs. For newcomers, this is not easy to understand. Let me explain to you. There is something called a gang order, and a gang order will be generated\" "Gang-exclusive copy\"Only members of the gang can enter.

\"After conquering the gang dungeon, the gang leader becomes the dungeon's administrator, and has some relatively basic permissions, including self-opening...\"

It turned out that the venue is in the gang copy of the Five Elements League, but it is understandable. In the real world, to hold a \"sports meeting\", first of all, it is difficult to choose the venue. You can only choose some inaccessible no-man's land. With the number of members of the Five Elements League, the largest Scale travel is dangerous and easy to be attacked by evil occupations.

Secondly, the venue of the games is easy to be "dropped nuclear bombs" by evil occupations, resulting in a large number of deaths. Finally, if the official walkers evacuate the responsible city on a large scale, they will also be seized by evil occupations and cause turmoil.

Zhang Yuanqing solved a doubt in his heart.

Remember the URL m.9biquge.

Speaking of which, he also has an exclusive dungeon, but because the members are not full, the gang-exclusive dungeon has not been opened.

\"Let's get down to business, in the past few years, the arena competitions have been dominated by arena wrestling, which is what everyone understands to do in the arena, but considering the five elements, the arena competition is not particularly fair, so I randomly added \"Scenarios\ "Competition seven,

\"It's what everyone has experienced. It's similar to the mode of multiplayer versus dungeon, except that in the arena, it's a single player vs. There are more supernatural elements, everyone quickly collect the props and materials to restrain the spiritual body.\" The comments below are:

\"The prediction is very good, don't predict next time.\"

\"I seem to have seen something, and I don't seem to have seen anything.\"\"Do you need to predict this, a fool can think of it.\"

Although there are many people complaining, for a newcomer like me, it is a very good popular science post, a scene competition, which is really unexpected and reasonable... Zhang Yuanqing sighed in his heart. The scene-like Twitch platform will increase the variables, and the test will not only be personal force, but also adapt to the environment, borrowing external forces, and the possibility of defeating the strong by the weak will greatly increase.

Zhang Yuanqing felt that this was the correct way to open the spiritual realm. Whether it was in the dungeon or in reality, it was always the comprehensive strength that he looked for. Rather than simply \"force\".

\"My main body strength is very strong in level 3, but it is not the top. Fortunately, there is a yin and yang robe. Well, the yin and yang robe also has its limits. When encountering people who are not afraid of water and fire, it is particularly troublesome...\"

Zhang Yuanqing put away his mobile phone, went out with a backpack on his back, and was about to go to the Kangyang District Public Security Bureau. \"DiDi...\"

As I was walking towards the entrance, the sound of typing a password came from outside the security door. v Aunt?\"

The woman who came in was dressed in home clothes, her hair was permed into fashionable curls, her face was beautiful, and she was well-maintained. It was her aunt.

\"Yuanzi!\"Aunt pulled him enthusiastically, and took out a red-shaped banknote from her pocket: \"The pocket money that my aunt gave you. Although you measure the family, you don't need to thank him. Still want to thank you\"

\"Thank you aunt, I'm short of money. It's too expensive to invite a girl to dinner. I'm talking about a girlfriend recently. Next time I'm out of money, aunt, give me some more.\" Zhang Yuanqing happily took it. , smile more happily,......

North, remote suburban villa.

The villa with white marble exterior wall is built on the mountainside. A spacious and winding avenue extends from the villa gate and borders the national road at the foot of the mountain. The other area covers two acres of ground. In addition to the main building, it also has a A blooming scumbag courtyard is in the middle of the courtyard - a large Yongjue Pond

Several beauties in fancy dress and tall eyes, or play in the swimming pool, or apply anti-cream to each other. Or look at plates of food to dry the yard and go to the wild, and there are rows of dining tables by the pool. There are sumptuous goodies and fine wines, and at first glance, I thought it was a grand party.

But if you look closely, you will find that there are extra men here, except for a thin man lying on the broad sun orange.

In addition, the beauties in swimsuits in the villa, while playing and enjoying the food, always observe the man from time to time, with fear and caution in his eyes, the skinny man has dark skin, and is so thin that he has almost no body fat, and the ribs around his chest and abdomen are full. The roots are clearly visible.

At this moment, there was a fair-skinned Miaoxuan woman sitting on his waist. She bit her lip and frowned. She seemed to be enduring great pain. From time to time, painful whispers floated from her nose. Women are in stark contrast.

This process lasted for more than ten minutes. The girl was sweating profusely, her lips were white, and there were signs of dehydration. The black and thin man patted the girl away and said lightly: \"Next!\"

The tall slender woman who had been waiting early, with a flash of fear in her eyes, straddled her pale face. The black and thin man is the **** general of the military bishop, a 6th-level fog master, ranking fourth among the eight great generals.

\"Lust\" is not his spiritual ID. No one knows the original ID. From the day he was promoted to the bar, the previous ID was no longer used, and Shura gave him the word "lure" . Lust God General, as his name suggests, when it comes to bloodthirsty, he is not at the top of the bewitching demon, but when it comes to lust, few people in the world can compare with him.

The **** of **** will be a lustful liver who can't walk when he sees beautiful women, but any woman he likes will eventually become a slave kept in a cage for him to solve his lust.

And for some women who cannot be kidnapped for some reason, he will also use coercion, temptation, etc., to maintain long-term relationships, and finally train them into slaves who come and go when they are called.

In addition, some high-quality \"goods\" **** gods who have been trained to be obedient will be released, allowing them to serve successful people from all walks of life, and even the powerful. Become a network and channel of **** gods.

In the joy of going straight into the sky again and again, the **** of **** is about to reach the peak of the show. At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded in his ear: \"Although it is your freedom to do anything, I have been waiting for you for half an hour. , I'm running out of patience.\" Lust turned his head to look grimly, he hates to be disturbed when he is doing errands.

But when he saw the man who was speaking, the **** of **** froze the jing huxun on his face. Then, he pushed the woman away and fell to the ground. Yan Ji said: \"My subordinates pay tribute to the King of Fear!\"

Under the umbrella, stood a young man in a black formal suit, handsome and elegant, with two silver studs embedded in his earlobes. His eyes were as cold as his expression,

The King of Fear, the head of the Four Heavenly Kings, the strongest under the Shura.

Regarding his achievements, there are not many rumors about his achievements in the outside world. There are only two bulls. One is that Peng Jun was praised by him.

I know, but the King of Fear is still the King of Fear. The young man in black formal attire said lightly:

\"The magic eye lost contact in Songhai. Before losing contact, he wanted to kill the palace master. You go to Songhai to keep the black market running there. By the way, check the reason for the disappearance of the magic eye. \" The King of Eyes is missing? That lunatic finally capsized in the sewer?

The first reaction of the **** **** was a surprise. If he wanted to say who he hated the most, it must be the magic eye, because the magic eye had chased and killed him because he raped and killed a weak woman.

For the demon of the cup, is this also a thing?

But that lunatic has a strong obsession with cleaning the world. For the bewitching monsters of the military bishop, the attitude of the devil's eyes is to see them and kill them.

The **** **** was scared and fled back to the headquarters. In the end, it was Shura who suppressed the conflict. After that, where the demon eye is, the **** **** will never go. \"Your subordinates honor your life!\" The **** **** general said respectfully.

The young man in black suit led Wei Wei, his eyes swept over the beauty of Yingying Yanyan, looked at the gate of Bieji, and said: \"When I came, I found that the gate of the villa was locked, why should it be locked? Are they? Isn't it free?" Hearing this, the **** of **** broke out cold sweat on his forehead, and said:

\"They are free, they are free, as long as they want to go out, their subordinates will unlock them immediately. Subordinates never dare to restrict their freedom. Everyone is born free, and no one can restrict others for any reason. The freedom.\"Faced with the magic eye, he can still struggle to the death.

If this person turns his face ruthlessly, he will not have a chance to struggle at all. The King of Fear nodded in satisfaction, his voice indifferent:

\"Next time I see you lock the door, you are ready to return to the spiritual realm. Poor demon eye, lost his freedom, I can't tolerate such a thing happening, I must rescue him\"

The **** **** will thunder down on the ground: \"Subordinates must find out the truth about the disappearance of the demon eye\" When he looked up, he found that the King of Fear had disappeared. ":::

After the Public Security Department Building, the second-floor glass building.

Under the guidance of Guan Ya, Zhang Yuanqing used a computer to log in to the official forum, click the newly added \"hot registration\" option on the homepage, then enter his spiritual ID, and then enter the mobile phone verification code to confirm the registration.

\"That's it!\" Standing by the desk, Guan Ya nodded slightly.

\"Thank you, Sister Guan Ya, are you free today, come to my house for a meal?\" Zhang Yuanqing asked tentatively. Guan Ya glanced at him and smiled: \"Are you testing me?\"

Alas, in front of the scouts, any little v's thoughts can't be hidden... Zhang Yuanqing told the truth: \"Cousin told my grandmother about the promotion, my family wants to invite you to dinner, thank you.\" The scouts can only watch Out \"Clue\", but can not read the mind. The reasons given by Zhang Yuanqing are unbeatable.

\"Your grandmother beat me. Let's talk about it when the ring match is over.\" Guan Ya didn't refuse, but she didn't agree immediately.

Yes, grandma has seen her. Grandma will definitely think that Zhang Yuanqing, who hooked up with Guan Ya at that time, can guess what grandma made up when she saw Guan Ya.

The beautiful security guard came to the house to investigate the case. When he saw his handsome grandson, he became lustful and started a strategy in private, and finally got the ignorant grandson. Flirting with others, in the end, the strong girl can't hold back her husband, so it's better. If it's the former, grandma will definitely feel grumpy, thinking that Guan Ya takes advantage of her position to make fun of her grandson. And if it's the latter, grandma will I am very happy, I feel that my grandson is really good, and he actually caught the security guard. The same thing, different angles, different attitudes. \"Sister Guan Ya, do you want to participate in the ring competition?" Zhang Yuanqing asked. \"I'm thinking about...\" Guan Ya frowned and said:

\"If I participate in the ring competition, most of my rifles are useless, and you say, the pressure of the extraordinary stage, the lack of strong attack skills, it is difficult to achieve good results. \"Her rifle belongs to that kind, you can defend against , it will be fine; if you can't prevent it, you will surely die!

There is almost no possibility of stopping, so such props are not allowed to be used in the arena. However, the use of props with one-hit kills is prohibited. Zhang Yuanqing, oh \"Sigh, \"Then you won't be able to participate anymore?\"

Guan Ya nodded and said with a smile: \"But he will definitely not admit that he gave up the competition because of his lack of combat power.\"

Zhang Yuanqing also laughed: \"I guess he would say, in a ring match, isn't it just like being watched as a monkey? It's not elegant at all, I refuse to participate.\" After that, Zhang Yuanqing went to the court office to eat and drink. :\"Ten long, do you want to participate in the ring fee?\"

A few seconds later~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Dongzezhu came out with a cane, and Xun I pressed:

\"Don't shout loudly in the office area, it's very inelegant! Well, I won't participate.\"Zhang Yuanqing asked: \"Why?\"

Li Dongze looked serious: \"Because fighting in front of a group of people is very inelegant, I don't like being watched as monkeys.\"Zhang Yuanqing and Guan Ya looked at each other and smiled. What are you laughing at?\"Li Dongze frowned.\ "We didn't laugh\"\"You just laughed.\"...

The next afternoon, Zhang Yuanqing, who repeatedly swiped the official forum, finally saw the top 20 list of bachelors through big data analysis and comparison. #Official Saint Realm Top 20 List (including Taiyimen)##Official Transcendent Realm II Top 10 list (including Taiyimen)#

I don't know where I will be ranked.. Zhang Yuanqing couldn't wait to open the second post. ..

PS: I recommend Xinyi's "Let Go of My Painted Skin Fairy", the story is very good, you can watch it!

The typo is changed first and then corrected. In order to code the word properly, I deleted "Glory of the King", and I will quit it in the future and return to the right.

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