Spirit Walker

Chapter 272: Formation

The official walkers looked at each other, but no one responded.

Where is Guan Ya? Zhang Yuanqing pointed to the high-rise building where Lao Siji was, and said, "Go inside and say that the water ghosts will extract some drinking water, and the wood demons will be responsible for hunting and then getting some food." The people who have not gathered yet spread out in an orderly manner. , each busy.

When Zhang Yuanqing entered the high-rise building, he happened to see Guan Ya leading the blood rose downstairs, ignoring the latter's slightly dull eyes, and the stiff face was simply a pair of goddesses. A middle-aged fire teacher who supported Jiang Jingwei, said loudly, "It's so beautiful, Yuanshi Tianzun, did you have any hesitation when you killed this woman to refine the infernal corpse? Or, you just picked it for beauty her?"

What nonsense are you talking about, don't you know that the eel is a subtropical creature... If it was someone else who was talking, Zhang Yuanqing would wonder if the other party took the opportunity to blackmail him, but since he was a fire teacher, Zhang Yuanqing believed that he had something to say. The men let out weird giggles.

Zhang Yuanqing didn't want to explain, but he caught a glimpse of a few Shui Ling female colleagues around, who were watching him silently. He coughed and said solemnly, "This is the corpse that Fu Baifu has prepared for me. The one used in the ring match was damaged in the Aphasia Village. "The female colleagues suddenly realized. Then he looked at Guan Ya and smiled. "Did you get the reward of the heart of the forest?" "Guan Ya nodded lightly and blinked: "It's a very beautiful gem, I'm panicking when it's green!" "While speaking, she glanced at the female colleagues around her." This sentence contains a lot of information, and she could see that my redundant explanation was trying to honor the image of the female colleagues... Zhang Yuanqing sneered silently. Although he was quite used to Guan Ya's speaking style, he still sometimes got stuck and didn't know how to respond. "Sister Guan Ya, my stomach hurts."

Jiang Jingwei appeared at the right time, frowned, and walked to Guan Ya's side.

Guan Ya took a closer look and confirmed that her injury was under control. She breathed a sigh of relief and pulled her to sit down on the steps.

So, everyone sat on the ground in the corridor full of dust and gravel. After the wood demon finished hunting, the water ghost retrieved the water, and the fire master cooked the meat. They chewed the meat that didn't taste very good, and began to discuss the follow-up action. Zhang Yuanqing said: "Let's talk about the task first, we need to bring four pieces of "heart of the forest" to the four formations, find the eyes of the formation, and secure the seal. The activation interval of each formation cannot exceed ten minutes, which means that we score four The team will go to a different formation." According to the mission prompt, as long as one formation is broken through by the mountain ghost camp, they can summon the existence in the bleeding pool. There are also four blood jades in the mountain ghost camp. According to my speculation, blood jades, like gems, represent a formation.

"There are two core points in this mission. First, strengthen the seal within the specified time. Second, guard the formation, and cannot let the mountain ghost camp pass through the large formation and send blood jade to the blood pool, not even one.

"We need to focus on these two cores and formulate tactics." Tianxia Guihuo raised his hand and said, "If I am the mountain ghost camp, I only need to rush to one formation, even if I throw a blood jade in it, as long as Summoning the things in the blood pool can hang us no matter what. Rain Girl Wugua said: "It is very clear in the mission requirements that we need warriors who believe in mountain gods to open the formation, and the priority is ours. 'Tianxia Guihuo frowned and said, "This is in conflict with what I said? When we open the ban, the mountain ghost camp can still rush into a formation."

The little fairy of Niulan Mountain shook her head, "Each formation can only have 14 people. We have a lot of people. As long as the number of people entering the formation is more than the mountain ghost camp, they don't want to specialize in one place." The world returned to the fire and sneered: "This is in conflict with what I said? If I were in the mountain ghost camp; I would first send someone into the formation, inquire about information, and confirm where Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhao Chenghuang are, and then send Ah Yi and good ministers to choose their masters. And Slaughter, I am the only one, nine leaked fish, the world is white!!!! These masters form a team and choose a formation other than them. In this way, the mountain ghost camp will win, "So you didn't realize it yet. To the seriousness of the matter..." It's really a mob, I overestimated your IQ! World Guihuo thought with disdain. Of course, he is not an ordinary fire teacher, so this sentence can only be thought in my heart, no Say it out. "This..." Everyone thought about it carefully, and if that was the case, their hearts suddenly sank.

Except for a few people including Guan Ya, Zhao Chenghuang, and the soldiers across the river, the rest of them still haven't reacted. Gui Huo in the world stopped talking nonsense with them, and looked at Tianzun Yuanshi: "You should have an idea, at least you have already seen it, otherwise you won't call us to discuss strategies." Everyone who was thinking about it suddenly lit up, right? , Since Yuanshi Tianzun is here, why bother to use his brain, let him formulate a plan, and everyone can check and fill in the gaps. If the plan he made is not good, with the wisdom of everyone, it can be seen immediately. Zhang Yuanqing was silent for more than ten seconds, and said, "As the world returns to the fire, the situation is a bit tricky. I seriously doubt that the dungeon mission is adjusted according to the real-time situation of the killing dungeon. Such as two hours of "invincible time.

"Although it is impossible for the dungeon to end the battle before we enter the final stage, the two-hour invincibility time is very reasonable. However, in the stage of strengthening the formation, the mission conditions of the mountain ghost camp are obviously restraining our numerical advantage. ."

Because of the small number of people, as long as one piece is sent in, the monsters in the blood pool can be summoned, offsetting the disadvantage of the number of people. And the mountain **** camp with a large number of people has to face such a difficult problem.

It feels like there is a pair of invisible hands, constantly regulating the difficulty of the task, so that the two sides can reach a balanced state. Jiang Jingwei "slapped" Guan Ya's thigh, and said with a naive expression: "Oh, you are talking about the point." The fire masters nodded in agreement.

Zhang Yuan glanced at everyone's solemn expressions and said with a smile:

"Don't be nervous, there are always more solutions than difficulties. Think about it from another angle. Balance also means that we have the same opportunity. If there is a way, it depends on whether everyone can find it." After comforting a sentence, he went straight to the topic: "To solve this problem, We need to make full use of our advantages. We have two advantages, one: when to open the big formation, we have the final say; two: our number is twice that of the mountain ghost camp. We have 36 people, and the mountain ghost camp has 36 people. Eighteen people.

"First of all, we randomly select a formation and arrange for twelve colleagues to enter it, so the mountain ghost camp can only enter two people. In the transcendent realm, even if An Jun and the female marshal join forces, it is impossible to defeat 12 of the same level. Elite, I guess the mountain ghost camp will give up directly."

"Then, we arrange 11 more people to enter the second formation. The ratio of the number of people here is 11:3. The devil and the female marshal, plus me, can still do it with 11 people, but the mountain ghost camp There is no such person. Although they have a hole card, they will never risk using it in this formation." I "Next, we arrange nine people to enter the third formation. At this time, the ratio of the number of people is 9:5. Finally, we will arrange five people in the fourth formation." Speaking of which, Zhang Yuanqing said: "For the people of the mountain ghost camp, the first choice must be the fourth formation with only five people, and the second target is nine. It is the third formation guarded by people. Therefore, the third formation must be guarded by the elites in the elite, such as Sun Miaomiao, Guohezu, and the world's return to fire." In this way, they will most likely put their chips on the table. Fourth Formation. "

Hearing this, even the Fire Master understood that Yuanshi Tianzun relied on the number of people to arrange the decisive battle location, and the artificial choice was in the fourth formation. It broke the advantage of the mountain ghost camp's concentrated force and fixed point breakthrough.

The mountain ghost camp will definitely choose the fourth formation, because their number is nine, plus the so-called trump card, even if they know that this is the strategy of the mountain **** camp, they will happily go to the appointment. This is conspiracy!

Of course, if they choose the third formation and avoid Yuanshi Tianzun, they are not afraid, because in the third formation, there are the elites of the nine elites, Sun Miaomiao, Tianxia Guihuo, Guohezu and other Taiyimen night wandering gods . Nine to five, the odds are equally great.

Zhang Yuanqing looked at the cheerful companions and reminded:

"However, in order to implement this plan, the colleagues of the first and second formations must be mentally prepared; you will most likely not encounter the enemy, and you will not be able to kill the enemy to obtain points, and there is little hope of becoming a saint." A fire master shrugged: "It's better than dead, the third and fourth formations are life-threatening. It won't work in the middle of the year, I'll do it again at the end of the year. The situation is here, it's actually very clear, give them to them. There are not many choices, living and being promoted to saints, rational people know how to choose. There is still hope in life, and everything is over in death.

In this way, I can also preserve the survival rate of the official walker as much as possible! ! ! Zhang Yuanqing said: "Then start allocating positions now, and raise your hands to enter the first formation voluntarily."


All the loose cultivators raised their hands, plus some self-aware official practitioners. Zhang Yuanqing picked out twelve people, and said, "The one who volunteered to enter the second formation raises his hand." Immediately, eleven people were picked out. "Raising hands voluntarily into the third formation" this time only Guan Zhong Gu Bao and the world return to fire.

You guys, you don't have a clue in your heart! ! ! Zhang Yuanqing complained silently, and said, "Except for Zhao Chenghuang, the rest of the five members of the Taiyi Sect entered the third formation, and the river crossing soldiers and the undead knights also entered, exactly nine people." Taking a deep breath, he sank. He said, "The fourth formation will be guarded by me, Zhao Chenghuang, Guan Ya, Jiang Jingwei, and Asano Ryo." "Why is it from this island country!" Sun Miaomiao pouted and stared at Zhang Yuanqing with wide eyes.

"First of all, Yeyoushen has me and Zhao Chenghuang. Although you are powerful, the repetition of your occupation is of little significance. Secondly, Ryo Asano can explode a weak fourth-level power at a critical moment. She has a great effect." Zhang Yuanqing explained, Immediately, he looked at Ryo Asano: "Is there any problem?" "I, I will definitely do my best!!" The island country jk was excited, feeling that he was valued by the young geniuses in the mainland, while trembling, sadness in his heart and "Oh Dusang" and "Oh Gasang" said goodbye with tears.

Zhang Yuanqing nodded with satisfaction. As for Jiang Jingwei, Guan Ya and Zhao Chenghuang, he did not ask for their opinions. The first two are too close, and they must agree with his arrangement. According to Zhao Chenghuang, this person is too proud to back down.

"Then it's decided!" Zhang Yuanqing held up the wooden bowl and said loudly: "Everyone, I hope we can meet again in reality. I will replace the wine with water and toast to you!" Everyone held up the wooden bowl more than ten kilometers away. , in an abandoned supermarket. Everyone in the mountain ghost camp is also drinking water and eating meat.

The nine-leaf fish lay peacefully on the ground, with a white cloth covering his body and face, like a corpse.

His spirit body left the body and floated in the supermarket, overlooking Kang's excitement, and he was doing ideological work (brainwashing) for the evil professions. "How much effort and sweat have we put into this dungeon to be promoted to the saints?" "Over the years, the lawful camp has bullied us, surrounded and suppressed us, and how much blood has we borne?" "The mountain **** camp needs to guard four formations, And we only need to occupy one of them, and those evil pens are lawful. Once scattered, they will be a mob, how can we resist our attack?" "Now the advantage is on our side, and we still have trump cards. At this time, we turn to a sinister and cunning one Yuanshi Tianzun is the way to seek death!!"! "Everyone in the mountain ghost camp cheered and agreed, each with a look of joy.

This guy with no taboos is indeed a bewitching demon, and his brainwashing ability is very good! ! ! ! ... Nine-leaf fish watched silently. The white cloth covering him was given to him by the Dark Night Rose, a prop for the night wandering **** profession. The function of this prop is that when the white cloth covers the body, you will have the self-healing ability comparable to the night wandering god.

There are two costs. One is that during the healing period, the spirit body will leave the body, and the physical body will not have the ability to guard against danger; the other is that for the next seven days, the day and night will be reversed, and the work and rest will be disordered. Seeing that the ideological work is almost done, there are no taboos: "Our advantages are too obvious, the mountain **** camp will definitely find a way to break our advantages, no doubt, whether it is Yuanshi Tianzun, Zhao Chenghuang, or that alternative fire master, all have This ability.": Kou Beiyue actively asked: "How will they break our advantage?" Before waiting for the answer without any taboos, the little fat man explained to the boss in advance: "We only have 18 people. If we want to divide into four teams, there will only be four people in each team. Left and right, and each formation can accommodate up to 14 people. The enemy is outnumbered, and if you go, you will die." The correct way is to make targeted deployments according to the personnel arrangements of the Mountain God camp. "Speaking of which, he looked at the crowd and said, "I think there are two points that must be agreed upon. One: I, Ah Yi, Hundred No Taboos, Jiu Leuyu, All the World Is White, Breaking the Sky, six people must be a group. of. "This will ensure the success rate." Second, Yuanshi Tianzun has many tricks and a lot of props. He also shot my boss's Ding Ding. His mental skills are not right, which is not a good thing, so it is best to avoid his formation. His proposal was unanimously approved by everyone. Bai Wu Tabu nodded slowly and said, "It makes sense, we need to know the whereabouts of the Mountain God camp now, so it is necessary to inquire about the information, and the work in this area is left to the wood demon. "Only I looked at the two wood demons in the team and said, "You guys first manipulate the animals, keep an eye on the people from the mountain **** camp, and let's act immediately when Jiuluyu recovers his injuries." "Ai Yi is a witch wizard with self-healing ability. Hundred No Taboos is a bewitching monster, devouring the blood of an animal to repair the injury. And the illusionists, after a sleep just now, the injured mental power has recovered. almost.

And the nine leak fish is a scout, there is no defense, no repair, can only rely on the wood demon and props to repair the broken bones, the speed medicine is slower.

Time passed quickly, and an hour later, the two wood demons left and returned, saying: "The people from the mountain **** camp have already left." At this time, Jiuluyu recovered his injuries and was in good spirits. Hundred no taboos got up and said, "Follow!" The group followed far behind the mountain **** camp. Birds in the sky, wild dogs and mice on land monitored the enemy's whereabouts. After a half-hour trek, they came to an abandoned subway station in the city center. "The people from the Mountain God camp went in, they went in!!!! 12 people." Bai Wuji sneered: "Want to rely on the advantage of the number of people? Why don't we give up the subway station." Then, they followed the people of the Mountain God camp to a dilapidated bank. building. "The people from the mountain **** camp went in, went in!!!! 11 people." "Abandon the bank building, explore and report again." The downtown shopping mall.

"The mountain **** camp has entered nine people this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Who are the nine people?" "The night wandering **** of Taiyimen, who is in charge of Bao, the world's return to fire, the undead knight, and the river crossing soldier!!" The wood demon After he finished speaking, he was suddenly shocked: "The last five people are Yuanshi Tianzun, Zhao Chenghuang, Guan Ya, Jiang Jingwei and Asano Ryo. They have to defend the last formation. Which one should we choose to attack?" This is something that can be directly inferred.

The five people of Yuanshi Tianzun will inevitably guard the last formation -- the abandoned park. Choose between abandoned parks and downtown malls.

Should we follow the original plan and avoid the abandoned park, or change the plan and attack the mall? The five people in Abandoned Park are all top players, but with only five people, they can enter nine players.

The nine people in the downtown shopping mall, although they are not as good as Yuanshi Tianzun and others, there are also elites in the elites such as Sun Miaomiao and Tianxia Guihuo, and there are Yeyoushen who do not lose the evil profession. Spiritual realm practitioners, belonging to the prop category, do not occupy the quota), it seems that there are nine people, but in fact there are more than ten or twenty people, and they can only enter five people, and the number of people is very different. How to choose everyone from the mountain ghost camp, can't help but look at Bai Wu Taboo.

PS: The typo is changed first and then corrected.

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